When good products go BAD!

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 6 - 2010

Why do products suddenly stop working?

I can love a shampoo for weeks… even months, then of all a sudden… it turns to shit and makes my hair feel lank or (more often in my case) starts to make my scalp scab up (nice).

And what about lipsticks?  Please tell me that this doesn’t just happen to me…

I have a lipstick that I’ve loved for many months now.  It’s a NYX.  Paris to be exact.  Loved it.  Swore by it.

Put it on yesterday and have completely stopped feeling it.  Shame that, ‘cos I’ve got 2 backups.

As far as I’m aware… the formula hasn’t changed, it smells fine and applies as smoothly as ever but just doesn’t seem to suit me anymore.  It must be me… it must be?

But is this why I have very few (if any) true Holy Grail products?  Am I just too flighty for that kind of commitment?

Do any of you experience this?  If so, what products have you noticed this with?

20 Responses to “When good products go BAD!”

  1. caz says:

    I find it more often happens the other way for me. I hate something for ages, and then one day I give it another chance and wow, it works for me!

  2. Lewelya says:

    I know the phenomena both ways 😉

  3. Alicia says:

    Me too. I hated mac dazzleglasses for ages (too thick). Then I tried them again one day and found I liked the thickness. Stays on longer too.

  4. rhamnousia says:

    I had a really nice lippy by 17 and it was perfect for my skin tone.

    I got it out again a few weeks to use and it’s now orange on my skin.

    The only hair product that stopped working on me was Frizz Ease but I’ve since found a better one.

  5. Julia says:

    ME TOOOOO !!! And its always when I’ve invested in a back up. Suddenly things just don’t suit me anymore (the latest is a blusher). Is it the weather I wonder, now I’m a bit more tanned?! ha ha glad it’s not just me!

  6. Gemma says:

    Are you possibly a bit warmer about the face now it’s summer, and that you’re using a warmer MSF? That Paris is very cool, so it is.

    Good excuse to BUY MORE LIPSTICK, in my mind!

  7. I have this happening with moisturisers for my face.
    One moment it’s bliss and my skin is beginning to act semi-well, and the next it’s all red and spouting little bumps left and right.

    And don’t get me startet on shampoo and conditioner.
    I have met lots of hairstylists, who all swear that products just don’t stop working, but never the less, my hair can go from glowing to gloomy without a change of products or environment.

    So you’re not alone, and like you, I have very few holy grail products, I believe I can count them on one hand!

  8. liloo says:

    dont throw away / sell your back ups just yet. i think you just need a change, leave it aside for a while and rediscover it after a while. maybe you got bored of it already. i am so glad you touched the subject. i buy back ups of stuff when i see it on offer, especially skincare and shampoos and that, you know super price, offer at boots, then i buy it at triple points event (i actually wait for triple points to buy some stuff in bulk) but then my tastes change. but then if i dont buy a back of a product i reaaaaaaaaaaaally love, i go ‘oh i am so stupid, why didnt i buy another one’.

    i bought the nyx paris on your recommendation, the colour is divine, i think it suits me, but not worn it much. it’s gorgeous and everything but what’s with the soapy smell/taste. I feel like i’ve swallowed some soap or something. I didnt realise before recently when i started to buy a lot of lip products how sensitive I am to the smell of lipsticks. how are you finding the smell of nyx paris?

    with shampoos i find i need to change all the time. at the moment nothing can wash it ok. it’s a just a mess: gets greasy in 2 minutes at the roots, but a sahara mess on the lenghts. luscious long works a treat but i dont like using the same shampoo al the time in case my hair gets used to it and then it stops being effective. maybe my hair has just got old and that’s that. meh
    i am depressed now

  9. Lora says:

    My favourite shampoo just stopped working 🙁 I have 6 bottles left.. It’s good each of them cost a pound each!! Either way, switch for a month and come back to it, it’ll work like a dream again! xx


  10. Eyelining says:

    You are not alone. I go through colour phases when I think something looks the bees proverbial knees on me for a few months and then suddenly look at myself in a mirror and balk. Right now I can wear nothing purple. Last year it was my favourite shade on my eyes. Odd x

  11. Redtiger21 says:

    I get this all the time! I find I have to go through phases of wearing a particular makeup for a month or 2, then it stops working and it takes me a while till ifind a replacement “look” that looks good.

  12. D says:

    I’ve had this happen both ways too.

    I used to really like Max Factor Mastertouch, but now it’s just meh. Same with Glam’Eyes Lash Flirt.

    I used to dislike Masterpiece Max, now I love it!

  13. Sarah says:

    this happens to me, i cannot tell if its just in my mind though?

    this happens to be mainly with shampoo/conditioner, and a top offender is the st.ives scrub, i mean it just doesnt work the same anymore – why oh bloody why?? god knows why, its quite invasive so i should prctically wipe off all my dead skin cells..

    i just dont see the glow 🙁

    (clearly in my mind)

    i suggest you stash away the lipstick, forget about it, then in 3 months time come across it and you’ll wonder ‘what on earth did i do without this??’ heh


  14. Lizzard says:

    my faves change with the season. i adjust to suit my current skin/hair conditions. for example i’m a highlighter freak in the winter, i glow like crazy you’d think all i do is have sex on the beach (lol) but i just tried a little highlighter the other day and its kinda gross looking. now i stick with matte bronze and bubblegum pinks.

    so don’t give up hope! just stash it away and take it out in a few months or so

  15. Jules says:

    I have at least half a dozen moisturizers because if I use one too long, it stops making me look lovely and starts making me break out! It’s like my skin is conspiring against me — possibly in cahoots with my wallet!

  16. Anitacska says:

    Not so much cosmetics, but fragrance. I bought a few that I really liked when tested on my wrist, then wore them a few weeks/months later and realised that I didn’t like the scent after all. Some even used half up, liked it, then left it for a while, tried again and didn’t like. 🙁

  17. Yes, this happens occasionally and I don’t know why. :/ I suppose there is right time for everything so I try that product again after a while and if it still doesn’t work – I trow it away or give it to a friend or my mom.

  18. Selena says:

    SAME ISSUE. I find a lipstick, (always by MAC), fall in love, buy backups, then fall out of love before the 1st tube is gone. I am trying to avoid this because I do it ALL the time. I had that they make everything limited edition!

  19. Pasiphae says:

    Same with me but it was a lot worse than just “not working”. I got some NYX round lipglosses earlier this year and I have been wearing them a lot. A month ago I started having problems with my lips, getting dry, chapped and itchy as soon as I put on any lip product. I discovered I had an allergic reaction to the nyx lipglosses (I tried all the lip products I frequently use to be sure which one is responsible). So, I have to throw them away and keep my fingers crossed that I will not have the same reaction to the lipsticks. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Because it didn’t happen as soon as I started using them, but almost 2 months later. Go figure…

  20. kelliegonzo says:

    BWHAHAHA i seriously lol’d when i saw the picture of the gangsta baby 😀

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