Swatch Saturday – The Body Shop Baked Eye Colours

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 3 - 2010

Have you been lemming the new mineralize shadows from MAC’s In The Groove collection but can’t quite stretch to £15 a piece?

I’d like to tell you to get theeselves down to The Body Shop to check out their new Baked Eye Colours.  But at £9.50 a piece, they’re no bargain alternative.

Here’s a swatchfest on the samples I received from The Body Shop.

It’s a picture-intensive post, so if you wanna check out more swatches from The Body Shops new Baked Eye Colour range…. read on…  (W = Applied Wet, D = Applied Dry)

What a stunning range of colours no?  A varied selection of warm and cool toned shades to see you from Summer to Winter and beyond!  So, why shouldn’t you be making a beeline for your local Body Shop, shoulder barging smaller people outta the way as you go?

Here’s why…

Unless you have the time or inclination to apply them wet, they’re pretty poorly pigmented.  I don’t have the time to apply and blend foiled shadows every morning and for £9.50 a piece, I expect better pay off from a baked shadow.  After all, isn’t that one of their selling points?

Here’s a quick dry application, similar to how I would wear my other shadows:

Another problem I have with these eye shadows?  Glitter.  It’s not that it’s chunky… it’s that there’s so freaking much of it.  Where I’d expect to deal with fall out on my cheekbones, I’m finding bloody sparkles EVERYWHERE.  Yes!  Even there.

The textures aren’t particularly smooth either, though it’s worth noting that the two shades within each pan complement each other fantastically well.

Here they are applied wet…

The bottom line is this…

At £9.50 each, I want better dry pigmentation and a smoother texture from my eyeshadow.  I wanna be able to apply them dry, or at the very least… be able to apply the darker shade with a dry brush to make for easier blending over a foiled lid colour.

On a personal preference, too much glitter…. metallic is lovely, sparkly is lovely.  Sparkly AND metallic is too much for me.  Such a shame, ‘cos Quartz, Copper and Moonstone REALLY do it for me colourwise.

The Body Shop Baked Eye Shadows are available instore or online priced at £9.50 each

22 Responses to “Swatch Saturday – The Body Shop Baked Eye Colours”

  1. Sophie says:

    They are beautiful and make me wish even more that I could have made the event, sadly I had to be elsewhere. They’re truly stunning 🙂

  2. liloo says:

    woah: sapphire, copper and and and quartz: my eyes just go immediately drawn to these shades. unbelievably pretty and what a laugh in the face to mac in the groove. love it. Love the ‘mood design’ and find this 100 more attractive than the half and half mac presentation.
    They’re not suitable for me though but I will never cease to admire their beauty, swatches and looks made with them on others.
    unless unless unless fyrinnae epoxy makes the foiling so easy that i might be tempted. going to read your post and guest lippie’s post of epoxy again. would it be suitable for that?
    it divides me though: traditional eyeshadows are so less faffy
    *rambles rambles* love this kind of post, it challenges my usual tastes.

  3. Olivia says:

    Hi Charlotte, I do like the colour selection but they really seem to be poorly pigmented…what a shame! If you’d like to see wonderlful baked eyeshadow you could come to my blog, I swatched two madina milano wild metal eyshadows that are really wonderful…
    I love your blog, really 🙂

  4. beeks says:

    Have you tried them over a primer yet? I find the only way to make these work dry is by using them over Urban Decay Primer Potion, and use a fairly dense brush to pat them on.

  5. @Beeks – Hi Chica!

    I always apply over primer! I guess that for nearly £10 I want something I can apply with the least amount of fuss in the mornings. I usually adore TBS eyeshadows, but I’m really not feeling much love for these. If they were cheaper (and I hadn’t been given them already) – I’d probably get a couple to use wet as eyeliners. But really, I think TBS could have done better with these.

  6. @Olivia – I have a madina milano baked shadow, you’re right – they’re wonderful. So hard to find here though, will pop by your blog later and check them out! x

  7. @Liloo – most baked eyeshadows that I have are completely different to these. Heavily pigmented even dry and completely fuss-free.

    My Laura Geller, Madina Milano, MAC… These TBS ones are the exception rather than the norm for baked shadows x

  8. gio says:

    Quartz and Jade look stunning! It’s a shame the pigmentation’s so poor when applied dry though. 🙁

  9. I swatched a green-y one in store recently (I honestly cant tell or remember if it was Sage or Jade) and it was all glitter and no pigment 🙁 I was so sad because The Body Shop in Australia have the balls to charge $30 for it. I feel sorry for anybody who gets conned into buying it at that price.

  10. Anitacska says:

    I’ve read what you wrote, saw the swatches and still want them all – what is wrong with me?!? They are so pretty in the pan, that’s what.

  11. Sarah says:

    Obviously the pigmentation is a big drawback, but look at Moonstone, it’s absolutely stunning applied wet. I love that platinum-champagne-taupe spectrum it has going on.

  12. unetasse says:

    It really is a shame because when I first saw them, I thought they looked fantastic in the pan.

  13. kristie says:

    The colors look pigmented in swatches but definitely need to be used wet on the eye. Thanks for the awesome swatches! I always love the photos on your site.

  14. Helen says:

    I concur. I bought Copper today and wish I hadn’t bothered. Might work ok as a highlighter, but it was an expensive mistake to make.

  15. I really like most of these shades, it’s a shame the colour payoff isn’t very good dry, they look beautiful wet but for £9.50 I too want them to apply well whilst dry.

  16. karleigh says:

    I was telling Yinka earlier what a pile of poo these are, for a tenner each they really could have done better. Such pretty colours aswell! x

  17. Lillian says:

    Quartz is absolutely stunning colour wise but ugh they all look awful dry!

  18. Tina says:

    Wow, huge difference between wet and dry…! It might be a bit of a hassle to apply these, but I think I need Moonstone (and maybe Starlight), they ‘d be great for night time looks!!!


  19. […] already vented my spleen on the new Body Shop Baked to Last Eye Colours…. they don’t do it for me at […]

  20. […] my disappointment with The Body Shop’s new eyeshadows, I was happy to discover just how wonderful the new Baked to Last blushers […]

  21. Halifax says:

    For some reason, Canada only got 3 colours (01, 02 and 03) and the 2 bronzers. I don’t even see the blushes. So sad.

  22. Rina says:

    I came across some brand new Maybelline baked eyeshadows in my local Boots which seem to fit the pigment bill better than these ones. The colours are nice too, although not quite as matchy-matchy in each palette as the Body Shop ones. They’re not even in the Maybelline UK website yet, but they are on the US site, and US bloggers seem to like them. I think the names are different though – the one I got says “Shiny Nude” but it’s called “Silver” something in the US…

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