The Clothes Show London 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2010

I was invited along to The Clothes Show London courtesy of Pantene Pro-V on Friday and my God was I ‘glowing’ by the time I arrived.  How hot was it?  I was with Rowena from Cosmetic-Candy who looked far more ‘together’ and composed than me.

Flared nostrils, crazy-eyed “too many sweaty people near me” expression, melting eyeliner and foundation that had pooled somewhere around my ankles meant that the ladies behind the press desk had a genuinely hard time accepting me as a bonafide member of society let alone someone they should let in without a chaperone.

However, once safely inside Earls Court, we were led to the Pantene Pro-V stand for a wash and blow dry.  I was positively foaming at the mouth over the thought of getting a hair wash (that’s how hot I was) and if they’d retracted their offer at that point, they would have found me moments later with my arse wedged in the sink hosing my sweaty head down anyway.

After the most beautifully refreshing hair wash with some brand new products due for release this Summer, (more on those when I get the info next week) I got to experience a proper blow dry thanks to session stylist Lara Zee.  It was very different to my home attempts which generally involve me flipping my head upside down till all the blood rushes to my nose.  This actually achieved some incredible volume.  Gotta love a professional!

The blow dry was followed up by a fabulous makeup refresher from MUA Laurey Simmons who shared some of her current favs with me (Max Factor Lash Extension Effect & Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser – or was it False Lash Effect… bollocks, now I can’t remember!).  The woman is a psychic… opening up her Shu Uemura palette, I watched her reach for (what looked to me like) the beautiful ME 850.  I walked away a rejuvenated, regenerated and slightly less sweaty version of my former self.  Fabulous.

Time for shopping!

Bar some black tops from ASOS, I actually can’t remember the last time I bought something for myself that wasn’t in powder, liquid or creme form.

Eagle-eyed Rowena spotted this on a stand and practically challenged me to walk away without it.  I couldn’t.

Say Cheese!

Mr. L is unimpressed.  It’s apparently screwed up his plan for my Birthday present as he had his eye on this.  I reckon I should have both AND something else now too seeing as he gave away his surprise by telling me about it DUH!

The Clothes Show itself was a bit disappointing… the discounts were mostly underwhelming… £7 for O.P.I polishes (or 3 for £20), Make Up Store offered some products at 2 for £15 but things like the eyeliners were set at their standard instore price and they didn’t bring the High Light creme things to the show either.

OMG Marketing had a tough time accepting ‘no’ or even “do you have a website?” for an answer which put me off the Art Deco konad-a-like’s more than I thought possible.

However, in fairness… this isn’t IMATS and I ain’t no fashion blogger (or fashion anything really).

The Style Stage attracted a lot of positive attention with Caryn Franklin (I grew up watching her!) putting in an appearance and Pantene encouraging the audience to ‘swish’ their hair in order to win a goodie bag, those in attendance seemed to be thoroughly enjoying all the onstage antics!

And look what I saw!

I spent a wee while hovering at the Eclectic Eccentricity stand which hands down had the prettiest jewellery on display at the show.  All the pieces were so tactile and kinda interactive… I’m surprised I didn’t drive the owner a little bit mad ooh-ing and poking at things *blush*.  If I hadn’t been a little bit naughty in Harrods Beauty Hall earlier in the day, I would have definitely walked away with one of these and one of these too!

All in all, a lovely afternoon made even better by reading this little snippet of news the night before attending.  Ahhhh.

Have you ever been to The Clothes Show?

17 Responses to “The Clothes Show London 2010”

  1. unetasse says:

    I used to go to the one in Birmingham a lot when I was younger but I ended up coming home with lots of tat. The best thing there was the goody bag, the fashion show at the end and the male models :D. It looks like you had a good time though!

  2. Hahaha I am laughing out loud at “Flared nostrils, crazy-eyed “too many sweaty people near me” expression”! (I was in a similar state by the time I’d arrived by tube!)

    Yes I was at The Clothes Show yesterday with Pantene too – I had such a fun time… I got my hair done, make-up done, hair swishing video filmed, photo booth photo taken… the whole lot!

    I felt soooooooo short amidst all those long-legged model-dancers though. I think already-tall people should be banned from wearing heels… especially 5 inch ones. Why? Why would they wear those??

    Apart from the Pantene stand, I found The Clothes Show disappointing too… it just seemed like a sea of market-style polyester floral dresses? The last time I went must have been about 8 years ago and it seemed a much bigger affair back then with decent brands.

  3. Amazing photographs! I was there too and didn’t notice half the things you did. Basically I thought it was just like a hangar of crap shops!…but you seemed to winkle out the best stuff!

  4. Yinnie says:

    6th photo, catwalk, girl with floral tshirt and the girl next to her, My best mates and housemates. LOL. Small world

  5. liloo says:

    i nearly went to the clothes show. i won a sleek makeup competition: the big prize was an entry to the show or something. I got second prize.
    dear me: the spelling mistakes on the katie price news:
    ” We apologise for any inconvience and dissapointment”
    told you i was guttted ^_^ xx

  6. Rowena says:

    Bitch! Did I sign a model release!?!??!

  7. Rowena says:

    OMG that was the best blow dry job every though. My hair hasn’t been that shiny since 1984.

    Why did we buy Jelly Pong Pong? My cheek tint leaked everywhere!

  8. Rowena says:

    *Ever no Every

    I seem to be spamming your comments

  9. @Rowena – 1/8 of a face don’t need no model release… plus I never went “Rowena from Cosmetic-Candy getting a blow dry”. Thought people might think you was just some weird off the street. Innit.

    My Jelly Pong Pong Cheek Stain is bone dry! Doesn’t wanna impart any colour at all. #webeendone

  10. That necklace is so adorable and aww poor Mr. L – Look like you had a great time barring the heat!

  11. Lillian says:

    Aww it looks like a load of fun to me! You look great after your blow dry… What the hell are the models doing with those hoops though :/

  12. Lewelya says:

    I got the Pentene Aqua Light series last week, it is already sold here in Germany and I loooooove it 🙂

  13. redtiger21 says:

    Looks awesome!! I’ve never been but I’d love to one day! Eclectic Eccentricity is SUCH a cool website, they have the nicest stuff EVER!

  14. Joelle says:

    I went to the Clothes Show on Friday!! The Spa Bus wasn’t there but EEJewllery was!! I have many things from them – so beautiful!! 🙂


  15. par says:

    Does anyone know where u can see the videos that were apparently put online for the “swishing” from the pantene hub?

    Thanks 😀

  16. Hi Par,

    I’ve had word from Pantene and they say that…

    “The Pantene hub is going live on August 1st, and this is where all the Pantene swishes will be uploaded, including videos that were recorded on the day of the Clothes Show”

    Hope that helps!

    Charlotte x

  17. […] deal online/offline with Cosmopolitan including an investment in a 3D cover to grab impact, a blogger outreach program and ending with an experiential stunt in December with the worlds biggest Swissh at the clothes […]

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