It’s time I be brave and post a before treatment / during picture. Now that the irritation and redness has completely subsided (took about a week) from my first Sk:n laser hair removal treatment, I’m thoroughly enjoying my new (relatively) hairless face!
I have 5 more treatments to go and I’m in it for the long haul. 6 treatments in total, each separated by a 4 week period to allow for different growth cycles means I should be finished in October.
Let me show you the (gruesome) photos first and then I’ll share my observations about the current hair growth.
Yeah, looking at this 6 weeks on is a little bit upsetting. I can’t believe that I sruggled with this for so many years. Maybe I’m being blase…. I don’t know that this is going to be permanent, but jeez… one session is all I’ve had. One. Look.
I catch myself stroking my chin with the back of my hand occassionally… surprised at the feeling of smooth skin… but mostly, I’m loving just not having to think about it at all.
I’m currently shaving every 3rd/4th day, compared to once or even twice a day previously.
When the hair does come back through, it feels finer and less coarse. It’s still dark and the pinpricks of colour under the surface of my skin are noticeable if you look closely. But what an astounding difference.
I didn’t expect to achieve such instant results. I know I need to continue the ‘course’ and not be lulled into a false sense of security as I’ve been told the hair can sometimes appear to get even thicker than previously after the 2nd/3rd sessions thanks to the different growth cycles… but for now…. I’m on cloud nine.
That is brilliant. I’m so glad you’re seeing some results already.
*tears in my eyes* this treatment is ace, oh my god, unbelievable. i am so glad you got the treatment. the before and after is surreal. what a weight of your shoulders already. xxx so happy for you chickie.
can we have cleavage shots next time? thanks
I’m so glad that you are seeing good results. I’m following your progress with personal interest as I’ve got similar pattern of hair growth, skin tone and type of hair as you, and I’m trying to save for laser treatment. I’ve got everything crossed that this works for you, but you’ve already seen a huge improvement. x
Wow, that’s really amazing!
Heck, that’s remarkable. You are going to be (nearly are) a positive peach! Only much smoother…That wasn’t the best analogy.
Wow, I am so happy for you! The difference is amazing, especially after the redness/soreness you had straight after the treatment. I really felt upset for you when I saw the after pictures, but now , just wow!
Wow that’s incredible
So happy for you x
Great results! As a fellow Hairy I’m definitely going to look into this and start saving up to get it done. It would be so amazing not to duck my chin whenever people look at me.
What an amazing change after just one session! I am SO excited for you!
What an amazing difference. No wonder you’re delighted! I’m over the moon for you. X
That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you
It looks fab! x
yey yey! hooray for you charlotte, best days are yet to come…
OMG!!! thats a huge difference.. glad to know its working on you.. thanks for sharing. it’s really helpful you know.
Wow, this is amazing! I’m so happy this is working so well for you. xxx
I’ve been reading your series like a madwoman (a mute madwoman,) but I’m breaking the silence to say the following:
(((hugs you to death))) This looks awesome, Charlotte
I’m so glad it’s working so well for you!
Wow, that’s incredible! I’m really happy for you that it seems to be working so far and I look forward to seeing how the rest works out! Thanks again for sharing this personal experience with us Charlotte
Yay that’s an amazing difference already!!
I’m so glad this is working for you. I hope it continues to do so. =)
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Excellent! I know about how embarrasing it is touching your chin and feeling like a cactus! Many of us know!
Fantastic to see that it’s better… and hopefully next time it won’t get that reaction.
I’ll be following you… I’m sure you’ll get great results! In the meanwhile, I’ll continue with the Tria on my face, but if it doesn’t work and the economic situation at home gets better…
Take care!