Ramblings of a sick woman

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 14 - 2010

I’m ill… again!  Keep picking up varying strengths of a S&D bug.  Depressed about it, I’ve spent more time in the bathroom these past 8 months than my teenage years in their entirity.   I’m pretty hygenic and a dedicated handwasher so I’m not quite sure why I keep picking them up.  Maybe my immune took a knock after having Leila last year (and various infections) and just hasn’t picked up since.

Anyway… the point of this post is to say that there are no proper posts today.   I’m in bed.  In the dark.  Leila sleeps in with us (no nursery – boo) and I am tapping away on my iPhone in silence.  If I can wrangle the remote out of Mr. L’s grasp, then I’ll be watching SJP on ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ in a minute. If not?  This is going to be a very long post indeed.

Look at my view:

Sucks to be me.  And an Australian judging by the current score (4-0)

In other news, I’m in London on Tuesday (if I’m well enough) and I’m on a no-buy!  How cruel is that?  I was supposed to be car-booting more of L’s baby clothes this morning… But seeing as I was too busy praying to the porcelain God, I’m without my frivolous pocket money this week.

Good grief, this is a miserable update!  Right… what’s good?  I’m going to Oxford for a few days next month!  And Bicester is calling too… I found a lovely pub last time I was in Oxford (called something about goats heads).  I plan to spend a decent amount of time there this time round.  Also… I wanna get back out and do some geocaching this Summer!  Anyone else do this?

I haven’t wrangled that remote yet, can you tell?

What are your plans for the week?  Any goals?  Oooh, I’ve also managed to finish 2 skincare products this week!  Yay me!  How exciting is my life?

What was the last item of skincare you used up?

Right, I’m going in for that remote… wish me luck!

22 Responses to “Ramblings of a sick woman”

  1. karleigh says:

    oh no =( get better soon dude x

  2. caz says:

    I think I am pathalogically incapable of finishing skincare. I have far too many open products..often several bottle of the same thing all half open (damn you st ives scrub, why do you make me want to buy you even though i have 3 of you already)

  3. lalpops says:

    I think you should get some probiotic drinks I recommend either muller vitality od actimel you drink one every day and they are known to boost gut and intestional health …..also they are now saying they boost your general immune system by 30% so I would give them ago … I have been drinking one every day for about the lasr 5 years and I defo believe my immunity is improved and I very rarely get any kind of tummy bugs …. so give it a go …also good for kids general health xxx

  4. Amanda says:

    I hope you feel better soon xx

    lol Australia sux, couldn’t win anything except a rigged cricket game.

  5. Sophie says:

    Three Goats Head in the centre? It is a nice pub.
    I hope you start to feel better soon x

  6. liloo says:

    What are your plans for the week? Any goals? =
    haha. Love the play on words there. World CupFootball wise, it’d be nice if my teams scored a bit more but hey ho. My goal this week, is the same as the past 2 weeks: doing my best not to smash the iphone through the window, in the hope of catching those bubuzuelas bees they play in south africa, at the same time.
    The last item of skincare I used up was my exfoliating product for the face: it’s from time delay, and it’s a microdermabrasion stuff: I only got it cos it’s time delay and I can get offer on it. I must say, I have repurchased it many times and the moisturiser which comes with it, it’s ace. I was using it as a everyday moisturiser (naughty)
    I ramble on, shall I, if you’re stuck in bed. It’ll give you something to read. What are your favourite face/body exfoliators and your favourite treatments at the salon?
    Ideas of future posts: with the ‘holiday’ season coming up, have you got any tips & suggestions for transferring big pots of stuff (foundation and so on) into smaller pots? Or do you tend to take different products altogether which are already in small pots?
    What are you favourite multi purpose products that you really use in reality and would take on holidays. I’d love an idea to transfer a little bit of revlon colorstay in a small squeezable tube. have you a miracle product to make forming zits go faster and not get to the stage of horrible yellow head?
    Ok, that comment will have helped hopefully to waste/occupy 2 minutes of your day today.
    Good luck for the 322 others (i had to take the calculator out for that number you know)

    lots of love

    p.s any girlie app on your iphone which you would recommend?

  7. Hope you feel better real soon. xx

  8. @Karleigh, thanks dude xx

  9. @caz – totally, which is why I’m so stoked about finishing up not 1, but 2 whole products LOL

    3 for 2s make it even harder!

  10. @lalpops

    Probiotics are one of those things I keep meaning to take and am never consistent with. I’ve been on anibiotics lots this past year, so I’m sure all ‘good bacterias’ have been beaten to death!

    I will make a huge effort to try again – thank you x

  11. @Amanda – Thank you xx

    You don’t like it very much there do you? LOL

    I lived in Sydney for 9 months and loved it, would go back at the drop of a hat… but I kinda love it here too! Oh, and I’ve have to import my NARS!

  12. @Sophie

    That’s the one! They do good food!

    Would love to catch up with you if there’s an opportunity x

  13. @Liloo

    I proper LOL’ed at the vuvuzuelas/iphone comment!

    I love my iphone, you’re just weird.

    Oh, I quite like the Time Delay radiance balm thing… if my skin is REALLY good (doesn’t happen very often) then I just wear a bit of that and tinted moisturiser.

    I really like that Garnier body exfolitator… argh wassit called… in a yellow tube, smells lemony. I also really like Nirvana Spa body salt scrubs (they’re on offer in Asda atm like £4 from £8 or something)… and they do a warming one which heats up on your skin.

    I’m not sure about facial exfoliators atm, ‘cos when I went to the Liz Earle skincare tutorial, she spoke a lot of sense about how you need to be GENTLE and scrubbing rough particles all over your face isn’t a great idea. It can cause micro tears which will thin and dull the skin’s appearance. And although skin heals so quickly… I dunno… I just dont’ like the idea of it.

    Which leaves AHAs right? Gentle chemically exfoliators..

    I’m using a face wash from Priori atm which is an AHA one, but while my skin is a bit red on my cheeks and nose… I’m wondering if I should even be using that.. argh ramble… I’m doing that flow writing where you type and don’t even really think about what you’re saying. I should stop.

    Oh gosh, I never transfer things. Far too lazy for that!

    I do save all my pigment sample jars though… so I guess I’d use those if I wanted to decant for a holiday.

    Oh, oh, colorstay foundations? On eBay you can buy sample sized 5ml tubes. That’s what I bought when I couldn’t decide in store if I was Ivory or Buff.

    Like this look: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3x-REVLON-COLORSTAY-FOUNDATION-MED-BEIGE-3-x-5ml-15ml-/370396230204?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Health_Beauty_Make_Up_Cosmetics_Foundation_PP&hash=item563d55f23c

    I always do the aspirin mask on zits… yano the one I mean?

    Thanks chick xxx

  14. @sparklezandshine

    Thank you my lovely, it’s appreciated xx

  15. Emma says:

    Ooh, the Three Goat’s Heads is lovely! Cherry beer, yummy. Also Mission opposite it make lovely burritos… I dream about those burritos! I’ve left Oxford now so no more for me until I visit in the summer 🙁

    Hope you feel better soon! x

  16. I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. It’s is an unfortunate by product of having children that you pick up everything going. I think S&D is the worst though, so difficult to look after wee ones when you’re trapped in the loo!

    I can send forward you the entirety of the ironic email if it will cheer you up?! Wave at me when you’re in Oxford. There’s loads of stuff in Bicester CCO at the moment. I had no pennies when I went in a couple of weeks ago and they had piles of Bobbi Brown stuff I wanted.

    I hope you feel better soon x

  17. Anitacska says:

    Aaw, poor you, hope you feel better soon! 🙁

    Going to London and not beig to be able to spend any money actually sounds far worse than being sick, come to think of it. Hope you can spend lots at Bicester, am I right thinking there’s a CCO there? 😉

    Take care and get well soon,


  18. liloo says:

    “Garnier body exfolitator… argh wassit called… in a yellow tube, smells lemony” : aaaaaaaaa, it’s my ULTIMATE favourite one. I bought tons of this stuff, but now using the last tube *sniff*. I am not sure you can get this stuff anymore, can ya? Boo :'(

    Exfoliators: Well, I like this idea of AHAs stuff but how do you have a tan if you constantly kinda exfoliating it?

    I started doing that: this business of transfering stuff, but the label would wash off and then i would come back from the mini break /holiday and not knowing what’s what in what tube, trying to guess by the smell of it, and ending up thinking they all smell the same LOL.

    Revlon on eBay in a small tube: aaaaaaaa, wicked
    Need to get my hands on it. Good idea xx

    Oh no, never heard of the aspirin mask on tits
    i mean on zits.
    a little post when you feel better? 🙂
    you could use Mr L for that, I think you’re not using him enough for beauty experiments, I say. ^_^ I’ve heard of the aspirin mixed something else to do your own exfoliating thing but not that. I’ve heard of the weirdest stuff:
    – some baby cream which smells of fish for under eye circles
    – toothpaste on zits and shiny surfaces?
    any other weird stuff you heard of?
    On the topic
    oh, if you’ve been stoung by a wasp, by the way, my mum puts vicks vaporub on it, and its relieves the pain and pushes the needle right up to the surface.
    My mum also used once ‘charcoal’ straight onto teeth in a bid to whiten them: well that an unmitigated failure
    crap, just reminded myself i need to buy that lemon toothpaste

    have a lovely afternoon xx

  19. You poor thing, hope you feel better soon!

  20. Eliza says:

    I’ve not been well the last two weeks. It sucks. Everyone else in my work is off ill which means I don’t have the option to phone in sick. So sorry to hear you have been so unwell *hugs*.

    I will try and get myself to the post office to send your gifts off. Sorry for the wait.
    E x

  21. Rebecca says:

    Geocaching? What’s that?

    Lol, “praying to the porcelain god” – I’ll be using this one!

    I recently used up my botanics exfoliator, happy about that as I didn’t like it much!

  22. ndoodles says:

    I hate being sick!! Feel better soon! And that game Germany vs. Australian was just absolutely SAD! Pathetic… even. Oh well.

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