Paraguay vs. New Zealand (non makeup related)

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2010

I like food, I like photos… I like making you hungry.

Gourmet Burger Kitchen… or Burger World as my very good friend calls it.

I like early evening nonsense.  I’m hungry.  What’s for dinner at your house tonight?

If you’re all indignant and annoyed that you clicked and didn’t see makeup… here, have a peek at tomorrow’s mascara series post.

My lashes always look so puny in the before pictures, I think I have their mousey brown colouring to thank for that.

Have a lovely evening ladies!

20 Responses to “Paraguay vs. New Zealand (non makeup related)”

  1. Shortiee31 says:

    In the ‘before’ picture, have you curled your eyelashes?! I would loveee to have natural eyelashes like yours 😮

  2. Laura says:

    I LOVE the GBK. Mr Lollipop loves the Kiwi burger – the one with the pineapple and beetroot and fried egg and all that jazz. I could just mangle some of their chips and garlic mayo right now…. mmmmm…. x

  3. Shruti says:

    i just stuffed myself with yummy dinner, but this still has my mouth watering!! oh my gosh! i waant!!

  4. Daisy says:

    I loveeeee GBK! I haven’t been for ages actually- might be time to pay it a visit! x

  5. liloo says:

    i got lashes envy! xx

  6. Rebecca says:

    I love GBK!! Mmmmm. Blue cheese burger. *drools*

    I had homemade lasagne with swiss chard from my boss’ allotment. It was good.

  7. Lillian says:

    I’ve never been to GBK as i’m very picky with food and the vegetarian ones they do sound like i wouldn’t like them… The falafel one sounds quite nice though! Today i am having pizza from the co-op 😛
    And your lashes look amazing!

  8. Rae says:

    Can it be tomorrow, please? Like, RIGHT NOW?! 😛 I need — no, I NEED to know what mascara that is!

    Mmm, now you’ve made me hungry. Off to go find a snack!

  9. Jasmine says:

    Puny? No way! You have gorgeous, long, delicate, wispy lashes. Major lash envy!

  10. marie says:

    I am envious of your lashes and your dinner – I had leftover chicken made into risotto, but being on no carbs after 5pm had it with kale mmmmmmmm (not!)

  11. @shortiee31 – No, no curling… but they’re not 100% natural. I’ve been using Latisse for a couple of months x

  12. @Laura – ommmnononommomomoo nommmm

  13. sarab says:

    Nice lashes, do we really have to wait until tomorrow to solve the mystery? By the way… that’s not the Mexican flag if that’s what you were suggesting with the post title.

  14. @sarab – Bastards! They told me us it was Mexican! I’ve just spent 40 minutes searching for whose flag it is… turns out it’s Paraguay. Hope you’re pleased with yourself… all that Googling has exhausted me!

    And yep, the post is going up first thing in the morning (it’s 2.30am here now)

    Thanks for showing me the error of my ways x

  15. sarab says:

    Oh… sorry I made you lose those 40 minutes but if it makes you feel any better I did my search too and lost much the same…

  16. @Sarab – I’m pleased I solved the mystery! xx

  17. Kat says:

    Weee, go New Zealand! I didn’t know such a restaurant existed. My boyfriend and I will definitely have to try out our local (we’re both from there). I’m hoping Burger Fuel is going to open up outside of London soon. It’s a NZ business and they make the best vege burgers ever!

  18. Kat says:

    Scratch that.. Apparently there is no Burger Fuel in London. The closest is Dubai, dammit.

  19. Rowena says:

    I like how you got me texting, ignorant cow that I am

    Taking the Mr to Burgerland this week! How cool is that! But it’s not the same as going with you!

  20. Oceane says:

    Shame NZ drew…. Love our kiwi burgers here..

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