LUSH Tea Tree Water Facial Toner

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 17 - 2010

LUSH Tea Tree Water Popular Toner

No, no, no… not that kind of popular…

Main Entry: pop·u·lar
Pronunciation: \ˈpä-pyə-lər\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin popularis, from populus the people, a people

1 : of or relating to the general public
2 : suitable to the majority: as a : adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority b : suited to the means of the majority : inexpensive
3 : frequently encountered or widely accepted
4 : commonly liked or approved

This is my second bottle, I have a toner addiction.  It sits nicely alongside my million other addictions, I’m allowed though… I gave up smoking 2 years ago, these pale into insignificance by comparison.  I’d quite like to give up my food addiction though… am I going off on a tangent again?

Where was I?  (About 150 words in, without having said anything useful)

Ok…. LUSH Tea Tree Water… the popular toner…

I find this one particularly refreshing on warm days, the tea tree water is a beautifully cooling astringent that isn’t too harsh for my skin.  I’m not THAT oily, so don’t really have much call for astringent and was initially concerned that this could be a little drying… it isn’t.  It’s just refreshing.

Last summer, I kept one of these in my glove compartment in the car and whipped it out often on long journeys for a quick spritz.  That’s it really, it’s not mega-exciting… but it’s something that I’ve seen fit to repurchase, a summer essential if you like.

I do appreciate a short ingredient list… would appreciate it even more without the Methylparaben, but I don’t really know enough about the paraben controversy done to hold any kind of educated opinion.

I paid £3.25 for a 100g bottle.

What have you picked up from LUSH recently?

11 Responses to “LUSH Tea Tree Water Facial Toner”

  1. ZebyK says:

    Oh my god am I the last person on Earth to hear about this and the other lush toners?? Do you use these the same as the body shop vitamin E face mist? Can these be used to set make up as well? Eek now I’m excited and ready to go shopping again lol! 🙂 Xxx

  2. Lauren says:

    I love the Grease Lightening blemish treatment, which I believe is tea tree too. It really is worth the dosh x

  3. I tried a sample of this and liked it but the price keeps me from purchasing.

  4. Lillian says:

    Great review. I’m not keen on the smell of Tea Tree though. I always apply my toner with cotton wool but i really like the sound of spraying it on.

  5. Suzy says:

    I tried that one, but it didn’t really tickle my pickle, so to speak 😛 It was refreshing, but other than that, I didn’t notice much of a difference…

  6. Diane says:

    I love spray toner and I especially love this one! I’m also a big fan of Breath of Fresh Air, one of their other toners.

  7. Redtiger21 says:

    I’m not sure I’d fancy spraying toner on- doesn’t it irritate the eyelids when it inevitably gets onto them?

  8. […] LUSH Tea Tree Water… worth a repurchase [Lipglossiping] […]

  9. Colin says:

    I was surprised to see methylparaben on the ingredient list too. If you are interested, and to be honest you really will have to be vert interested, I have written 8 (count them) blog posts on the full details of the paraben issue. I avoid them personally, but the story is that the safety data is not as complete as it ought to be rather than any specific risk has ever been shown.

  10. […] me it's all worth itGood luckGot a better answer? Share it below!Mouse here forRelated LinksLUSH Tea Tree Water Facial TonerRelated posts:What is a good diet + snacks to help prevent acne?I have acne on my cheeks..i need it […]

  11. Laura says:

    I tried this on a total whim actually, after being drawn into Lush by the smell! All ways the way. I love how it feels like its actually working rather than just being a nice smelly product but not really doing anything. I didn’t think it was too expensive either. Great review 🙂 xx x

    Heroine in Heels

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