Quick sk:n laser hair removal test patch update!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 15 - 2010

Ok, so I have another video update on the way…. it needs a little bit of editing and I’m totally new to this video lark so still learning how to do all that stuff! I’m happy to overshare… but not look like a total moron, hence the need for editing.

I thought I’d give an impromptu update on the test patch I had at the sk:n clinic today in preparation for my course of laser hair removal. More of what actually happened during the consultation will be revealed in the vid, but as of a quarter to one in the morning following my consultation and test patch, I just wanna say…

Owwie! (please excuse the hint of boob-age)

The technician lady/laser thingy operator said that the redness (and any swelling) usually fades after an hour or so… but this is still going strong 12 hours later. It feels hot to the touch and slightly stingy but not too bad. I’m guessing it’s laser burn.

You can see that the hairs in that area *blush* are unshaved and I think this is the cause. She said that it’s best if I shave on the morning of treatment as the skin can suffer from burning if there’s much hair above the actual skin surface.

The lady was very nice and explained everything very well… but I kinda wish I’d known about this before hand. Or that they had disposable razors onsite that they could have offered me to quickly remove the surface hair and avoid this discomfort. I’ve been applying Aloe Vera like it’s going out of business ever since.

19 Responses to “Quick sk:n laser hair removal test patch update!”

  1. liloo says:

    and what time do you call this? 01.18am!! worried sick, lol x
    glad it went not too bad.

  2. danielle says:

    Ouchie! Can you use an ice pack? I highly recommend a bag of frozen peas for relief.

  3. Sirvinya says:

    Ouch, that looks sore.

  4. Mich says:

    I have used lavendar cream on burns before…although only little burns like when you grab a hot pan etc.
    I keep some in the fridge and it feels really soothing! Think mine was from good old Boots!
    Might be worth a shot?
    Good luck with the rest of the treatment!

  5. Ouch 🙁 Are they going to do another patch test just to check or will it be all systems go next time? x

  6. Jenni says:

    They really should have told you that. Or prepared the area to their satisfaction. Hm. If this weren’t a complimentary procedure I think you’d have every right to be rather cross. Well, I think they need to know to improve their service.
    Fingers crossed for the real thing!

  7. Julia says:

    looks painful ^_^ put some of your Lanolips 101! ^v^ Healing ultra medical grade lanolin…

  8. Rachel says:

    Ouch! I’ve had laser treatment on my bikini line and they had disposable razors onsite to shave the area beforehand. I went to Renew Medica in Mayfair and all of the staff there were trained nurses as well as aestheticians.

    Fingers crossed for the next treatment- I noticed a real difference quite quickly and I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results xx

  9. MarciaF says:

    Put some Cordizone 1% cream on it too, that really helps.

  10. Try some aloe. ouchie. My chest aches for you.

  11. I am a bit of a laser hair removal addict….have had my underarms, legs…and other bits 😉 done with really good results. good luck. look forward to hearing updates from your experiences. x

  12. nicolajones says:

    Hmm. I think you should have another patch test. Maybe on the inside of your elbow? This is the usual place to test, because pretty much all of us are hair free there.

    Personally, I would be cautious having it done before this. There are lots of different types and strengths of laser, and the redness really shouldn’t last more than 24hrs. Mine, on my arm, didn’t go red. On my face, it took about an hour to stop being red.

    Sorry to be a bit alarmist, but I don’t want you getting any blisters or painful experiences! xxxxx

  13. Lillian says:

    Ow! That looks really painful 🙁 Poor you.

  14. Allyson says:

    I would agree with Nicola and her comment about being very cautious. I too have had laser hair removal and am actually going through a series now. I have my next treatment tomorrow. I wouldn’t go back to that place if you still have that after a day. I’d love to talk to you more about this and see how you are doing now. Perhaps I will dm you on twitter 🙂

  15. […] You can see how my skin looked 12 hours later and read my concerns at the time by reading my update here. […]

  16. @danielle – it’s not really painful enough for an ice pack… it felt exactly like mild sunburn… I kept blowing on it! xx

    @Mich – Thank you!

    @Sparkle & Shade – All systems go tomorrow… but I’m gonna take a photo of the soreness just to make sure it’s completely normal before I let that laser do a dance all over my face!

  17. @Jenni – In their defence, it does say about redness and swelling in the aftercare sheet… it also mentions that it can last several days… I think I picked up on the optimism and encouragement in the conversation rather than the reality in the aftercare sheet. Still surprised by how bad it is… considering it’s gonna be all over my face :/ xx

    @Rachel – Yeah… disposable razors would definitely have been a good idea!

    @nicolajones – I’m definitely going to mention this to my therapist tomorrow… I’m taking in a photo of the soreness from 60hrs after to find out what she thinks, thank you xx

    @Allyson – thank you, you’ve been a star! x

  18. PCOS Cure says:

    That looks painful! An ice pack & some cream definitely required! Good luck with the rest of the treatment.

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