Philip Kingsley = RELIEF!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 9 - 2010


I hate it when the seasons change!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Summer… but my scalp is itching and sore!  I have fleas!

I don’t really have fleas… but twice a year (Spring>Summer & Autumn>Winter) my scalp goes to crap and I’d love to know if this is some weird personal freakishness or something that other people experience too?

Anyway, I mentioned it to a PR lady ‘cos I was explaining why I wasn’t suitable to review some other hair products at the moment and she mentioned this Philip Kingsley range to me…

Flaky/Itchy scalps…. sexy.

The fact is though… I don’t care if it’s a bit taboo… a lot of people suffer!  I can’t wear black tops for at least 2 months of the year whilst I’m going through these flare ups and trust me, nothing makes you more HUGELY self-conscious than feeling your husband gently brushing the flakes off your shoulder whilst you’re standing in a checkout queue.

The Philip Kingsley Scalp Mask is basically an exfoliator for your scalp.  It’s a tricky product to apply and if my hair were longer and thicker I’d have struggled to use it.  I got instant relief from it though and I was able to use it despite my scalp being quite sore.  It gives a lovely cooling sensation and simply eased the itch and temporarily cleared the dry skin that was clinging around my hairline.

I was also surprised at how reasonably priced it is, £3.85 and available with free shipping from FeelUnique!

The other product I was sent was the Philip Kingsley Shampoo for itchy/flaky scalps which I have been using in conjunction with the mask.

Sadly, not quite so affordable.  A 250ml bottle will set you back £16.15 delivered from Feel Unique.

But it’s worth every penny.

3 shampoos in and I’m clear of the scabby bits (gosh, how attractive)… I’m still a touch flaky along the hairline, but it’s really easing off and at this rate I’m gonna be completely clear in a few more days.  I’m going to continue to use it for maintenance twice a week and if I only have to purchase it twice a year, it’s really worth it for me.

In addition to the fact that this stuff simply works, it’s also gentle… I colour my hair regularly and anti-dandruff type products are notorious for stripping and dulling coloured hair.  This isn’t having any effect on my dye-job!

I’m not gonna ask if you ladies are in need of a product like this, but I’d love to know privately if you’ve noticed any correlation between the changing seasons and the condition of your scalp?

12 Responses to “Philip Kingsley = RELIEF!”

  1. Serafia says:

    I have psoriasis so I understand what you mean! Winter’s are so bad! I have gotten help from a shampoo that I bought from the pharmacy. I use it twice a week and it has ketoconazole in it which kind of helps to get rid of the flaky skin. I also use this one liquid that a doctor prescribed for me for psoriasis on my scalp. During the summer everything is really good because the sun really helps, but that’s tricky business too because I burn in less than 5 minutes so it’s a fine line that I must walk on.

  2. Summer says:

    Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only one!! Come summer and my scalp itches like mad, it’s very embarrassing. I’m glad I’m not alone!

  3. kirsty says:

    I don’t have the scalp problem, but I do have similar problems with my hands every time the season changes! As soon as I’ve managed to clear up my horribly sore, cracked, bleeding hands it all flares up again. Thanks Mother Nature, really appreciate it!

    I will forward this on to my boyfriend though, as he has flaky scalp problems!

  4. Duvessa says:

    I get the flaky/itchy scalp every now and then. Haven’t noticed it being due to season changing. I can scratch it until it bleeds and I get annoying scab there. The thing that has worked for me is an oil treatment by a Finnish XZ. While moisturising my hair it also moisturises my scalp and I get rid of the itchiness in one go.

  5. Anna says:

    Yeah, I have the same problem when the seasons change.
    I use Lush “Snake oil” and it actually helps quite a bit. But rather than exfoliating, it hydrates and gives your scalp a bit of extra care.

  6. rhamnousia says:

    I need to get this for myself, I stupidly used VO5 on my head and it has made my head very dry and flaky and nothing will cure it.

    I’m off to order right now!

    Er..BTW, I do realise you’ve reviewed more than one thing, the bit I’m on about is the scalp mask

  7. Shameera says:

    I love Philip Kingley stuff, the Elasticizer in paticular. You should incorpotate it into the above routine, as you’ll find it really strengthens your hair, and makes its so nice.

  8. I get this too, except it’s all year long, though it tends to get better in the summer if I get in the sun every so often. I don’t color my hair, so I can use some of the stronger stuff, though I need to deep condition or else it will look dull.

  9. Cain says:

    Yes! I’m going throught the same thing right this moment! Its getting hotter and my scalp is…well yes, it feels like I have fleas!
    I’m off to the drugstore to find something to help. I’m in the U.S.

  10. Tanya says:

    I have a dry, itchy, flaky scalp and nothing seems to fully rid me off it. I get it all year round though and I think it has something to do with my eczema. At the moment I’m using an anti dandruff shampoo which has eased it a little but as you say it strips the colour from your hair so fast!
    Will look into these products, thank you for the review 🙂

  11. Chester Rose says:

    oh how wierd i just noticed today that my scalp was all dry and flaky, it sometimes just gets like this as I have eczema, i have never related it to the seasons! i just thought i better go back to the head and shoulders- but maybe i’ll try this instead.

  12. […] Shampoo: None!  I’m having a hair product crisis this month, ever since the Philip Kingsley thankfully sorted my sore scalp out at the beginning of the month… I haven’t really […]

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