Honey? Does my fat look fat in this?

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 21 - 2010

…introducing, My Pet Fat.

My Pet Fat is an anatomically correct visual motivational tool to encourage weight loss.

…mypetfat is highly endorsed and used as a weight loss educator and motivator by instructors, coaches, trainers, nutritionists, nurses and doctors everyday. Whether you need to lose a little bit of weight, a lot of weight, or maintain your weight, mypetfat will help you be much more mindful of what you’re eating, and even help motivate you to get up off the couch and move.

As grossed out as I am, I totally “get” it…

Picture the scene…

It’s mid-morning and thus far, the day’s been a slowwww one.  Sipping at your freshly brewed cup of tea, you catch sight of the packet of custard creams sat on Julia’s desk conveniently just across the office from yours.   Instead of wheeling your (fat) arse across the empty room, pull the (travel sized) blob of fat out from your desk drawer and give it a wobble.  Perhaps even give your own a bit of a wobble at the same time.  Bet those biscuits lose at least some of their appeal.

Prices for your very own lump of lard start from $19.95.

Sadly, extortionate international shipping charges means that I won’t be giving you the skinny (totally intended that) on how well it motivates anytime soon.

19 Responses to “Honey? Does my fat look fat in this?”

  1. Gemma says:

    That’s totally disgusting, but it would undoubtably prevent me from snaffling sweets in the afternoon.

  2. liloo says:

    Will this put me off eating no? The picture actually reminded me of a giant banana fritter or a giant sweet and sour chicken piece. But hey, if it works some people, that’s cool x

  3. Lucy says:

    That’s really weird. I can’t see how that would work really, I’d just hide the petfat in a drawer and wheel my way over to the creams…out of sight out of mind and all that. Bizarre!

  4. Charlie says:

    I don’t get it either. I’d just put it away and get my lardy snack of choice. If you want and need a snack, you’ll find a way to get it!

  5. You’re all RUBBISH!

    I really think it would put me off the casual snacking…

    Maybe not the pre-menstrual OMG MUST EAT CAKES thing though…

  6. PP says:

    It’s a bit cruel… When you’re on a diet it’s already difficult to keep motivated, but this would really get me down! So not really an option for me!

  7. Elsie Barley says:

    It’s horrible but as easy to ignore as the appalling warnings on cigarette packets.

  8. Oh that’s grim!

  9. unetasse says:

    eww it looks so gross! What are the red things?

  10. I have a picture of a lb of fat on my Blackberry – it keeps me motivated!

  11. Sarah says:

    I saw this featured in a magazine a while ago. I think it’s a great idea! Shame about the shipping costs.

  12. Jules says:

    I have an exquisite vintage dress from the 1940s hanging in my closet — best motivator yet! I refuse to diet, though, and am simply increasing my amount of physical activity every day through little things like working in the yard or scrubbing the bath more often than usual. Life is too short to avoid tasty food!

  13. Janie says:

    To me it is not the look of it but the texture!
    I saw it on a tv show once and was absolutely disgusted (well for about 1 hour anyway until I reached for the ice-cream)

  14. Nicole says:

    I’d love to say this would work but I know me and it wouldn’t. At all. I’d jiggle it, feel bad about my own jiggles, hide it, then go get the chocolates.

  15. Lillian says:

    I don’t think it would work for me, it just looks so silly and alien i very much doubt i would actually connect it to something in my body. And most parts of your body are disgusting looking, but i don’t want to get rid of my lungs 😛

  16. Ciambella says:

    Wow. I had a pet rock when I was a kid, but a pet fat would have been so much more awesome. XD I can see how it’d work, but for me it’d just make me not want to eat at all, and that isn’t healthy, either!

  17. Aleksis says:

    A pic of me in my bathing suit is enough to keep me on a diet lol

  18. LOL AWESOME. I would carry it around just to traumatise people haha

  19. Redtiger21 says:

    Wow, great idea! That’d put me off, but i’d have to have it in sight all the time- and then i’d be annoyed cos it’s not tidied away neatly…ah, issues!!

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