Bourjois Elastic Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 20 - 2010

As previously threatened, I went and picked up the new Bourjois Elastic Mascara yesterday. I ended up going to Superdrug to make the most of the £2 off promotion and ended up paying £6.99 for mine.

I know some of you think it’s daft.. but I kinda love the packaging! I have a billion mascaras, so being able to spot the one I want immediately is always useful. It does look a bit like a toilet brush holder though (well spotted Rhamnousia!)

The brush is one of those spikey bristle affairs… ideal for separation and lengthening, not so good for volume. The emphasis on the Bourjois Elastic Mascara is on lengthening, so I wasn’t surprised to see this brush design.

What I was surprised to see was the amount of product the wand picked up in those reservoirs. Too much. Combine this with quite a wet formula-ed mascara and I knew I was going to have issues with application before I’d even lifted the wand past my nose.

I was right. It actually reminded me a lot of the issues I had with the last Bourjois mascara I bought (1001 Lashes). Admitedly, 1001 Lashes has actually grown to become one of my favourites… but it took 3 months for the formula to dry out enough for me to fall in love.

I love the brush on this Bourjois Elastic mascara. It actually ‘grabs’ my lashes. I can feel the pull as I drag through from root to tip. It keeps hold of them like no other brush I’ve tried. So if that formula thickens up a bit after a couple of months, I could have an winning combination on my hands!

Having said that, once dried… it’s a slightly crusty mascara, this doesn’t really bother me – but I know some of you prefer more flexible and soft finishes. It doesn’t actually *look* crusty… but you can feel the crispiness going on!

The weird handle is actually another thing I love about the Bourjois Elastic Mascara. It makes me more ‘light handed’ with the wand and I find myself applying with fluttery light but sweeping strokes as opposed to my usual ham-fisted, poke yourself in the eye efforts.

Another cool thing about the handle is that you can ‘twizzle’ the wand whilst applying to get maximum coverage. Didn’t think about that did you?! Rolling the wand between my thumb and forefinger feels quite a natural action as I’m pulling the product through the lashes. Unfortunately, the action just encourages this damn formula to clump… I’m still clinging to the hope that with a bit of age, the formula transforms into something amazing.

Definitely lengthening… not volumising or even very defining (I’m blaming the formula).

I’m on the fence with this one.

Something I’m not on the fence about?

This promo image:

Seriously? Just. Sod. Off.

Bourjois, you may be my favourite high street brand… but you hands down win the sucky Photoshop bs eyelash promo image award.


The above promotional image shouldn’t be on the website under Elastic Mascara apparently, some kinda mistake as it’s a few years old.. here’s the correct model image!:

27 Responses to “Bourjois Elastic Mascara – Review”

  1. katie says:

    Too bad! It looked pretty promising. And I completely agree about the promo image. I thought UK was banning adverts like that?

  2. Ms.Wedgie says:

    They always have those teeny tiny (almost hidden) disclaimers at the bottom stating ‘shot with lash inserts’! No really? Are they? I thought that was the miraculous magical effect that the mascara gave!! Good lord! lol

  3. Jenni says:

    Yeah, there should have been some small print for the ad to be legal.
    But nobody (I repeat NOBODY) has natural lashes like that.
    Reminds me to get some Lancome Definicils. I am allergic to every other mascara on the planet. So eye-sensitive that I often don’t wear mascara which kills me…..

  4. the promo pics are always so incredibly misleading 😛
    I like the sound of twizzling the brush around! 😉 I, however, cannot imagine myself ever doing that even with a better formula mascara.. Can only imagine me startling myself and flinching and then wailing I have to re do my makeup because the mascara blobbed on me everywhere >___< 😀
    i like the handle – it reminds me of an oldschool kohl stick liner with those little thin handles!

  5. LOL now all I can see is a toilet brush when I look at this.

    You have suuuuuuch nice eyelashes *___*

  6. Anitacska says:

    Wow! I love the lengthening effect on you, I might just have to try this out (although I swore no more mascaras for the next year as I have 25+ of them already!). All your fault. 😉

  7. Oh it does lengthen well! Let’s hope it dries up a bit! x

  8. Even though you say it’s clumpy, your lashes do look longer!

  9. I love those brushes! Really need to check it out too 🙂

  10. Meeta says:

    Your lashes do look very long! I would not mind trying this – I like the idea of the brush ‘grabbing’ the lashes – I found this to be the case with Maxfactor Masterpiece Max (a fab mascara) , and it really makes a difference. I need to use up my other mascaras first though. Despite the toilet brush holder look, I quite like the distinct packaging.

  11. KristenJones says:

    I’ve yet to see a Mascara brand use real images of ther product on model’s eyes..*sigh*
    I’d be tempted to buy a new mascara straight away if it use real images…but for now i use the wonderful beauty blogs around that show the product for real ! ;D

  12. liloo says:

    This mascara is amazing on you: makes your lashes so long. I am super jealous of your long lashes xx

  13. Nicole says:

    Someone once suggested leaving the mascara open for a day or 2 to allow it to dry out faster. I’m a little unsure if I like the idea of all the dust and dirt and whatever else possibly getting into it but I suppose if you can keep it clean it might not be a bad idea. It definitely looks like a toilet brush holder but it is different!

  14. wendy butler says:

    Hi Lipglossiping, Thankas for your write up about this mascara.
    Not sure where you have got the model shot image from, but it’s not right! (This is from a few years agao!). I can email you the actual shot which does say “Model’s lashes styled with lash inserts or an even lash line” which legally all companies have to say.

  15. Hi Wendy,

    It’s on this page advertising the Elastic Mascara:

    If you click on shades you can see it.

    Personally not bothered about the whole lash inserts thing, You’d have to be a bit of a numpty NOT to realise that it’s kinda unreal. Would be so fabulous if a company pioneered not using them at all though! xx

  16. Anitacska says:

    Hahaha! That second picture looks a LOT less fake and believable! NOT!!! 🙂

  17. Lillian says:

    I really like the weird handle part! I think it looks very nice on your lashes, i’m definately one for length rather than volume. Those adverts are both hilarious, good old rediculous mascara ads 😀
    (your Nars duo was sent out today :))

  18. amalucky1 says:

    I am almost fifty nine and now suffer from naturally thinning lashes but had to laugh when you said just sod off……I thought the exact same thing when I saw that ad. We desperately cling to the young wide eyed long lashed look and look for a product that will help us achieve that so why not get a jump on all these lying companies and supplement with fake lashes.then just use a mascara that will enhance the color because if they truly are using models with fake lashes that means in all sincerity that they cannot create that look without them. They are just taking money for a product that cant do what it says it can…….just saying.

  19. Cynara says:

    Try blowing on the wand for 10 seconds before applying, it works wonders on the consistency of the mascara 🙂

  20. Rebecca says:

    The only reason i bought this mascars was because i had run out and it was on special offer, but i wouldnt use any other mascara again !
    I have the littlest eyelashes you could think of (seriously, they are nearly none exsistant!) but this mascara really works, for once i look like i have some.
    Yes, i do have to use quite alot of it but this is partly because i love the clumped look and hate it when it looks like i just have the tinyist bit on. People may hate this about the mascara but my favourite bit is that it holds so much mascarsa on the brush. With my old mascaras i was forever trying to get more and more on the brush.
    Oh and the packaging it genious !
    I would deffenatly recomed..

  21. mayur says:

    Hello Lipgloss.

    Do you know the name of this model in the Bourjois Elastic Mascara advert (the one with the bendy Eiffel Tower)?

    Many thanks for your time.

    Mayur (*^_^*)

  22. Sarah says:

    the real promo image still looks like bs…

  23. lauren says:

    6.99 pounds? these mascaras are $24 dollars here 🙁

  24. dafn says:

    This mascara does improve with time indeed… And yes, here they are much more expensive 🙁

  25. Firdose says:

    Hi i want to buy this elastic maskara i love this maskara…..

  26. Firdose says:

    Hi i want to buy………

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