A Taupe by any other name…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 22 - 2010

What’s in a name?

I’m curious ladies… which of these would you be happy to call taupe?

All of ’em? None of ’em?

Adj. 1. taupe – of something having a dusky brownish grey color

These are a few of my favourite shadows… individually I refer to them as taupes, but seeing them together like this makes me realise just how un taupe-ish some of them are.

Infact, only about three of them qualify for me.

Which ones would you classify as taupe?

And don’t say “does it really matter… they’re all brown” or I’ll insist you burn your makeup collection as penance.

EDIT: You guys sure care about taupe more than I thought you would!

#1 is Fyrinnae Species 8472
#2 is NYX Sparkle Cedar
#3 is NYX Dune
#4 is Fyrinnae Maneki Neko
#5 is a Body Shop shadow (#32 I think)
#6 I think I swatched #10 twice which would explain why I can’t remember it!
#7 is MAC Satin Taupe
#8 can’t remember, sorry!
#9 is MUA (superdrug £1) Eye Dust No5
#10 is BarryM Mushroom

I’m in agreement with most of you. The truest taupe’s (to my eye) are #3, 9 and 5.  The others are far too plummy or bronzey.

47 Responses to “A Taupe by any other name…”

  1. Heather says:

    I would say #3 and #9 look like the defined description of “taupe”.

  2. Sophie says:

    For me, definitely number nine.. 🙂

  3. Beth says:

    I’d say 3 and 9 are taupes in my book. They’re more grey toned than the others.

    Regardless of labels, they’re all really pretty!

  4. Sophie says:

    3 and 5 are taupe-y too 🙂

  5. Lily says:

    Before reading the description, Id have said 10 and 4. I always thought of taupe as a pinkish-purple brown. After, I’d say 9 and 5.

  6. Naty says:

    #9 and ‘#3 definitaly look more grey so I’d say them two 🙂

  7. Jennifer says:

    I would say 1,2,3 and 8 are not taupe. 3 looks greeny to me. I like 4 as a taupe best.

  8. Kat says:

    I think I’d call 3 and 9 quite taupe and perhaps 1 and 5, but they almost seem a little to golden.

    And thanks for clearing up what taupe actually is, I’ve been making the mistake of calling all my caramel-browns taupe!

  9. Charlie says:

    3, 9 & 5 are al what I would consider taupes, by varying degrees!

  10. caz says:

    most are bronzey if you ask me :S

  11. Louise says:

    I would say 3, 5 and 9 🙂

  12. Anna says:

    9,3 and 5 are the ones that look like the definiton of taupe. Possibly 4 and 1 too.
    I just want to know which ones they are ’cause they all look gorgeous. 😀

  13. Abbie says:

    I hate to be a pain, but what are 1,2,4 & 7 because they are my favourites 🙂

  14. Anthea says:

    I’d go for 9, 3, and 5. In fact they look like the type of taupe I’ve been looking for! Are any of them NYX? *taps foot and waits impatiently for Cherry Culture delivery*

  15. Ola says:

    3, 9, possibly 5?

  16. muamontreal says:

    9 and 3 …..I have a billions purples and I find them SO different but I guess that’s just the dilated pupil of the make up junkie that actually sees that difference !

    Hi, my name is Caro and I have an addiction…
    Hi, Caro


  17. Shortiee31 says:

    Haha I always wondered about this..
    I would say going by the description.. 9!

  18. SoFrolushes says:

    I would say number 3

  19. Liene says:

    I would say 3 and 9, because these are only grey colors with hue of brown and being grey is essential for taupe. If I’d be generous I’d say 5 is taupe too.

    In spite of classification problems all colors are very beautiful. But taupes are the best 😀
    Would you tell us what shadows are these? 🙂

  20. @Abbie – #2 is NYX Sparkle Cedar, #1 is Fyrinnae Species 8472 #4 is Fyrinnae Maneki Neko & #7 is MAC Satin Taupe xx

  21. @Anthea – #3 is NYX Dune! #9 is MUA (superdrug £1) Eye Dust No5 and #5 is a Body Shop shadow (#32 I think)

  22. #10 is BarryM Mushroom… I’ve completely forgotten #6 :/

  23. Mariah says:

    Hello! Graduating with a Bachelor’s in Fine Art in 3 weeks, so I’d say…1 and 7 and then 4 alllllmost qualifies. But hell, it’s all subjective, and there’s a million factors, like the camera, the lighting, your skin tone, how the pic was processed in Photoshop. But you generally have fabulous, color correct pics, so I still have to go with my picks!

  24. Patricia says:

    I’m SO happy you wrote this, because I’ve seen people calling ‘taupe’ to everything under the sun and it drives me crazy. Nr 3 & 9 are for me what I call taupes. If we can include a bit more reddish browns in this definition, then I’d say 5 too, then 4, 6 & 10 (6 and 10 look like dupes). For me, 2 is a gold, 1, & 7 would be golden browns, with 8 being more of a copper colour. Am I being anal?

  25. Definitely #1, #9 and #5 – though #6 also looks close.

  26. liloo says:

    do you know what taupe means in french?
    if you know, then none of them would be taupe: too shimmery hehe ^_^
    4,5,6, and 10 would be taupes for me
    makeup addicts unite: got the same ‘problem’ but with purples lol x
    p.s taupe in french means ‘mole’, as in the brown thing which ravages your garden, not so glamourous now, is it? haha

  27. Shifa says:

    I would say 9 and 5 would be taupes 🙂

  28. Ola says:

    Ha, that’s amazing, I actually recognised the Body Shop eyeshadow – I have it too (it’s 32 Chocolate) and LOVE it. Amazing colour.

  29. Wordbird says:

    Yup, deffo 3 and 9. But they’re not exactly dusty, are they? All rather shimmery. Personally, my favourite taupe is a Barbara Daly one, from Tesco and called Taupe (duh!).

  30. ndoodles says:

    I think most are taupes – just #2 an #8 are too warm in my opinion… but as long as it is not a straight up brown, to me its very taupey.

  31. rachel says:

    numbers 8, 4, and 2 are my favorites! love your blog! following you =]

    follow me! at rachelnextdoor.blogspot.com/

  32. Greta says:

    Well, to my opinion 3,5 and 9 are taupes, the rest are either brown, bronze or gold.

  33. Anthea says:

    Aw I just ordered NYX sparkle cedar and Iced mocha! I hope they’re at least a little similar to Dune, or I shall be forced to place another order… and include other items just to make the S&H worth while… Now wouldn’t that just be tragic 😉

  34. Rae says:

    9, 7, and 5 look the “taupiest” on my monitor… but for what it’s worth, the monitor that I’m using right now is pretty awful!

    I hope you’ll spill on the names of these shadows (they’re all stunning. AHH!) and which ones you think are the taupiest! 🙂

  35. natty says:

    4, 7 and 9 for me look like taupe

  36. Prab N says:

    for sure 3 and 9.. maybe even 5 a tiny bit

  37. Jenni says:

    I thought 4 at first and then decided on 9. 9 only.

    2 and 8 have far too much orange. 10 is positively pink. 3 is grey.

  38. Hmm I’d say 3, 5 and 9 look the most taupey to me

  39. I agree with most people, 3,5, and 9 seem the most taupey.

  40. Louise says:

    id say

    Lu xo

  41. MarciaF says:

    Tell us what the names of these lovelies are. It’s funny that you blogged about this because I was thinking the exact same thing when I was applying Chantecaille Sel yesterday.

  42. Jasmine says:

    3, 9 and 5. Nothing else quite makes the cut. Many of them are coppers or bronzes or ochres that shimmer gold, etcetera.

  43. Jasmine says:

    3, 9 and 5. Nothing else quite makes the cut. Many of them are coppers or bronzes or ochres that shimmer gold, etcetera. Sigh, but taupes are really the most easily confused in the world.

    * I have commenting trouble! It keeps saying that I’ve already said that!

  44. Tina says:

    Noo, don’t burn my collection, haha!
    So, um, 9 and 5 for me, followed maybe by 4 and 10.

    Will there be a follow up to this post? 🙂


  45. laura says:

    #’s 3, 9 & 10 look taupish to me! will you be publishing the results of the mini-poll? would be interesting to see which ones come out on top!

  46. Stacy says:

    What are the names of all the shadows? Particularly #9? All so lovely!

  47. Nadia-solsekuin44 says:

    A taupe is any color of brownish grey.. Check Meriam Webster ^^

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