Stupid Question Alert…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 19 - 2010

… but enquiring minds (mainly mine) need to know…

Do you keep the empty boxes?

Yano… when you rush home clutching your newly purchased bunch of ‘whatever’.  Do you rip the packaging apart, tossing it over your shoulder as you go or do you keep the product boxed for all eternity?

Me? I hog the middle ground.  I have a drawer dedicated to the empty boxes.  I know… Could I actually be any LESS space-saving?  I’m considering getting them all out and at the very least flattening them before putting them back into storage.

Why do I keep the boxes?  I have no idea!

Anyway, tell me…  What do you do with the empty boxes?  If you keep them… how do you store them?

52 Responses to “Stupid Question Alert…”

  1. I keep the products IN the boxes to begin with but then get naffed off having to fiddle around getting them out all the time so then keep the empty boxes until I get bored/annoyed with the clutter…

  2. Ms.Wedgie says:

    I normally keep pretty boxes/bags etc for about a month until my bloke gets bored with the clutter and throws them in the bin! 🙁 If it wasn’t for him there would be little boxes all over the place!

  3. Sophie says:

    Boxes go in the bin for me. Actually, there is only one item that I still have the box for and that is MAC’s Shell Pearl from the Liberty of London collection but I am sure that will be in the bin before long. I do not see the point in keeping boxes, what would you need them for?…

  4. liloo says:

    ooo where did you get your agnès B from? I throw 95% of my boxes but I feel I should keep them in case I want to blog sale or something. That’s a good idea to have a separate drawer just for empty boxes.
    If I did keep my boxes, I think it would be like a dirty secret of mine as I am not sure how people would react to it, in case I get laughed at :/
    I’d love to buy some agnes B shadows again. They are so expensive though…

  5. Kae says:

    I have a drawer just like yours!

  6. liloo says:

    OMG, is that a little retweet button i see there on the top left hand corner, woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  7. Cheryl says:

    I confess, I keep the boxs too! Although I sometimes go through little fits of de-cluttering and throw a load of them out.

    No earthy idea why I do it, but I’m glad I’m not the only one!

  8. sarah says:

    I’m the same as sophie, i’ve just got my shell pearl box but i don’t think i will throw it away. at the moment i just keep the box on top of my make up drawers with the product on top of it. i haven’t got space to keep all my boxes though

  9. Jennifer says:

    I chuck it. The only packaging I have saved is the liberty of london box for my lipstick x

  10. D says:

    You could flatten them and make a massive framed collage – a piece of art dedicated to your beauty addiction!

  11. Gemma says:

    I’m a tosser… hmmmmm, perhaps not!
    Well, in this context I am anyway. I throw away all packaging, although I do tend to keep hold of any pretty carrier bags things come in.

  12. ams says:

    I keep them in case im doing a swap but get rid of then if i decide to keep the product!

  13. Lucy says:

    I bin the boxes without a second thought – it’s just extra clutter to me (which I absolutely do not need!)

  14. Olivia says:

    I usually keep the boxes of the expansive items because sunlight and hot may damage them 🙂

  15. kyanvi says:

    i kept the boxes in a paper bag and put it on the top of my bookshelf. I normally recycle them when either 1) once i have use the product a few time and wrote a post about it or 2) when i moved house. (since i am still a uni student, i move house every year, so i dont manage to collect a lot of boxes). However, for some boxes that i really like or the size is big and useful, then i will reuse them for brush stand/ drawer divider / storage box for bits and bobs.

  16. Yes I’m guilty of this too and have a drawer dedicated for them! I never use them so I’ve no idea why I’m keeping them! lol x

  17. Chrissy says:

    I actually never thought about this. Well, sometimes I keep the boxes that I think are especially cute and that I can use for crafty things. Usually I keep a new product in its box until I start using it and then throw away the box. It would be too much of a hassle to open a box everytime I want to use the product.


  18. Lillian says:

    I used to keep the items in the boxes but i have a puppy who wants to eat any and all cardboard, so i’ve had to start taking them out because otherwise he makes dent marks in my products 🙁

  19. Lilbiuty says:

    I keep them, I don’t even know why but I keep them and hide them from the hubby… I actually just keep the ones that have a special packaging like for LE items. And NARS as well. But I’m happy I have them since I’m moving to the other side of the world it would be easier to have everything back in their own boxes.

  20. VexintheCity says:

    I keep MSFs in their boxes but that’s it. The rest go in the recycling bin.

  21. Lora says:

    I keep them for like a week.. sometimes I even keep the stuff in them for a while. Then I think.. I don’t have the boxes for everything, so I have to throw them out them.. I have like.. weird OCD about it! x

  22. La says:

    I normally only keep LE packaging, but brands like Nars always stay in their box because I hate how marked the rubber casing gets!

    (I think Mr.Nars is trying to break how anal I am over make up casing. I can see him now, designing a rubber that just needs to be exposed to air and it becomes filthy.”Make the dirt stick more! I want them to realise make up is for using – not staring at!”

  23. Racket says:

    The boxes go straight to the recycling bin. It’s fun to get rid of stuff you don’t need!

  24. Danielle says:

    Boxes go in the bin for me also. I hate trying to fiddle to get them out, especially when I’m in a rush!

  25. Cait says:

    I keep them too! I dont know why.. I just like to.. but then again I am a bit of a hoarder! 😛 I just flattened all mine so they’d take up less space.. I think maybe we keep them coz we’ve paid good money for the product… and that cost theoretically includes the packaging…?? i dunno… just something i do without thinking about it

  26. Amanda says:

    I chuck mine. No need for them. Even in a blog sale, most People don’t send them in boxes anyways and there are suckers out there (like me) who don’t really care.

  27. Shortiee31 says:

    I don’t know why but I keep them 😐

  28. Shifa says:

    throw em gurlie! :p i can’t stand storing em. I have a habit of throwing anything unnecessary hehe

  29. Eden Blue says:

    Haha, thats such a cute little ‘thing’! I always throw mine out, I’m the type who rips stuff open and plays with it on the bus!

  30. This is so funny as i reluctantly chucked out 10 empty boxes last night…perfume and make up! i thought i was the only person who kept them…i never do anything with them…i just like the look of them!!

  31. patuxxa says:

    This is one of those wonderful moments when I realize I’m not that much of a hoarder after all 🙂

    I used to keep my perfumes boxed, but about a year ago I threw away all the boxes and stored the perfumes in a drawer. I mostly throw the boxes away, except if I like the design, then I flatten them and glue them on my fashion scrapbooks.

  32. Jenni says:

    Out. Recycled. Forgotten. Please don’t actually BIN these!

    I’m the kind of woman who shakes her head (I am doing it now) and wonders why anyone would keep the bloomin’ boxes.

    And Charlotte plans to flatten them and STILL keep them. Why? Some of you lovely ladies need your bumps feeling – not that I’m judgemental at all….. ;o)

  33. Connie says:

    that’s not a stupid question at all.
    To answer your question, yes, I keep all the boxes (except for some ugly ones). Why? I don’t know. Even if I do sell anything, I wouldn’t dig out the box because I keep them in a very huge bag under my bed. 60% of the boxes flattened… and now I realize that I have a lot of products… oh dear

  34. germaine says:

    I do keep the boxes of makeup that I saved up a longer time to buy or have been longing for a long time. I put the product back each time I done using them to keep that new feeling…hehe…

  35. Heather says:

    I do keep the boxes. They remind me of the special moment (whether it was a gift from my husband or a birthday splurge) when I opened the lovely box. And most of the boxes they come in these days are GORGEOUS 🙂

  36. FrankieBaby says:

    I immediately throw the boxes out, usually as I’m walking out of the store after paying. I put the item (s) in my bag and throw the bag and boxes out.

    I dunno, keeping it would scare me and make me feel like a keeping napkins or ketchup packets.I like to be as clutter-free as possible.

  37. Rebecca says:

    I kind of keep some and throw others. Whether I keep it or not depends on the price of the product…

  38. Keerthi says:

    I don’t save any boxes except for things I think I’m going to try to swap/resell… I hate the clutter of packaging!

  39. lara says:

    i do, i do! it’s an obsession. they live in an old j.crew beach bag : )

  40. When I was a teen I saved all the boxes. But it takes up too much space so I eventually tossed them. Now I only save really pretty boxes of my most favorite items.

    I think its sort of like a trophy of a great purchase. 😀 Not sure why else I’d keep an empty box.

  41. Aleksis says:

    I only keep the lipstick boxes because I always think one day I’ll make little cubbyholes for them lol

  42. Ayden says:

    haha, this has been a very reassuring post! I also keep boxes! in an even bigger box… under my bed. I try to convince myself I will need them some day, for something. But really they just remain to be the ghosts of lovely makeup that have gone past xx

  43. Kaoru says:

    I save mine until I know I’m not returning something (yay for USA returns!), then I usually toss. There are exceptions, for instance, anything in a velvet pouch I keep inside the box, since those attract dust and powder.

  44. I keep the boxes too!

  45. I keep them if they’re really pretty (like the Sugarpill ones), or if it’s some luxe brand 🙂

  46. Ciambella says:

    I used to keep the boxes for “high end” (i.e. non-drugstore) purchases–sometimes it was because the packaging was pretty, but mainly it was sort of like a commemoration of the money I spent. So for a while my actual makeup drawer had a section of flattened MAC, Stila and I think 3 Dior boxes. Then I finally came to my senses and threw them out. But I checked my drawer just now and there is currently a flattened MAC Liberty of London box in there, and a Guerlain loose kohl box. …It’s like some sort of terrible magpie habit…

  47. Tina says:

    Yep, I keep them too, but I open them flat, so that they won’t take as much space and then I put them all one next to another inside a large makeup bag! So far so good, and from what I can tell, there’s still plently of room left in that bag! 🙂


  48. Mimi says:

    I wrap/paint them and use them as little gift boxes

  49. […] me know if you indulge, who needs boxes anyway? Share this on […]

  50. I always throw them away (btw ALWAYS recycle girls), except for boxes of shiny plastic palettes! I keep those boxes because shiny plastic palettes get scratched really easily!!

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