Guest Reviewer Please!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 28 - 2010

Following on from the roaring success of Ali’s guest review, I’d really like to do it again…

I have a rather lovely Liz Earle Young Skin Try-Me-Kit here that I’m dying to break into myself but know that at 28 years old my skin doesn’t really qualify as “young” anymore.  I hope you can hear me sobbing at the back!

I’m looking for a guest reviewer aged between 17-25 to test this kit out for me*

If you’re interested please leave your name below and remember to put your email address in the bit where it asks for it so I can contact you!

I’d ideally like you to give it a full 3/4 week test period before letting us know your thoughts on the kit…. so if you can commit to a new skincare routine for that period and are happy to share your thoughts with my readers then let me know in the comments below!  I’ll chose a reviewer on Wednesday 5th.

*UK only, sorry chaps I gotta think of the postage!

50 Responses to “Guest Reviewer Please!”

  1. Zoe says:

    Hi, i would love to do it. I already use cleanse and polish (but not every day) and the toner and am constantly looking for a moisturizer to suit my stubborn combo skin! I am 21 in two weeks. Zoe

  2. Ooooo I’d love to give it a try – I’ve always wanted to give Liz Earle a go 🙂
    My email is emilybirkinshaw @ gmail dot com 🙂
    Emily xx

  3. Jennifer says:

    I’d love to try it! I am 24 my email address is xx

  4. Lisa Matthews says:

    I would love to try this! I was thinking of buying some but wasn’t sure so this would be perfect! All my cleaners and stuff have all ran out at the same time so im in desperate need of some more. Im 24 years old.

    My email is

  5. Rebecca says:

    I’d love to try, am 23 and spots are the bane of my life, currently trying all sorts of pills etc to sort it out. Would be cool to give this a go!

  6. Bicky says:

    Ooh I’ve been looking for some new things and would love to try this! 🙂

  7. Eyelining says:

    Ooh pretty please? I’m 22 with oily-combo skin. Would love to give it a go! x

  8. Ooh, sounds good- I’d love to give it a try. I’m 25 and a little sad that I’m at the top end of young though 🙁

  9. I have spots. They are a pain. I’m willing to try anythign to get rid of them!

  10. Sabrina says:

    I love Liz Earle and would love to try and review this for you.. Im 18 and have oily combo skin (sadly) This looks really great and I would love to try it XX

  11. Lauren says:

    I’d love to give this a go! I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for ages, but would love a bit of go at a review first. I’m 20 with normal/combo skin. 🙂 x

  12. sarah says:

    i’d love to try it, i’ve never tried liz earle before but really want to
    i’m 22 but i think i definitely still have ‘teenage’ skin

  13. Jen says:

    Ooh ooh, I just fit into the age bracket…yes! I would love to try this out please 🙂

    I actually have more trouble with spots now than I did when I was 17 – no fair!

  14. Sarah says:

    Hi, I’m Sarah, I’m 21 and my skin is the bane of my life – alternating between oily and dry with more breakouts than an American prison drama!

    I’ve been wanting to give Liz Earle products a go for a while now, but student budgets just don’t stretch that far, much to my chagrin. I’d love to help you out by reviewing these bits and pieces for you – my e-mail is missloaf (at)

  15. Claire says:


    I’d love to try this out,have always been curious about Liz Earle. I have quite difficult skin, so if this works for me it’ll work for most people!

  16. caz says:

    I’d love to! I’m almost 20, and very much in the market for new skincare, as my teenage oily skin is rapidly turning into combination and Im at a loss! I’d willingly test it out foer you, being a little bit er…broken limbed, it’s not like I have anything better to do 😛

  17. Hey I am 23 and would love to try and review the products for you.

    My email is


    ♥Giddy Princess♥

  18. liloo says:

    *opens a virtual tub of ice cream and joins in the crying*

  19. kyanvi says:

    Hi there, I’d love to try out~ My email is:

  20. Kim says:

    Hey Charlotte, I’ld love to try this, I’m willing to try anything to sort my skin out, it’s rebelling against me at the mo! I’m 21. xx

  21. Hey,

    I think its nice that you’re able to give us this opportunity to get involved.

    I’m 23 and I’d definitely like to be considered for trying out the kit. I have combination skin and I’ve heard that the muslin cloths really help battle the dreaded dry patches so I’d be interested to see how well that works.


  22. Huong says:

    I’d love to review this and share my opinion on it.
    Here’s my blog, if you want to check out some reviews. I don’t consider them as the best, but I try my best to review products
    my email is:

  23. Hi,

    I’d love to try this out please 🙂 I’m 19, combo-oily skin

    my email is:

  24. RaeRae says:

    You have lots of willing volunteers! I am one more… I’m turning 20 in August, and I’m in the UK.

    3/4 weeks of new skincare will not be a problem 🙂

    My email address is

  25. *puts hand up in the air*

    I’d like to review this for you!

    ….Oh wait you said 25! *looks in mirror* Err, I’m a tiny bit over the age requirement but my reflection assures me I can still pass for 21, does that count!?

    (“,) xXx

  26. Nikki says:

    I would love to try out a new skin care routine! I am 22, and live in the UK, just had a baby so my skin is still trying to work itself out! maybe a new routine might change this?

  27. Kat says:

    I’d love to review this skincare range. I’ve just turned 24 and have been battling horrible skin since I was about 11! My skin has weirdly gotten less oily since moving to the UK (I’m originally from NZ) but I still seem to have constant breakouts. I still get an oily t-zone and have weird dry patches on my cheeks. So frustrating! As much as I love my Lush skincare I think it’s time to try something else. I’ve also been eyeing up the Liz Earle range since moving here as you can’t get it back home.

  28. Lucy says:

    Very keen tester here, aged 22 and I don’t even have a skincare routine (shame on me, I know) xx

  29. I would like to do a guest review, ive been eyeing this up already, im 18 so ‘young’ is deffo my age range 🙂

    Lu x

  30. sarah says:

    Hi! I would love love love to try this out!

    Been meaning to get a sample of it for some time after reading so many rave reviews about it being such a cult product. I’ve had really bad skin recently and so basically i’m willing to give anything a go.

    Thank you 🙂
    Sarah x

  31. Nina says:

    Ahhh I’d love to do this! Just turned 17 and am a religious reader of your blog – I already have the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish which I lurrrrrrrrrve so would love to try out a range for younger skin!

  32. Lillian says:

    Would love to try this out. I’m 22 and i’ve heard amazing things about Liz Earle but never had the opportunity to try it out before 🙂

  33. Stephanie says:


    I’d like to be considered to test Liz Earle! I’m going to be 21 next wednesday and i have weird/combination skin LOL so i’d like to try something new!



  34. Julia Arenas says:

    Yikes i suddenly feel old…i’m 27 🙁 aww…

  35. Mhairi says:

    I’m 21 and I’ve never spent more than a fiver on one item of skincare so I’d be really interested to see if there’s much of a difference using more expensive products. I’ve got KP on my face as well and I’d like to see a reduction in redness. I’ve also got quite sensitive, blackhead-prone skin. I’m basically a wreck!

  36. Anna says:

    I’m 25 and although soon I won’t be considered young anymore, I would love to give it a try and maybe this will make me stick to a skin care routine finally.

  37. Rocaille says:

    I’d love to try it too, I’m 23 and really interested in Liz Earle products, which unfortunately are unavailable where I live (which is Poland). Oily and sensitive skin and still trying to fight those pesky blemishes. Ugh!


  38. Rachel says:

    Would love to try this out, I’m another cheap-y cosmetics girl myself and wouldn’t have a problem trying something new. I’m 18 and my skin’s a combination of dry and “normal” and can be quite spot prone.

    My email’s


  39. Claire says:

    What a great opportunity! I’ve only very recently discovered your blog and I would really like to try these products and review, for you and others.

    Trying to find a suitable range for my combination skin is exhausting and at 21, I would love to settle into a skincare routine that will make my skin happy and last me a good few years.

    Claire x

  40. Lora says:

    Well.. I’m pretty late for this by the looks of it, but I’m 17 and desperately in need of new products to try. I’ve tried almost everything Boots offers and nothing seems to work and I’m getting broke from trying everything! I get severly dry skin and then oily skin with dry patches and then normal, it’s a never ending cycle! MAC worked for about a year, but now my skin is too used to it. I’d be willing to write weekly updates as I go to incorporate into the final review (or I could supply these to you as the weeks go on) and dare I say it, I’ll take pics weekly with no makeup on what-so-ever. If you like the sound of how I like to review skincare, let me know on: 🙂 x

  41. Elaine says:

    Hi, Im 19 and would love 2 try this out. My skin’s been awful since starting work at mcdonalds and im looking for something to clear it up.

  42. Rhamnousia says:

    You couldn’t have posted this last week, could you?

    I WAS 25 then but alas, no more 🙁

  43. kirsty says:

    Hi, I’d love to try this for you – I’ve used LE cleanse and polish before, but never any of the other products. I turned 20 two days ago!

    I’ve got normal to dry skin, with the occasion nasty spot!

  44. Sydney says:


    I would love a chance to do a review on your website, I do a lot of reviews for other products (movies, books) and it would be great to get a chance to move into a different direction. I mean, there are only so many romcoms you can watch without starting to write the same cliche style comments!

    I’m almost 19 and am in dire need of a new skin care routine, my low budget items are just not doing the trick anymore 🙁

    Hope you’re well xo

  45. Sian says:

    Oo ME, ME, pick me! Whilst I’m still young enough to be considered. Plus I’ve had a crap weekend so I need something to cheer me up!

  46. Emily says:

    I’d love to be a guest reviewer! I am 22 and since coming back from holiday I need to update my skincare routine anyway, I’d love to try this! =) Thanks.

  47. Daisy says:

    I love Liz Earle and already use the cleanse and polish so would love to review this! x

  48. Mimi says:

    I want to, but I’m afraid I live outside the UK 🙁

  49. Redz2486 says:

    Hi, I would love to be considered for this. Liz Earle is something I have read about but never tried.

  50. Emma Richardson says:


    I’m completely over hauling all my products at the moment, make up, skin care, brushes…EVERYTHING. So would love to do this and hopefully we can all get something out of it!

    Emma x

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