Chanel Rouge Coco in Mademoiselle

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 11 - 2010

I didn’t buy it… it was on my list, but I thought I’d better try it at the counter first.  The SA applied it on me and warned me that some of her more cool-toned ladies felt that the colour turns a bit orangey on them.  She wasn’t wrong.

Here it is after I got home 3 hours later… great long-lasting wear by the way:

Please excuse the expression… it’s like a cross between really smug and “eugh, I’ve just stepped in a dog turd but I better keep smiling anyway”.

I loved that Mademoiselle isn’t at all frosty or even glossy.  It’s just a beautiful, sophisticated creamy lipstick.

However, I was expecting a medium pink that leant slightly towards the neutral/brown.  This is much more brick-like on my complexion.

Not only that, but I found the formula pretty drying… something that I really hadn’t been expecting.  All the reviews I’ve read (and I’ve read a LOT) celebrate how moisturising they find the Chanel Rouge Coco formula.

Look at the state of my lips after 3 hours.

You can also see how corally the shade turned against my pinky/blue tones.

I would go back to try Camelia or Gardenia (which I think would be my best bets for a pink) but I think they’re both a bit frosty for me.

Sigh… I really wanted to love it badly.

20 Responses to “Chanel Rouge Coco in Mademoiselle”

  1. Sheila says:

    I bought Gardenia! You’re right, it really is quite frosty, but I love it because its not too bright of a pink but still bright enough for people to notice that there is something different.

  2. Grace London says:

    Lipstick is so very ‘your mileage may vary’ isn’t it? It’s not just the undertone of your skin, the undertone of your lips can affect them too; I turn everything more bluish and paler because of my mauve corpse-lips.

    Replica at Visionary Beauty didn’t get on with the Rouge Coco formula either. I can’t wear the Rouge Allure personally, and I know a lot of people love those. Mademoiselle is pretty on you, but I know what you mean; it isn’t pink.

    It is really helpful to see it on different skintones.

  3. M. says:

    It’s moisturising… if you usually dab grated chalk onto your lips. Otherwise, yup, pretty drying. I didn’t realize it was supposed to be long lasting until after I’d spent the whole day with it.

    Anyway, looks very pretty on you!

  4. Halima says:

    I bought this a few days ago and I la la love it. Think it goes well with my nc37 skin tone. I know where you are coming from about the drying side as it’s long lasting!

  5. Despite how drying it is, I think it’s a really gorgeous colour for your skintone 🙂 even if it wasnt the colour you were expecting

  6. I am sorry to hear that it didn’t work for you. I am probably the only one who still doesn’t have one.

  7. I adore Mademoiselle but I can see how it might turn orangey on some people.

    This is why I love beauty blogs — something that works for one person might not work for another in the same way and we have an opportunity to see it on real women with different skintones. I do think you look lovely as always 🙂

  8. Well, it’s definitely not pink on you but it still looks good, albeit a bit drying!

  9. As I clicked on this blog spot, the rouge coco commercial came on! I love the colour on you darling, I think it looks great against your complexion. I’m sorry you don’t like it though 🙁 it looks really creamy in the first picture, I’m shocked that it dried out your lips.

    PS. I LOVE your site, I can’t believe I just recently discovered it!

  10. liloo says:

    umm, funny. i love orange but i am not fan of coral.
    i was only coming here to check on the google porn ads.
    where are they? 🙂 x

  11. muamontreal says:

    I understand that it’s not the color you’d expected but it looks absolutely gorgeous on you….

    Caro xxx

  12. kia says:

    sorry this wasn’t what you expected, but it looks amazing on you! it’s a great summer color without the pastel funkiness that we’ve seen as of late. i’ve gotta try it!

  13. Rae says:

    Aww, it’s too bad that this wasn’t what you had hoped — but I do still think it looks gorgeous on you! Just… very peachy, too.

  14. Julia Arenas says:

    You look really pretty here 🙂 Wish I could afford Chanel…Lime Crime’s Rocket orange shade looks pretty tempting but overpriced, could you recommend a good dupe for me?

  15. Dani says:

    you know what’s odd? i noticed the orangey tone as well but after a few minutes, it becomes pink. i’m not sure how that works, but that’s what happens with me :S

  16. Monica says:

    I actually like this shade on you, looks really nice with your eyes. I don’t own this lipstick either & think it might not work on me.

  17. @Julia – I guess you’ve seen my dupe post by now – but Revlon Soft Rose is looking like a good bet x

  18. emily says:

    I’m very pale and cool also and Mademoiselle is awful, dry and brick like on me too. I bought it online and seriously regret it. It’s going in the bin, bye bye 30 euros, blah!

  19. You’re right it does turn quite coral on you. It looks gorgeous though!

    I’m an NC 25 neutral-warm asian gal and it looks dusky pink on me.

    I don’t find it dries my lips out (I have naturally quite dry lips) anymore than they already are, but it certainly isn’t moisturizing either.

  20. Sugarenia says:

    THANK YOU. At last, a girl that finds herself in the same position as I am, regarding Mademoiselle. Everyone was raving about this lipstick, so I thought it should be my inaugural Chanel makeup product.

    I had such high hopes, but as you said, this looks nothing like the pinkish cream that I saw in other swatches online. It’s not as brick-coloured on me as it is on you, but it definitely looks more orange than pink. And I also found the formula very drying.

    Such a disappointment 🙁

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