A year on Lipglossiping – Lookback (July 2009)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 16 - 2010

This is a two-parter lookback, because I liked the juxtaposition of both posts…

Part 1, I dwell on getting a little bit older…

Age appropriate cosmetics – Should we tone it down? – Friday, July 17th, 2009

So, I’ve been thinking…

My latest FOTD was quite bright (for me), it’s my 28th birthday today and I’m someone’s Mum.

Should I start being more aware of my age when it comes to cosmetics?

I currently don’t give it much thought.  It’s just not something that inhabits my radar when shopping.

Perhaps it should be?  I mean, loads of factors influence my purchasing decisions: skintone, seasonal trends, cost, if something is work appropriate/occasion appropriate etc…  But I have never questioned myself on whether I might perhaps be a little too mature to wear that sparkle infused lip gloss.

I’m not the kind of person to bathe myself in glitter, but I do find myself more drawn to shimmer than matte.  It might not have the sophistication of matte, but ooh look! pretty!…

I also spent most of my childhood rubbing my eyes.  Why my eyes always itched and why no-one took me to a doctor to get drops I’ll never know but anyway, I digress, where was I?  Oh yes, Consequently, my eyelids aren’t particularly smooth.  They’re quite creased, which probably isn’t going to look good combined with increasing wrinkles.   Throw in some shimmer eyeshadows and it’s probably not the best look past the age of 30.  That’s not to say it’ll look THAT bad, but it’s just not going to be the best way to draw attention to my features.

I have a confession.  I own a rather pretty NYX dark red glitter polish.  When it came in the post, I ooh’ed and ahh’ed over it, twirling the bottle between my fingers and making my husband agree with me at least 5 times a day that it was the sparkliest, prettiest polish he had ever seen…

I wore it once, and honestly… it made me feel massively self-conscious.  I took Leila to the surgery to get weighed and I hid my nails convinced they’d snatch my daughter off me citing the reason that I obviously wasn’t emotionally mature enough to care for a baby if at the age of 28, I was still painting my nails with red glitter.

Please tell me that I’m not the only one who occasionally thinks this when indulging in a bit of sparkle or a lovely bright colour?

The whole thought of having to consider age as a factor when shopping for cosmetics is quite frankly, depressing.

Youth, as they say – is most definitely wasted on the young.

Now please excuse me, I’m off to play with my Dazzle Dusts and Opi Brights.

…and then a few days later, I obviously think screw it when I enter the lovely Tali’s contest (gosh, I kinda miss my long hair too!)

Entry for Tali’s Brother’s Grimm contest! – Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

I had a go at entering Tali’s fantastic contest over at The Gloss Goss which closes tonight, so get your entries in quick!

I was inspired by the sweetie house in Hansel and Gretel and I’m representing the wicked witch portraying herself as innocent, enticing and friendly – just before revealing her true identity (and intentions) to the 2 hapless children.




Erm, I hope that 3rd one isn’t porno lolly – it was supposed to suggest a hint of the witch’s true intentions!

Products I used:


Good luck if you’re entering!

11 Responses to “A year on Lipglossiping – Lookback (July 2009)”

  1. Tali says:

    I remember this!!! Didnt you win!? haha it was my contest and i cant even remember!!!

  2. Happy Blogaversary!! You’ve got gorgeous skin. I think you look good in everything except for the blue lippie!

  3. Rocaille says:

    I actually love that 3rd photo from the contest entry, you look kinda… evil 😉 x

  4. Beeks says:

    I’m curious to know what reaction you got to the age-appropriateness post. Did that majority say it was a factor in their cosmetic buying habits, or no? I’m feeling inspired to write a blog post of my own now! Hmmm…

  5. muamontreal says:

    I am 35 …and I wear brights ans shimmers but I try to keep it under control ;-))) I have a ruby pumps dupe that I wear when I went to cheer me up ! May be everybody thinks I look like a disco ball, I don’t know…I want my make up to be classy and appropriate and badly applied neutral make up is worst then a bold flawless look ?

    Caro-old trout xxx

  6. Shifa says:

    You did such a great job hun! Your makeup is so perfect 🙂

  7. liloo says:

    I shall comment quickly on this because it’s making me all sad :'( Don’t feel bad, it doesnt take much to make me feel sad
    No we should not feel we have to tone it down when we get older.
    Bad enough we get the looks when we wear clothes too short for our ages and that we get mocked upon, so now we need to do that with makeup. no :””’ I refuse to do it, and I want to wear orange lipstick and yellow eyeshadow, with rhinestone in my coffin, just because i can x

  8. KT says:

    Haha so funny. I love the more extreme look. I haven’t seen any of that since I’ve started reading.

  9. I still love bright colors and I’m over 21 years old.:-D And now you have a baby girl you have a great excuse for fun makeup.Say you were playing dress up or she loved the color so you wear it.:-D

    I wear what I like until I see a photo of myself and then if it looks really bad I change my makeup. I used to love hot pink blush but now that my face is plumper I avoid it. Don’t want to look like a pink cheeked squirrel.

    Ultimately I don’t think of age as a limiting factor but how good or bad I look as to what makeup I keep wearing. Of course I’m always trying to look good but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way.

    Love the hearts and lipstick in your contest look.

  10. I actually worry about age appropriateness for makeup all the time 🙁 I worry about the day where I won’t feel comfortable sporting hot pink eyeshadow, because I really dont want that day to ever come. I feel like I have to make the most of brights right now, before I get too old to wear them D:

  11. Olaola says:

    I can’t see any profound wrinkling around the eyes 😉 think you’ll be able to carry off whatever you fancy till the age of 100! Same goes for nail polish. Who cares if you’re 28 or 29 or 45? If you feel like glitter, it’s only nail polish for godsakes. It’s nice to have fun 🙂

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