A year old today… please read my friends…

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 25 - 2010

Lipglossiping.com is a year old today!

12 months ago I was bored and very, very pregnant.  Boredom and pregnancy have a lot to answer for, both have gone on to create little monsters that consume me.

I wish I’d started Lipglossiping back when I had more time to devote to it.  As it is, I sneak a couple of hours in the evening after Miss L has gone to sleep to get the next day’s posts scheduled.  If I had more time, I’d reply to your emails promptly, comment on other people’s blogs instead of just doing a “read and run” and I’d definitely respond to the lovely comments you leave here on mine more often.

That’s my biggest sadness.  If I *ever* don’t respond to something that you were wanting an answer to, please email me… I’m honestly not being ignorant… I’ve just missed it.  Or more likely, filed it away in a “make sure you reply when you’ve finished doing such and such…” and then promptly forgotten to do so.

But anyway…. onto happier things!  At my last stats stalk (ooh about 46 seconds ago – traffic whore? Moi?) Lipglossiping was averaging 33,000 unique and lovely visitors a month.  I don’t have enough fingers to count that high, but it sounds like a lot to me.  I’m not sure where you all came from, but I’m pleased you keep stopping by.

It makes me suddenly aware though that those ugly FOTD’s I uploaded a year ago when it was only me, my husband and my mum who stalked my blog leave me feeling rather naked.  But, as twatty as it sounds… keeping it real is what I want this blog to be all about.  I’m no Make Up Artist, Journalist or Guru.  I’m a girl with a fuck-off passion for making herself look better than the first thing she sees when she looks in the mirror.  I’m a girl who feels intimidated by astonishingly beautiful women (but admires them all the same) and I’m a girl who has a tendency to bore you to death if you don’t share my loves.

Thankfully, most of you do.

I’ve been asked “How do you post so much, don’t you find it a bit of a chore?”

Each day I wake up excited to check my comments and every night before sleep I think about what I’m going to write about the next day.  When the time comes that I no longer feel a buzz of excitement when I hit the ‘schedule’ or ‘publish’ button, that’s the day that I need to stop.  I’m hoping it’s still a long time off yet.

It’s a true privilege to be read and taken notice of, and one that I don’t take for granted.  Brand involvement in the blogging world has gotten heavy (not just in beauty… but most consumer ‘genres’) and it continues to be a volatile environment.  There’s a lot of mistrust, jealousy and false lovey-ness… it’s the flip-side to the opportunity to play with free makeup, make fabulous new blogging friends and eat cupcakes at events.  I focus a lot of energy into walking the tightrope and being as fair and honest as I can.  After all, I know you guys see through a PR puppet quicker than you can spot a fake MAC on eBay.

I had a well-known brand email me a month ago and their email ended:

“Once again thank you (even though sometimes we have to read the reviews through the gaps in our fingers whilst shielding our eyes from the criticism – all constructive of course!).”

Honestly? One of my proudest blogging moments.

Keep coming back chaps, I think I probably need you more than you need me.

59 Responses to “A year old today… please read my friends…”

  1. Big fashionista says:

    Keep up the great work. I love Reading your posts, and really enjoy each one as it comes up x x x

    Here’s to the next 12 months x

  2. Jules says:

    Big beaming grin for you + your blog!! Awww the wee cupcakes are adorabubble and a definitely well deserved treat for all your passion + hardwork put into your blog, WOOOHOO FOR LIPGLOSSIPING!!! xx

  3. Dani says:

    happy birthday, lipglossiping! may you have many more posts to come!

    you look lovely, as always. and your daughter is too cute for words!


  4. Utterly fantastic post as always!
    Have a great Birthday xx

  5. Anitacska says:

    Happy Birhday to Lipglossiping!

    Keep up the good work! 🙂


  6. VexintheCity says:

    Well done for making it this far. Your blog is brilliant. Erm…did you really make “Lipglossiping” cakes or have you been tampering wth Photoshop again?? LOL

  7. Rebecca says:

    Happy birthday!

  8. Caz says:

    Happy Birthday! I love the uniqueness of your writing and I look forward to every post! Keep blogging 🙂
    Those cupcakes look lovely – im very jealous!!

  9. Lauren says:

    Congratulations, you have a great blog and you deserve every one of your followers.
    Have a great day. Those cupcakes look YUMMY! XX

  10. Happy birthday! Keep it up, your blog is fabulous xx

  11. Happy blogiversary! Keep up the good work bb <3

  12. Louise says:

    The cupcakes look delicious! Your blog is one of the few I read the most, you’re so down to earth and I love how you write, I hope you don’t go too soon as well!

  13. Rocaille says:

    Happy birthday and congratulations, hun, your blog is truly fabulous – and I love your witty and cheeky writing style! All the best to you and your babies, or little monsters, if you like 😉 xxx

  14. Grace London says:

    Happy happy birthday.

  15. Lucy says:

    Congratulations, Charlotte! You have a wonderful blog and you are quite right to be really proud of it. Well done xx

  16. Natalie says:

    Happy birthday lovely!!! xx

  17. Rachel says:

    Happy birthday! I love reading your blog, I love your style and your honesty and I really hope you continue for a long time to come! xx

  18. Sarah says:

    happpy birthday! : )

    shes so cute, i want a cuddle xxx

  19. AlicatAHL says:

    Happy birthday Lipglossiping! I’m so glad I found your blog, it’s been a daily inspiration and a good giggle to boot!

    Keep up the excellent work (and I’m drooling over those cupcakes…)

  20. Yinnie says:

    happy birthday, Your blog has done amazingly well for one year!

  21. Rhamnousia says:

    Pardon this comment if some letters are out of place, fat fingers and netbooks don’t mix!

    I love your blog and read it all the time, I haven’t been commenting a lot recently because my computer keeps forgetting to put my details in.

    Congrats on keeping a blog for a whole year, a blog that contains no filler!

    We read your blog because you’ve been the same person since you started blogging, you don’t let the success of your blog get to your head..even though you would be one of the very few who should!


  22. Helen says:

    Happy Birthday Lipglossiping….

    can’t remember quite how I found your blog (I do tend to get sidetracked quite often and end up ‘miles’ from where I intended to go internetwise!) but am so very glad I did. I only subscribe to a couple of blogs – but yours is my Number One Blog.

    Heres to the next year… and the next, etc

    Helen xx

  23. Congrats on being a year old and your success!
    Your blog is one of my favourites to read and you always have the best photographs!
    Loving those cupcakes and baby L …aawww x

  24. Awww, I’m so happy that your blog is 1! That’s an eternity in this blogs-come-and-go environment! Love all you’ve done, and your blog is popular precisely because you’re honest! You deserve everyone of your 33 000 unique visitors 🙂

  25. Leanne says:

    Happy Birthday Lipglossiping!

    Hip hip! …(You get the picture)

    Honestly, after all this time yours is still pretty much hands down my favourite blog to read. I’m a serial not-commenter like you but I read every post, every day. Because you’re pretty much brilliant, really!

    And those cakes.. just wow. 😀

    We love you! x

  26. lenny says:

    Happy Birthday Lipglossiping! I absolutely love your blog Charlotte. Your personality shines through in each post and your photographs are outstanding. Your little one is beyond cute as always! I hope you continue for a very long time 🙂 x

  27. caz says:

    The day you stop posting will be a sad sad day! I don’t know what I’d do without this blog, aha.
    Happy 1st birthday! And I hope you have many more 😀

  28. Kae says:

    happy bloggiversary!

  29. liloo says:

    Got tears in my eyes from reading this, this is such an achievement. I need to come back to reply properly. In the meantime, wishing you a lovely bloggiversary xxx
    lots of love from one of 33,000 number 1 fans 🙂

  30. Charlie says:

    I need info on the cakes, did you make them? have them made?!

    happy birthday 🙂

  31. Louise says:

    Happy Blogday 🙂 Here is to many more years x

  32. Kim says:

    Happy Bloggy Birthday 😀 I hope there’s many years to come! Those cakes look yummy! xox

  33. Ellie says:

    Happy Blog Birthday! Congratulations on your achievement, your blog is one of my favourites to read and that’s because of your natural, humerous and always entertaining writing style, something I wish I had! x

  34. Judith says:

    Happy Birthday from Germany :)!

    You are one of the rare bloggers who actually make me *care and want* to leave a nice comment & compliment (or a guilty conscience if I don’t *lol)!
    Keep up the great work, you absolutely inspire me :)!


  35. You are seriously one of my blog heroes — or heroines! I love how you write and the personality that shows through in each and every one of your posts! Keep on blogging lady — you are simply fabulous.


  36. As i said in my answer to your comment on my blog, i just found out your blog a couples of days ago and i’m amazed by all the nice stuff here, from the look of your blog to your lovely posts.
    I like the way you write, your photos and your lovely little daughter.
    Happy Birthday !

  37. Julia Arenas says:

    Love your blog. It’s the only one I check everyday. happy birthday lipglossiping.^v^

  38. lyn says:

    Happy blog birthday! Count me as one of your many fans 🙂 Love your blog and keep up the great writing!

  39. Fee says:

    33,000 is amazing, you must be very proud 🙂 which is what you deserve…. your blog is inspiring and always entertaining.

    🙂 Welldone.

    Fee @ Makeupsavvy


  40. Louise says:

    Happy Blogging Birthday 🙂

    I’m very new to this world of beauty blogging and you were one of the first blogs i pressed the magic “follow” button on. I love reading your blog, and wish you many more blogging birthdays to come.

    Go enjoy your yummy cupcakes!

    Love Louise xxx

  41. Jasmine says:

    Hi Charlotte, I love reading your posts because you are so effortlessly genuine, witty, down-to-earth and honest. I would never judge you for your flaws because frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn! Reading your entries makes me feel like we’re already BFFs, although I’m just another reader and TOTALLY sounding kind of socially awkward by acting too familiar!

    Keep up the brilliant writing and I hope to see many more birthdays coming!

  42. Happy Blogday my lovely! This blog is my favourite makeup and nice things blog even if it has started to leave a big dent in my ‘Ladies Nice Things’ account!

    Here’s to many more years (and many more cupcakes *drool*)

  43. Lizzard says:

    wow 33000! you are amazing and i can see why people keep coming back. i really love reading your posts and as always your photography captures products beautiful. your baby L is super super cute i just wanna hug her and kiss those big cheeks!

    again, i’m going to ask since you said we could – could you pleaseeeee do a tutorial on how to use the mac 187. i just got one (not a mac but a sally’s) nonetheless, idk how to use it!

  44. Rae says:

    Happy blogiversary, lovely! Thank you so much for everything you put into Lipglossiping — I have a reading list of [number censored; it is way too large!] blogs, but yours is literally the first one I check each and every morning.

  45. Heather says:

    Happy 1 year blog anniversary 🙂 I’ve enjoyed reading your blog so much and I look forward to more awesome posts 🙂 It’s been great getting to know you through your blog and your tweets 🙂

  46. Jessica says:

    Congrats Charlotte 😉 I just love your blog, it’s one of my favorits! Your posts always put a smile on my face, so please keep up the good work!

  47. Happy Birthday, Lipglossing. Lots of <3

  48. Daisy says:

    Happy One Year of Lipglossiping! I can honestly say that this is one of my absolute favourite beauty blogs- so honest and fantastic photos! Keep it up! x

  49. You don’t know how much it means to me that you guys have taken the time to leave such lovely messages on here. I’m truly really touched. Goodness me, thank you so much for your kindness and affirmation xxxx

  50. Tina says:

    Aww, happy blogging birthday dear, hopefully there will be a LOT more to come in the future!!!
    PS: You and your daughter are super cute!


  51. Riddhi says:

    I only found this blog recently, but I look forward to more wonderful posts from you for years to come!! 😀

  52. Congrats on a whole year of blogging! My makeup blog is only 6 weeks old. I hope I’m doing as well as you are a year from now. Keep up the fun posts. Love your blog.

  53. Rowena says:

    I’m here because you threatened to kill my cats if I didn’t come and leave a comment.


    Bitch, you’re great. My early morning partner in crime. You have an integrity that I know is genuine, whilst other people talk the talk, you walk the walk – and your blog is a reflection of that.

    Say Hi to the other piggies for me.


  54. Retrodiva says:

    Congrats on a full year, from a fellow read-and-runner!

  55. jayashri says:

    Hi, this is jayashri from india 🙂
    first thing first.. happy birthday :):):)
    i have been reading ur blog for almost a year… since u started it 🙂 and i have thoroughly enjoyed it all..
    the first thing after i connect to the internet to is to check for updates in ur blog an its never disappointed me 🙂
    i wish u the best an hope u never get tired of bloggin 🙂
    ur ardent follower

  56. Oceane says:

    Is your daughter wearing a pumpkin patch dress by any chance. Mine has a purple one just like it. I work there..

  57. Sarah says:

    Congratulations and please do keep it up. You’re my benchmark of good blogging.

  58. @Oceane, I’ve just seen this… Yes! It’s is a PP one 🙂

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