Tampons! um… direct to your door?

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 15 - 2010

I freaking LOVE getting things through the post… letters, makeup, postcards, ebay purchases, those little sachets that Nivea sometimes send out, even the occasional dog poo if it’s from an admirer…

…but sanitary wear?

Let me introduce you to Trinkets.

They Say:

In our lifetime as a woman, we will experience around 500 periods and use around 11 thousand tampons! That’s a lot of tampons and a lot of hassle! So, sit back and relax as Trinket Women deliver a precious gift direct to your door each month. Cotton, sophisticated and feminine, we believe Trinkets tampons will make you feel good about your period. Period!

“Yay! I’m so excited my box of Trinkets has landed on my doormat, now I know my period is imminent!  I can’t believe how GOOD I feel about the impending 5 days of inconvenience, grumpiness and occassional pain!  Hoorah!”

Sarcasm aside… I actually think it’s kind of a nifty idea…

More times than I’d like to admit, I’ve gone to the bathroom cabinet only to discover an empty, unreplaced box of tampons.  This results in much pleading with Mr. L to go do the “corner shop shuffle” in a fake moustache and sunglasses, only for him to come back with the wrong stuff.

You can choose to have your Trinkets tampons delivered every 3, 4 or 5 weeks.  You also select type and absorbency requirements and with prices starting from £2.29 for a box of 16 with the option to cancel at any time, they’re not taking the mick.

If you want to give it a go, take advantage of the offer the people at Trinkets have put together for my readers.  Enter code T1045 on the website to get a 2nd pack for free.  I’ve just ordered 2 boxes for £2.29 delivered, that’s cheaper than I can get them from Boots.

It’s a great deal with no STRINGS attached and the code will be available for a limited PERIOD only.  God damn I’m funny.

What do you think of the idea?  Useful or folly?

23 Responses to “Tampons! um… direct to your door?”

  1. Justine says:

    Oh I wish they delivered to Canada! The idea seems fantastic… no more semi-embarassing drugstore checkouts!

  2. Grace London says:

    See, I have absolutely no shame and a slightly sadistic streak – I’ll happily march up to the checkout with the teenage male cashier with tampons and condoms in my basket.

    I think it is a good idea for anyone who does have a more sensitive nature though, which is practically everyone.

  3. Lenny says:

    love this idea. the packaging is quite swish too! surprised it has only just been done x

  4. Helen says:

    hmmm … or you could just buy a mooncup – never have to worry about running out of tampons/pads again! One of the best decisions I have ever made… £20 for up to ten years protection – and hardly any ‘pains’ at all, and once you get past the ‘ewwww’ factor I find it far ‘cleaner’ to use.

  5. liloo says:

    good grief, trying to see what the product looks like is like pulling the teeth out of a chicken. With my knowledge of english, I was trying to guess what the product was going to be like before seeing it. The name of trinket reminds me of a cup and the first thing which came to mind was those plastic funnels you need to pour out the blood out when it’s full and just wash it, like no one cares in the public restroom. So my question, since I could never see any picture of the product: is it just a normal tampon but more absorbent? All i could see were pictures of:
    – a fuzzy woman, – cotton flowers, – the actual box with pretty losanges in shades of blue and chocolate brown, – a blurred calendar with the day 16 circled in red. So yeah, all that to say I am not impressed. 😀 x

  6. Lottie says:

    What a fab idea…I have been caught out on one to many occasions!!!! Liloo what a bizarre post – you can see a small picture of the tampons on the ‘Why Trinkets’ page. I think it is safe to assume that tampons in general are not going to vary in appearance only quality and it is the concept that is unique for Trinkets!

  7. @Liloo – Hello lovely, the tampons themselves are of the normal variety 🙂 It’s the fact that you can have them delivered to your home that is the novelty xxx

  8. @Helen – I do have a slight “ewww” factor where Mooncups are concerned….

    Well, no that’s not right… I’m not squeamish at all actually. But I just can’t see how they’d be that practical when I’m out and about all day…. I’m thinking public loos etc?

    Would love to hear your experiences with regards to that if you happen to come back and read this xxx

  9. @Grace – Your daughter is going to be an awesome young lady. Formidable.

  10. Sarah says:

    good idea, shit sales pitch. xx

  11. Eyelining says:

    It took me two years but I finally trained my other half in shopping for what he terms ‘lady things’, getting me a hot water bottle in the middle of the night and reminding me to stock my handbag during ‘that time’. You’re telling me all my hard work was for nothing? I can never let him find out about this service…. x

  12. RaeRae says:

    To be honest, I don’t have any shame buying tampons… I’d rather not pay extra to have the tampons prettily packaged and sent to my door.
    I could understand the usefulness of these if you’re disorganised or irregular, so you’re always caught without… I havn’t had to send the boyfriend on many tampon runs, (luckily for him lol) so I’d rather save my pennies…

  13. I got this in the mail, and I think that they should filter out those poeple who don’t have periods anymore!!

  14. Shortiee31 says:

    I too have no shame but the packaging looks sooo pretty.. Would be tempted just for that reason 😉

  15. liloo says:

    @lipglossiping oh i see. ok. i think i would be interested in the product if it came in a non descriptive white jiffy white padded envelope I can re use afterwards 🙂

  16. I don’t use a Mooncup (yet) but I know from people who do that they just carry bottled water with them and use that to rinse them out whilst they’re in the cubicle.

    This is a cute idea but I hate tampons!

  17. Tamara says:

    Oh I think its genious,you both know when u r due and get these amazing,beautifly packed(i know,im a sucker for nice packages) tampons…Im up for it

  18. Rae says:

    Okay, that’s kinda nifty — I just love the packaging! And yes, you ARE quite funny 😛

    (I hope you know that I will be stalking the background of every photo you take from now on, because I totally spy Infusion d’Iris!)

  19. caz says:

    Really cute idea! And what adorable packaging!
    Luckily I don’t need such items, yay for the implant stopping my periods!

  20. That’s actually an amazing idea – pretty much the only product I need replenished in monthly instalments 😛 but I did work experience at an event last year where a tampon+pad brand sponsored it, so I now have enough stock to last me through an apocalypse.

  21. Helen says:

    re: Mooncups

    Where do I start? Actually you might have trouble shutting me up!

    No problems with public loos (hasten to add I don’t wash it out in the handbasins in public…!) as the only ‘messy’ bit is inside the cup and you don’t handle that bit – you don’t necessarily have to rinse it out every time you use it either, just wipe the inside with a bit of toilet roll if you feel you need to.

    I have happily gone to London for an entire day/night when ‘on’ armed with just my mooncup whereas beforehand I would probably have not gone at all, in fact I think I only had to empty it once whereas if I’d used towels I’d have needed to take half a packet – and the heavy duty ones at that.

    I have never got on with tampons and find towels make me feel clammy and unclean whereas my mooncup actually makes me feel good about my period, particularly as I no longer seem to suffer stomach cramps to the extent I did before, and it doesn’t drag on as much.

    Add to that the fact that properly looked after it should last ten years – and think how much more money you can spend on makeup…!

    Hope this helps (and wasn’t tmi !)

  22. @Helen, thanks SO much for coming back and sharing some more info! Not at all TMI, just really useful.

    I did see mooncups on the sale stand at my local boots last week, I think they were around £11 each, definitely going back to take another look!

    Thank you xx

  23. @Rae – hey, can’t take credit for that photo (or the gorgeous background decor). My counter tops are NOWHERE near that clean 😉

    And you’re SUCH a perfume geek!

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