Tag – Three’s of Me

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 13 - 2010

I received this tag from the infinitely beautiful DvoraDivine, I haven’ t done a tag in ages… but a bit of procrastination on a Friday night goes a very long way!

Three names I go by:
1. Charlotte
2. Charlie
3. Charlene… innit.

Three jobs I have had:
1. Office Cleaner
2. Corner Shop Worker
3. Computer Repair Chick

Three places I have lived:
1. Portsmouth, UK
2. Sydney, Australia
3. Southampton, UK

Three favourite drinks:
1. Tea (milk, 2 sweeteners)
2. Diet Coke
3. Gin & Tonic

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Ghost Hunters
3. Eastenders

Three places I have been:
1. Seoul, S. Korea
2. Fontenay Le Comte, France
3. Gstaad, Switzerland

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Los Angeles, USA
2. Hong Kong, China
3. New York, USA

Three people who text (or bbm) me regularly:
1. Mr. L
2. Nobody
3. Um… Nobody *sniff*!

Three favorite old TV shows:
1. The Avengers
2. Game On
3. Citizen Smith

Three favorite dishes:
1. Singapore Fried Rice
2. Mushroom Stroganoff
3. Smažený Sýr (heart attack inducing, but too tasty!)

Three makeup/beauty products I cannot live without:
1. Brow Powder
2. Mascara
3. Foundation

Three things I’m looking forward to:
1. World Domination
2. A Long Holiday
3. The Summer

Three people I tag:
1. SilhouetteScreams
2. Nouveau Cheap
3. Rae

10 Responses to “Tag – Three’s of Me”

  1. 1)You watch Desperate Housewives yeaaaah! 🙂
    2)World Dominations sounds great lol
    3) Didn’t know you used to live in Syndey

  2. Dvoradivine says:

    Ah pretty lady i didn’t even realise you’d seen the post! You’re too sweet 🙂 i’m all for your world domination as long as we can have a fully stocked sephora in every town for all the ladies in the uk. Thank you in advance!

  3. You’ve inspired me! I did the tag even though you didn’t tag me!

    Thank you!

  4. Justine says:

    Haha oh gosh, my life is boring in comparison! I’ve only lived in one place and only have one name…

    And how do you pronounce your third favourite dish? I’m intrigued… XD

  5. Rae says:

    Haha, thanks for the tag, Charleneinnit 😛 I too am curious about this mysterious third dish!

  6. Rocaille says:

    Ah, Smazeny Syr, where did you eat that? Slovakia? They definitely put too much cheese in everything, but sooo tasty 😀 xxx

  7. I’ll do this soon! 🙂 omg your 3 favourite dishes sound AWESOME

  8. Lizzard says:

    Ahh Charlotte! I got my package today!!!! thank you thank you I can’t wait to picure and post! xoxo thanks again :o)

  9. Jasmine says:

    Singapore Fried Rice! Hello from Singapore, I never knew that we have a “Singaporean” fried rice — there are probably 10 kinds on any small eatery’s menu around. I’m delurking to say hi because you don’t know how close you’ve made me feel by mentioning soething from this small country I’m from 🙂

  10. Stroganoff…yum…

    Thanks so much for the tag, sweetie!! I’m doing it now…:) xo

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