Sleek MakeUP i-Divine Bohemian Palette…

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 16 - 2010

…Or just ‘divine’ according to the packaging.  And yano what?  I think they might be right…

Sleek MakeUP have truly outdone themselves on the design front.  Reminiscent of MAC’s soon to be released (in the UK) Give me Liberty of London collection with it’s whimsical scrolls and monochromatic base design.  Someone in the Sleek MakeUP Art dept. has their fingers very much on the pulse.

When the palette arrived unnanounced from Sleek HQ, I was momentarily thrown by all this new styling!  Ordinarily enclosed in a clear plastic carton, the Sleek MakeUP Bohemian palette finds itself housed in cardboard.  I don’t know if this is a permanent shift in packaging, but it’s one I prefer.  It’s easier to open at the counter to make sure you haven’t managed to pick up the one palette that’s been smashed to smithereens by an over-zealous 9 year old.

The actual palette itself has undergone a bit of a transformation too, no longer a sleek black box I’m undecided on the new look.  It looks a bit cheap, the stark white seems to emphasise it’s overall plastic-ness.  I think if Sleek MakeUP had continued the graphics (or even just the black swirls) from the outer sleeve onto the palette itself, it would have been a knockout.

In fairness though, do we care?  Probably not…

With 12 generously sized eye shadows contained under the lid, the Sleek MakeUP palettes retain their excellent value for money credentials.  Let’s take a closer look at those eye shadows.

Sleek MakeUP Bohemian Palette is billed as being inspired by “antique trinkets, vintage finds” and um… “Sienna Miller”.  Despite this obvious drawback *removes tongue from cheek*, they’ve managed to pull off a fabulous array of strong shades that are sure to pack a punch.  Will I use all of them?  Probably not… but I don’t think I’ve ever used every shade in a Sleek MakeUP i-Divine palette and that hasn’t stopped me buying them thus far.

The Bohemian palette is comprised of 3 shimmers and 9 mattes.  Woah there!  As a shimmer girl, I have to admit to being a little disappointed to see so many mattes…. I mean, go buy the Chaos palette if you want mattes!  Still, I’m nothing if not adventurous (honest!) and do realise that I’m not the only makeup-loving chick in the world… let’s have a closer look…

Oh, but before we do… For the love of God, will someone at Sleek MakeUP please consider naming the i-Divine shadows?  No?  Fine… I hereby christen these shades with some twatty names on your behalf…

Top Row from Left to Right… (S) = Shimmer, (M) = Matte

1. Gilt – Golden Olive (S)
2. Russet – Rust (S)
3. Marron – Maroony Chestnut (M)
4. Calendula (shutup, they’re MY names) – Banana Custard (M)
5. Anaemia (come on MAC, employ me already) – Off-White (M)
6. Neutron – Black (M)

7. Wafer (It SO is, right?) – Pale Tan (M)
8. Sanguine – Raspberry meets Cranberry (S)
9. Clover – Bright Grassy Green (M)
10. Overdyed – Indigo Denim (M)
11. Emperor – Purple (M)
12. Moto-X (yeah, I’m bored of shade naming now) – Dirt Brown (M)

And the swatches…

Bar Clover and Calendula… I think I’m happy to wear the rest of the shades, which is more than I thought when I first looked at the palette.  My only other ‘not sure’ was Wafer which actually works fabulously in the crease to blend out a more vibrant shade.

The pigmentation of the mattes is (as expected) not as strong as the shimmers, but they’re easily buildable without looking chalky and the above swatches show no more than 3 swipes (2 in most cases).

I’ve given Sleek a hard time recently on…. from Eye Dusts that spill to liquid liners that flake, I’ve been disappointed with the quality of some of the brand’s recent offerings.  So it’s just as well they’ve come along and hit this one out of the ballpark.

Sleek MakeUP i-Divine Bohemian Palette is Limited Edition and will be available from Wednesday 17th March at some Superdrug stores (not my local – boo!) and online at Sleek MakeUP priced at £4.99.

International ladies, please note that Sleek MakeUP now accept online orders and offer international postage.

46 Responses to “Sleek MakeUP i-Divine Bohemian Palette…”

  1. nlngstar says:

    wow, the pigmentation is great!

  2. Emma Jane says:

    Thanks for the swatches, the colours look fab (especially Sangiune and Overdyed). As for your shadow-naming skills – twatty? Naaaah, I’d say you did a pretty decent job 😀

  3. Charlie says:

    I like the packaging, I’m pretty sure the white plastic is an effort to look like Apple things, y’know, like an iphone or something. I like the palette but I won’t buy it because I don’t use the one I’ve got x

  4. kirsty says:

    Thank you for this! I heard about the new pallette yesterday, so I’m happy to see the swatches. I will more than likely be found trawling both the Superdrugs in my town at opening to see if they have it. Remind me to wear green so that random drunks won’t pinch my arse… (at 9am? It’s more likely than you think)

    I don’t know how I feel about the packaging, I suppose I’ll have to decide that tomorrow. It won’t stop me from buying it though.

  5. Mhairi says:

    I won’t be buying it – I don’t like matt eyeshadows and this one is full of them. Disappointed 🙁

  6. Natalie says:

    Good review hun – I got this too but my review will be pitiful in comparison ha ha ha xxx

  7. Connie says:

    thanks for the swatches. the selection of colors look great! I have the original one but I haven’t started using it yet

  8. Dvoradivine says:

    I love these palettes. I can’t wait to get a hold of one 🙂 and your naming system is MINT! they need to hire you. Like seriously. Made me smile the whole way through! FOTD? Pretty please?

  9. sarah smith says:

    Wow I didn’t realise they had a proper website now, why on earth didn’t they tell us? I just read my press release again and I can’t find it! Also I can’t email them today everything bounces back! Dunno whats bloody going on… oh and I agree the palettes is lovely so why taint it with the name of bloody sienna ‘looks like she just got dragged thru a hedge’ miller? hmm

  10. These palettes are great,but I find the shades too dark for me–but they look GREAT on darker skin shades (NC35+).

  11. frenchie says:

    Amazing review! Thank you so much, now I can finally see what the shades look like. How sweet and super useful of you to name the shades. My first impressions, before reading your article were ‘I am not going to buy this palette cos it looks too cheap, white plastic and stuff, will get dirty’ but you made me realise how beautiful the shades are which are after all what the palette is about.

    What I tend to forget is how inexpensive the palette and that I should not be too demanding. Will Sleek Makeup listen to ‘all the complaints’ about the white case and revert back to black for the future palettes, I don’t know because I don’t know they are ‘in tune’ with their customers. Their twitter presence and interaction has definitely a lot to improve on, and so far, I’ve received more warmth and feedback from a stone than through them.

    Coming back to the palette, the cardboard design is just purely amazing, but I feel it’s a bit superfluous, as I would have preferred the effort to be made on the case, rather than on the outer cardboard which you are not going to keep or put back in everytime. My feeling is the same regarding the website: efforts are in the wrong places, and i would have preferred something quick, functional rather than an attempt at making things fancy which don’t work. Coming back to the palette again (I keep on sidetracking here)
    Do I need ther bohemian palette? No, I have too many shadows.
    Will I buy? Of course I will, no doubt about that!

    Yes, despite all my gripes about the mute PR on twitter, the crap website, the tacky white case, the nameless shadows, I would buy it, cos it’s so good value for money, the size of the palette, and the shades are just so nice, omg how much desirable they are now when they have a name.

    I think we all like complaining because we’re frustrated because the product is so good, but it could be 20 times better because we could list about 20 things which would make the product feel and look more elegant, upmarket etc…

  12. Anitacska says:

    I also prefer shimmery eyeshadows, so don’t think I’l be getting this. I have 5 Sleek palettes already and they’re great, excellent value and good quality, but I do find the colours a bit too vibrant sometimes. Oh and I prefer the black case to the white myself. :S

  13. Nic nic says:

    i love your picture-taking and swatches! It’s definitely something to learn from! They do look great.. white case reminds me of the ipod/mac!

  14. mochamishmash says:

    You’ve got a great blog! Love your “names”! I hate makeup that’s unnamed..(not that that’s ever stopped me from buying it). One day I’ll have to get my mitts on a Sleek palette as they all look soo pretty…

  15. Caz says:

    Wafer is a perfect name for that shade!
    I love your photos – they make it really easy to see the colours without being washed out by the flash.
    I don’t think im going to get this palette as I dont think i’ll use it much, my favourite is the Storm as it has lots of wearable shades.

  16. RaeRae says:

    My Superdrug better be stocking this tomorrow… Otherwise I’ll definitely order online 🙂
    I love matte shadows, so only 3 shimmers is a good thing for me! And I’ll use all of them… I’ve been on the lookout for a good yellow shadow so this makes me happy.

  17. gio says:

    Thanks for the swatches. Wow, the colors are so gorgeous and pigmented! I love Sleek palettes, they are great value for money. I already have 5 and I’m definitely getting this one too. 🙂

  18. shifa says:

    you do pictures the best hun 😀 am gona get this one for sure!

  19. creativeZhen says:

    wow, thanks for the swatches!
    is the colour number 5 (Anaemia) in any way comparable to MAC vanilla?

  20. Hmmm… this one definitely interests me though I do wish they stuck with the black packaging. Do you happen to know how much shipping is internationally? They don’t seem to list it on the website unless I’m missing something…

  21. @kirsty, I’m intrigued! Why green?

  22. @Natalie – hush you! x

  23. @DvoraDivine – ohhhhh go on then, but only if you promise to do a video tut with yours when you get it! x

  24. @frenchie – it is good value for money, I guess that’s the bottom line. They are a bit hit and miss on the Social Media front, hopefully they’ll be able to focus more on those kind of things now the website is launched, I think getting that off the ground has taken a huge effort from what is still essentially a rather small company.

  25. @mochamishmash thank you! you’ve got a great name.. I keep saying it…quicker and quicker, ‘cos I’m TOTALLY like 4 yrs old.

  26. @creativeZhen – well “anaemia” is a matte, so in that respect they’re different. This makes a nice all over base for pale skintones, on me it really evens everything out, but it’s a very flat colour so I’m not sure if it would be an entirely suitable ‘vanilla’ dupe. x

  27. @JeweledThumb – Standard 7 to 10 working Days (worldwide shipping) = $13.50 my love xx

  28. Lizzard says:

    i’m really shocked by #5, it’s my favorite one, such a beautiful pearly and warm winter white 🙂

  29. caz says:

    I had a horrible dream last night that I couldn’t get this palette cos I have a broken leg, and then I woke up assuming the entire palette was a figment of my imagination. But now in the clear light of morning, the platte exists, AND I can get them online. screw you nasty nightmare.

  30. […] A quick (quick? who am I kidding, took me ages!)  FOTD showing off a couple of the matte shades from the new Sleek MakeUP Bohemian Palette: […]

  31. kirsty says:

    @lipglossiping Because it’s St Patrick’s day! Old men and students love it here in Nottingham.

  32. I love my mattes, but the shimmers in that palette definitely look better! Not sure how I feel about the white packaging, while its pristine it looks like a macbook, but I prefer black overall 🙂

    And OMG ima get my hands on a palette if the postage prices are reasonable!

  33. Shamini says:

    I was SO positively surprised when i got my first Sleek palette, but this one looks even more fantastic than the black ones! Love it, and I’m ordering it come Friday – no question about it. 😀

  34. SoFrolushes says:

    they need to name the shadows so if ever someone wanted to buy a single shadow they would know which to purchase.

  35. Jessica says:


    What is your camera and how much was it? 🙂

  36. @kirsty – of course! that makes much more sense now! x

  37. @Jessica….

    Canon 30D, can’t remember. 🙂

  38. Pasiphae says:

    I tried to buy this online but the pricing in euros is a bit odd! I used an online currency converter and it gave me 4.99pounds=5.56euros, whereas Sleekmakeup charge the palette for 8.50euros! WTF???!!!

  39. @Pasiphae – it’s something to do with not being able to undercut Sephora’s pricing of the palettes in Euros.

    They mentioned it on their facebook page here

    Hope that helps lovely xx

  40. @Pasiphae, wait… here’s a better link – it’s a shame 🙁

  41. Sara says:

    wow this is gorgeous! Great swatches! Thank you!

  42. Pasiphae says:

    Thank you so much for the info, I had no idea! It is such a shame, we don’t even have this at our Sephora!!! 🙁
    I guess I can find someone willing to get this for me from the UK or to swap! Thank God for the makeup community!!! 🙂

  43. Redtiger21 says:

    WANT WANT WANT!!!!!!

  44. Tammy says:

    Thanks so much for introducing me to this brand (I’m from the US). Great swatches! 🙂

  45. […] wondered if I’d mind terribly if they used the names I’d already invented for the Bohemian Palette?!  Hmmmm…. do I mind? Um… […]

  46. […] the Bohemian palette before it, the Sleek Circus palette contains a mixture of shimmer and matte shades.  […]

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