Urban Decay Primer Potion in Sin – At Long Last!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 25 - 2010

Here comes the older, more glam sister…

Urban Decay Primer Potion in Sin has been out in the US for over a year now, and I’ve been cooling my heels ever since I saw it pop up on Sephora many moons ago!

It promises all the benefits of the original UDPP with a little added pizazz.

They Say:

~ Use it alone; it’s a crease proof shadow!
~ Maximise it’s potential by using it as a highlighter, dab on brow bone, eye corners and cheeks for a radiant finish.
~ Sin works perfectly with any eye shadow and doesn’t show through, experience vibrant colour all day, with absolutely no creasing!

I received the sample of this last week and as a fan of the original, I was keen to see exactly why I’d want to purchase this one instead.

The new-fangled angled (I’m a poet) wand which promises to reach into each dark primer-potion filled corner of your tube.  I was initially sceptical about how putting an angle on the wand would *really* help, but having had a little play at ‘scooping’ from that very bottom jutting out bit, I think it might just work.  I don’t like how it makes the wand more difficult to remove from the tube though, I keep thinking it’s gonna ping primer at me as it pops free.

Swatched beside the original UDPP you can see that it’s a champagne cream with a metallic looking shimmer.  I instantly liked it… what with being a fan of metallic neutrals with a bit of shimmer n’all  😉

It’s quite heavily pigmented and the first thought that struck me was that it may do a better job at evening out skintone on pigmented eyelids better than the original.  I’m only speculating here as I don’t have a particular issue with red eyelids, but it makes a nice neutral base that sheers out well depending on how much you blend.

I really like this worn as a cream eyeshadow combined with a powder crease colour, as you would imagine, the staying power is rather marvellous.

The two primers blended out a little (not completely).

You can see that Sin retains it’s champagne shimmer whilst the original UDPP is well on it’s way to blending invisibly.

I’m an idiot and forgot to take a photo demonstrating how the same eye shadow looked applied over both primers.  I promise I’ll do it before the week is out and just pop up a quick comparison post.  Basically, if you’re applying a shadow over UDPP Sin… it ups the shimmer.  I <3 it, but it’s important to see as it may put you off completely.

I find that staying power for eyeshadows applied ontop is pretty equal for both primers, if there is a difference, it’s not discernible to me.  Blendability is still hard work over Sin and I’m a bit disappointed about that as it’s the only thing I really would have loved to see changed about the original UDPP.

D’yanowot… I’m on the fence about it with regards to my original question: “Why would I purchase this one over the original?”

Don’t get me wrong… I  really like it, there’s nothing for me not to like.  I like neutral, I like shimmer…

Might I sometimes want some of my shimmer eyeshadows even more shimmery… Possibly!

Do I want all my eyeshadows turned a bit shimmery by using it?  Probably not…

Do I want a lovely champagne cream eyeshadow practically guaranteed not to budge in the summer? Yes please!

Would I purchase?  I dunno!  Stop asking me hard questions!!  What say you?

Urban Decay Primer Potion in Sin is due out next month, priced at £11.50.

18 Responses to “Urban Decay Primer Potion in Sin – At Long Last!”

  1. VexintheCity says:

    Isn’t it sold out here yet??? I thought it was. I’ve has this for months. It actually holds up better on me than the original funnily enough.;

  2. Lady Gray says:

    Now that looks good, my usual UDPP has the angled brush too.

  3. VexintheCity says:

    Oh it doesn’t make your e/s go all shimmery either. I only need a teeny bit, blend it out and the shimmer is very subtle and doesn’t show through the e/s nor change the formula of the e/s you’re using on top.

  4. Anitacska says:

    I have the Sin one (got it on eBay from the US, and I really love it. I sometimes use it alone if I don’t have time in the mornings, as it’s such a beautiful shimmery eyeshadow anyway. Then you can always build up the look if you want to. I think you need this as well as the original, because you might not want to use it with every eyeshadow, but it’s really special and nice to have. I will definitely buy one when available in the UK.

  5. Judith says:

    The point is not to purchase SIN over the Original.. they’re meant for different occasions.. OH and i LOVE EDEN!

  6. I definitely like this better than the original..I wear a lot of dark shadows and it gives them a shimmery undertone without bleaching out any of the pigment. And it makes it stay put which is the most important thing. I can’t believe I am so late to these products!

  7. Eliza says:

    Great review. I’ve only just started using the original PP, having used other primers before. This looks great!
    Looking forward to seeing what it looks like on it’s own as a shadow.

  8. Sophie says:

    I love the look of this 🙂 UDPP Is the bomb!

  9. Sarah says:

    I’ve been eagerly awaiting the UK launch of this and very jeliz of all those who got to sample it ahead of time. I will DEFINITELY be laying down my ££ for it when the time comes.

  10. Jennifer says:

    I have a couple of mini ones that I got last year with the “Get Baked” palette’s and only use it if I use goldy coloured shadows else it changes the shade of shadows x

  11. liloo says:

    This photo is gorgeous. It makes this stupid bottle looks so elegant, i love the way the light hits the bottle and makes it look soft caramel and chocolate. I never bought the original potion. I used all my sample, but the bottle has always put me off, along with scary videos involving knives on how to depot it. Urban Decay has done some face primers in a tube, i cant wait for them to do the same with the eye primer. At the moment, I use two faced shadow insurance. it’s all right, it does the job, but at times the consistency separates a little, maybe my tube is getting old. i dunno. lovely review, ‘fangled angled’ lol. xxx

  12. caz says:

    I’m intreiged, but I don’t think I’ll be perchasing this one…but your photo of it makes it look hella sexy in that bottle aha

  13. I got a little sample of this with my Get Baked palette, but I still havent used it =/

    It would make a great shade if used on its own, but I cant figure out how to wear it all over the eye area (like I do with regular UDPP) without looking like a pornstar. It’s just a bit too shimmery for me D:

  14. @vex, not individually in full size tubes, nope!

  15. Dv says:

    YEYEYEYEY I actually have something that you blogged about yay! I love this primer, the colour is absolutely gorgeous on Asian skin (not chinese type, indian type hehe) and it also fulfills its job as a primer! Ahaha I’m not going to get over the fact that you blogged about something I own (as opposed to you blogging about something I drool over, te he he)! 😀

    I actully got mine from a penpal in America (lucky me!) but I did have to pay a bit more than 11.50, as I didn’t have much to send back that she didn’t already have. 🙁

  16. […] Urban Decay Primer Potion in Sin – At Long Last! | Lipglossiping […]

  17. yuen-ting says:

    It’s available on Debenhams.com right now! AND…it’s 25% off all beauty for a limited time… so it’s only £10.35 instead of £11.50. Also the Urban Decay finishing powder is on there for £15.30 instead of £17! 🙂
    Debenhams stocking new collections before boots…that’s shocking!

  18. […] Urban Decay recently released UDPP in Sin! You can read more about it at Lipglossiping! […]

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