Share your hair mares!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 10 - 2010

I’ve already told you about my triangle hair… and my spiral perm from 1992…

Now it’s your turn…

Aussie, Agassi and me want to hear about your hair mares!

Go on, tell me about your nightmare ‘dos!’

If I get five horror stories I’ll upload a pic of the spiral perm.  And let me tell ya, it makes Agassi look coiffured to perfection.

14 Responses to “Share your hair mares!”

  1. Nicola says:

    lol ive had plenty of my shares. one i will never forget is sporting a mushroom haircut at 12, the bain of my life!

  2. Louise says:

    two words sun in – disaster cotton wool hair urgh took my years to grow it all out

  3. Oh grief I had a spiral perm too! Something in the region of a Carol Decker….. Much admired first time round, a reperm left my hair falling to pieces. Had to have it all cut off…

  4. tali says:

    Ginger mullet

    I was growing out a pixie crop one summer and my hair goes ginger before it goes blonde (yes even a darky like me lightens if enough time is spent tanning) so yeah.. seeeexxxyyy!!

  5. ChynnaBlue says:

    I went to prom with a spiral perm, GIANT plastic glasses, and a boy sporting a mullet. And had pictures taken with my three best friends, so pictures were everywhere and out of my control. One day I found a reunion site from a local group we were all a part of and – surprise – there was my prom picture on the internet. I’d link to it, but the site was shut down years ago and isn’t even cached or archived. But I know, like you know the sun will come up tomorrow, that I will see that picture again someday and I won’t be the only one.

  6. ThatGirl39 says:

    Ah hair mares… I’ve had plenty. So many that I did a blog post (complete with embarrassing photos) here:
    Please don’t laugh too much! TG39 xx

  7. I was at primary school and curled my bobbed hair with those bendy stick things (can’t for the life of me think what they’re called!) and so I ended up with nice ringletty curls only nobody told me that you’re not supposed to then take a brush to said curls…..

    I looked like an explosion in a mattress factory. The nearest image that does it justice is Crystal Tipps. Seriously awful!

  8. I dont have an awesome old school mullet story, but once the hairdresser turned my already short messy hair into an extremely boyish short mess.

    Before he cut it, it was probably like ~emo hair length, and after he cut it, it was like a pixie cut gone VERY wrong. The worst part was, he cut the hair on one side of my head completely fucking straight so it looked like half a bowl cut 😐

    I still have no idea why he cut it straight, the man must have been a moron. I wanted to cry in the salon, and the receptionist tried to cheer me up but it was HORRIBLE.

    And for the record, I’m not one of those people who can pull off boyish haircuts 🙁 they make me look legit like a man

  9. In 7th grade I decided to dye my hair “Candy Apple Red”… but only the top layer, everything underneath was still brown. It was supposed to be just semi permanent, but it took months and months to grow out, and was this nasty faded orange color. Looking at old pictures, it was totally disgusting.

  10. Get Lippie says:

    I had a permed mullet, and I used to slap wet-look gel on it. If that wasn’t bad enough, I used to use Sun In on the fringe so it was GINGER as well…

    Feel a bit sick now, to be honest.

  11. Sarah says:

    The awful things I did to my hair during puberty… cheap red dye, putting gel on the top to try to hold down frizz, but worst of all was probably the time I decided to give myself a fringe. It was cut too short, and my naturally curly hair just sprung right up. I then used more gel and kirby grips to try and make it presentable. I looked like nothing on earth.

  12. Ceona says:

    14 year old me: Muuuuum. I want a perm. Muuuuum, I really want a perm. Pleeeeeaseeeeeeeee!

    Mum after years of my begging: Ok, we’ll speak to the hairdresser.

    Hairdresser: No. No no no. It won’t work. Your hair is too thick, it will fall out. No.

    Me: Hairdresser, I want a perm. Oh please, please, pretty please. I won’t blame you if it falls out.

    Hairdresser: Oh fine. I’ll do it.

    Hairdresser gives me a trendy spiral perm. Hairdresser repeats through the whole thing that it will fall out. Hairdresser uses extra perming solution.

    Result: I end up with the tightest spiral perm you have ever seen. I am, in fact, Spuggie from Byker Grove (google it youngsters). I am mortified. The hairdresser is delighted and thinks it’s fabulous. I retreat home and burst into tears.

    My sister, bless her, does me a french plait. And I wait for the perm to drop. All my friends have bad home perms that drop into cute waves.

    Mine does not. Mine grows out very, very slowly. I use industrial quanitites of mousse to control it. I have crispy hair too. At one point I have straight hair to the tops of my ears and tight curls underneath. I do a home dye. I neglect to read the bit about permed hair taking dye more strongly. I have two tone hair.

    Eventually, I get a bob.

  13. caz says:

    My whole life is a hairmare.
    As a child I suffered from a condition I like to refer to as..Mushroom head….as demonstrated here second left. My mum insisted on keeping it a mushroom appropriate length..cheers ma.

    As a teenager I suffer from a condition I like to refer as dying my hair every time i get bored and being a ball of split ends and badly defined curls. Which is self inflicted I guess.

  14. muamontreal says:

    this post is priceless ! I did everything that was possible to torture my hair ….went blonde, red, eggplant, raven black, permed it ( I have curly hair but …), had bangs (puffy one of course), ….

    Caro xxx

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