IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part 2)

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 1 - 2010

Following on from Part 1, some more pictures from London IMATS 2010!

(Hey! How did our lunchtime Nando’s haul sneak in there!)

Hope you enjoyed the photos!  Sorry for the overload, but there was so much to look at, I couldn’t narrow it down!

25 Responses to “IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part 2)”

  1. wowza!!! that last picture is immense!!! again. on point. i told you. i will send my readers to see your pictures cause they are brilliant!!!
    [ love the fact that my fingers featured too! eeek!]

  2. Yinnie says:

    eek IMATS looks amazing. I was too poor to be able to go this year. Perhaps, if i saved money, I can go next year!

    But Im drooling on my keyboard at the MUFE display.

  3. Rhamnousia says:

    There’s no overload! I love how you can take pics of normal things but make them look exceptional.

    I can’t wait to see your haul post.


  4. liloo says:

    overload? are you kidding me? Just devoured part 1 and part 2 and it was gorgeous actually. wow 🙂 the palettes on picture 5 in part 2 are the yabi palettes right? This confirms what I thought though: a bit too posh for me. Had the event been closer to home, like Manchester or something, i would have deffo gone, if only to meet other fellow makeup lovers, see enkore, & maybe some purchase, but the whole thing looked a little bit too indulgent for me. What a fab event to have been to though. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  5. Meeta says:

    Your photos are amazing as always, I would most definitely love to see more. I’ve never been to IMATS but it looks incredible, I might go next year but the crowds are a bit off-putting. The picture with the head looks freakishly realistic, the special effects make-up would have been an absolute sight to see.

  6. SoFrolushes says:

    The pics look lovely. Looks like it was a good day. As for Nandos now I want to go there for a meal asap

  7. Charly says:

    As always your pictures showed the true magic of IMATS!
    was so lovely to meet you 🙂
    I cant wait till next year counting down the days already 😛

  8. […] – Water Based Nail Colours IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part 2) 01 Feb IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part […]

  9. Great pics! You made the OCC Lip Tars look especially appetizing!

  10. Zulfa says:

    LOVE your photos. Thanks you so much for posting them. I get to enjoy IMATS vicariously.

  11. Shifa says:

    wow! your pictures are so good its like seeing IMATS for real 😀 thanks a tonne gurlie!

  12. Rae says:

    “Photo overload” my butt! There is no such thing as a photo overload if a) they’re photos of IMATS, or b) if you’re the one taking them… it’s *almost* better than being there in person 😛 No lines, no giant hole in the wallet, and no crowds!

    In other words, thanks for sharing photos with us my dear ^^

  13. Very beautiful pictures! You’re such a great photographer!

  14. […] CVS by the ever famous Salma Hayek! Feast your eyes on this two-parter from Lipglossiping and see what happened when IMATS rolled into London Town last […]

  15. […] CVS by the ever famous Salma Hayek! Feast your eyes on this two-parter from Lipglossiping and see what happened when IMATS rolled into London Town last weekend. In her constant search for a […]

  16. […] your eyes on this two-parter from Lipglossiping and see what happened when IMATS rolled into London Town last […]

  17. […] Feast your eyes on this two-parter from Lipglossiping and see what happened when IMATS rolled into London Town last […]

  18. Your pictures are all so amazing! I wish I was there.

    And damn, after seeing your Nandos I’m hungry now.

  19. Faiza says:

    omg wow these pictures are AMAZING

  20. […] CVS by the ever famous Salma Hayek! Feast your eyes on this two-parter from Lipglossiping and see what happened when IMATS rolled into London Town last weekend. In her constant search for a […]

  21. Rebecca says:

    Such awesome photos really bring backs all the colour there was at IMATS! The glitter, oh the glitter!

  22. jen says:

    Your pictures are amazing!! Which camera and lens are you using to capture them?

  23. jen says:

    thanks!! I have a 40D but can never quite get pictures to be as vibrant and sharp as yours. Maybe I just don’t know how to use my camera =)

  24. Natalie says:

    I was there (the redhead in the 18th photo) it was amazing, some brilliant bargains. Sadly don’t think I’ll be there again next year. This isn’t a picture overload at all, good to remember it all really :] Thanks for uploading these.

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