Do not adjust your set…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 12 - 2010

…apologies for this break in regular post scheduling but a couple of things…

1). I’ve noticed I’ve been missing a couple of questions by you lovely lot, I’ll be going back through comments this evening and answering any that I’ve missed!

2). It seems that my international ladies are finally receiving their Advent Giveaway prizes – wahoo! Hope you like them!

3). I’m going to London Fashion Week, please tell me that it doesn’t matter what I wear right?

4). Not only have I been missing questions, but my emails have been haywire too!  My hosting company has switched my account to a new server in the hopes that the problems settle down.  Either that, or just to shut me up… If you’ve emailed and I haven’t replied, I probably didn’t get it.  Please resend!

5). I’ve got another giveaway coming up, don’t get too excited.. it’s nice but not amazing… however, free stuff is free stuff right?

6). Was there a 6?

7). Oh yeah! My hair mare post… thank you for all your jeering, sniggering and downright bitchiness 😉  I have loved reading your stories and will be re-reading them tonight with Mr. L.  Together we’ll pick the worst (or is that best?) and get in touch with the lovely Aussie ladies. If you’ve yet to confess your hair shame… do it now, or forever wear a hat!

8). Leila is poorly, the little mite caught my cold.  It’s all my fault, but babies shouldn’t be allowed to catch colds until they’re old enough to know how to blow their noses.  My baby-nose-picking finger is getting a work out!

She’s doing her ‘monkey face’ but you can see her eyes are a bit watery. Can I get an “awwww”?  She’s 9 months old on Tuesday… I can’t believe how quickly time has flown!

18 Responses to “Do not adjust your set…”

  1. Sophie says:

    You can get a Awwww…

    She is beautiful! xx

  2. Lady Gray says:

    She’s adorable. My Lola is 9 months on the 30th so they are very close in age x

  3. liloo says:

    omg, aww indeed. how cute is the little bundle of colours here.
    london fashion week: just wear something you feel sexy in. and I am not meaning just clothes: your favourite lippy, glossy locks, or perhaps extravagant shoes if you are a shoe person. It goes without saying your nails/lips will have to be the talking point. Falling on your arse in front of the very posh people is not a necessity this time 😉

  4. Lisa Kate says:

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! You get the biggest Awww ever!! What a little muffin, I want to squeeze those cheeks through the computer!! I hope you girlies feel better…give her a squeeze for me XD

  5. AWWWWH ^_^ sooooo cuuuuuuute.

    I just want to poke/squeeze those pudgy cheeks!

  6. rijaH says:

    I’m sorry I couldn’t focus on any of the text… I have been enchanted by that cute little toddler! AWWW 😀 She is sooo cute 😀

  7. Anitacska says:

    Aaaw, your little one is very cute. 🙂

  8. MizzWorthy says:

    I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Your little baby is a beauty!

  9. Justine says:

    Totally distracted by Leila, how cute is she?? Hope both of your colds are clearing up in time for LFW for you!

  10. Rocaille says:

    AWWWW 🙂 What a little colorful cutster you have (I might have just invented a new word)! Hope she gets better soon! xxx

  11. Dv says:

    LEILA IS SOOOO CUTE! OH MY GOSH YOU LUCKY SOD! 😀 I hope she gets much much better. 🙂

    I really wish I could go to the fashion week, but I guess I’ll have to wait till I can drive [away from exams and into the world of makeup and hair!] 😛 OH AND BY THE WAY, IT DOES MATTER WHAT YOU WEAR 😛 Ahaha.


  12. @Sophie – thank you darlin’ xx

    @LadyGray… and if you say their names quickly enough. Spooky makeup blog twin babies!

    @liloo – hmmm, not a shoe person, or a handbag person… or a clothes person.. it’ll have to be the lippie! I could always fall on my arse *sexily*. I’m sure it’s possible.

    @Lisa Kate – She liked the squeeze. She wants more x

    @SilhouetteScreams – I know, it’s an affliction.. she’s gonna grow up hating me. *can’t stop poking and squeezing*

    @rijaH – awww, thank you

    @Anitacska – Thank You! x

    @MizzWorthy – Takes after her mum innit? *pinches you* INNIT?!

    @Justine – Thank you! xx

    @Rocaille – Hello, thank you! xx

    @Dv – Aww hope the exams are going well x

  13. Marie says:

    She is absolutely gorgeous! Not long now though until she’ll be running and causing all kinds of bother.

  14. Daisy says:

    She really is gorgeous! You are very lucky 🙂

    I totally forgot to thank you for my advent prize! I haven’t used it yet but am so excited too- love Burts Bees! Thank you so much xx

  15. desiiGirl87 says:

    she is so adorable!

  16. Lizzard says:

    she is so precious! omg i just want to nibble on those little cheeks! hehehe

  17. kia says:

    awww!,leila is THE most adorable thing ever!! don’t nibble at her cheeks.. it will hurt her ;)))

  18. kia says:

    i wrote that last comment without reading the others lol

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