5 things I wish I’d never bought…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 24 - 2010

… so I sent out a 2am cry on Twitter of “I haven’t blogged anything for tomorrow, please send me some inspiration!” and moments later I got a fab reply from the beautiful Liloo who said that she loves reading the odd “non recommendation” post.

So whilst I apologise for taking the path of least resistance with a nice easy “don’t have to think too hard” post, I’m quite excited ‘cos I don’t usually do taggy type posts like this!

I’d also like to apologise for the fact that I can’t count.

1. Benefit Decked Out Dandelion Palette

I bought this years ago, infact the lippie’s gone a bit hard :/ It really is time to part company with this palette.  I don’t hate it, but it’s never been worth the money I spent on it.  Dandelion was supposed to be THE blush that made me learn how to love and wear blushes on my pale skin.  It doesn’t show up on me!  I liked the bottom left eyeshadow colour (Mr. Right Now) but that’s it.  And one out of 4 just ain’t good enough.

2. CARGO Blush in Tonga

I had really high hopes for this blush that has received many glowing reviews across places like MUA and not having a Sainsburys near me that stocks the CARGO line, I was gutted when I found out there was a half price sale going on.  Rowena from Cosmetic Candy offered to pick me up this blush from her local and I was TOO excited to receive it.  It’s very finely milled with a nice, smooth matte texture, but I just find it a tiny bit patchy on me.  It also makes me look a little ruddy…  It just. doesn’t. work.

3. Silk Naturals Mineral Blush in Climax

One of the well known Orgasm dupes and very nice it is too.  But I just don’t use it.  I prefer the convenience of the Milani dupe (being a pressed powder) and now I have the real thing, I appreciate that this stuff doesn’t have the staying power of the NARS original.  However, if you’re into your minerals… I would still recommend this as an alternative.

4. EGMinerals Eye Shadow and Liner Gel

One of those sealing gel products to turn your eyeshadows into liners or to aid the foiling of pigments.  Again, I have nothing against the actual product… but I just don’ t reach for it.  If I want to foil a pigment for a liner, I spray my brush with my Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist and I get great longevity from my foiled pigment/shadow.  I’ve always got my face mist close at hand for a spritz after setting my foundation with powder anyway so it’s just more convenient for me.

5. Eyeko Strawberry Fat Balm

Don’t you just hate binning products that you’ve used once?  Well, I need to do that with this one.  For a product that you’re supposed to be able to apply on your lips, it tastes horrific.  I also really dislike the synthetic Strawberry scent which when applied to my lips sits under my nose being… obnoxious.  I find it too sticky to wear as a blush, so despite loving the shade, it’s a bit fat fail of a product for me.

6. That number *obviously* doesn’t exist to me for whatever reason I’ve buried deep in my psyche.

7. Bobbi Brown Metallic Long Wear Cream Shadows

I’ve got a few of them, which you may remember from my review.  I just don’t use them enough to justify the space they take up in my collection.  They’re very glittery, so not a huge amount of good for day wear, and I’m a sad mummy who doesn’t leave the house past baby’s bedtime soooo…

I also expected a smoother formula and less chunky glitter from a high end brand like Bobbi’s.

8. Boots 17 Eyeshadow in Mardi Gras

This is such a beautiful taupe, but it just doesn’t last for longer than about 4 hours without completely disappearing.  It’s not even that it creases… it simply vanishes.  UDPP, Art Deco Primer, ELF… I’ve tried a myriad of primers with it, it hates me.

9. YSL Rouge Volupte in #7 Lingerie Pink

Let’s be clear.  I love this lipstick. Love. It.

I have the Rouge Volupte in #1 aswell… they’re beautiful lipsticks, but at £20 a pop…. I wanna get more use out of them than I do this one.  I think I’ve worn it twice since I bought it in December.  I knew it was the infamous bright of the line up and tried it on more out of curiosity than with any serious intentions of buying it.  It trapped me.  Right then and there and before I knew it, I was handing over my debit card.  Not only that, but my cousin who was with me also bought one!  It’s witchcraft I tell thee.  And I’m not sure it suits either of us :/


And that’s it… my 5, 9, 8 things I wish I’d never bought.  Of course, being a bit of a hoarder means that I could quite easily add a few more to that list, but these were the first 5, 9, 8 that I happened upon whilst I was rummaging!

Now, tell me.

Anyone’s Alice palette arrived yet? I wanna know what you think of it!!

Hopefully it’ll be back online today at some point!

29 Responses to “5 things I wish I’d never bought…”

  1. Big fashionista says:

    Oh god, I have lots of things like this.

    Walks awayuttering about spring cleaning my make up trunk 🙁

  2. Amanda says:


    I think we’ve all got a few of these lurking in a bottom drawer somewhere! I actually use my Benefit Dandelion blush as a face powder! It doesn’t show up as a blush on me either, but gives me a nice pinky glow if I use it lightly all over. On yesterday’s FOTD post, I’m wearing it – give it a go and you could maybe salvage it! x

  3. I love posts like this 😀 most of mine, like you, are ones I just dont reach for. I have some that are straight up bad, but it’s mostly just stuff I forget about.

    Awwh I love Silk Naturals XD I used to be soooo anti-loose powder and while I wouldnt quite say that I love it, I dont have any problems with it now!

  4. caz says:

    Im getting quite angsty over the non arrival of my alice palette. Kinda sitting and staring out the window waiting for the postman, untill I see him walk past my house empty handed and then I sulk untill the enxt morning. I really need to get a life.

  5. I love these kind of posts! I think you should do them more often. =)

  6. tali says:

    Ohh yes the strawberry fat balm.. total pile sof shit all 3 of them. Id know as i stupidly bought all three and the highlighters!! :/

    no7 is the best.. i have MANY no7’s!!!!

  7. Lauren says:

    I love posts like this – they generally save me A LOT of money.
    So thanks for that!
    Love your blog xx

  8. sarah smith says:

    I agree with Dandelion – looks so nice in the pot but you can’t even tell it’s on your face!

  9. Primp and Preen says:

    My Alice Palette has arrived! Cue many bewildered looks from people at work who can’t understand why anyone would ever squeal this loudly about make up. Only 6 hours til I can go home and play with it!


  10. My Alice arrived yesterday! I can’t play with it though because of stupid exams 🙁 Maybe I should do a 10 things I hate post too…

  11. Olaola says:

    I could easily relieve you of both the Cargo blusher and the Bobbi shadow… if only I weren’t so desperately skint at the moment!

    As for the post – I love seeing what other people DO NOT like. Sometimes in this huge sea of recommendations we forget everyone’s got a purchase they’re not that happy with…

  12. Redtiger21 says:

    Really interesting post, this! I actually had a bit of a clear-out yesterday, was quite proud of myself, chucked out 15 li products, 14 eye products, a couple of blushes and some shimmery things. Needed to sit down afterwards though!

  13. Kat says:

    I’m going to cross Dandelion off my want list now. It looks pretty but there’s not much point if it doesn’t show up!

    My Alice palette has been dispatched and I’m hoping it’ll turn up today.

  14. Leah says:

    Thats what I always think when I hear people talk about the YSL lingerie pink, how often would I wear that color?!!? Its soo good to hear that cause now I don’t have to buy it!! thanks!

  15. Shay says:

    I’m quite surprised that Dandelion doesn’t show up for you. I’m Asian and my skin is definately darker than yous. Dandelion shows up very well on me. In fact, if I’m not careful, it ends up too pigmented.

    Btw, what brush are you using with this? Are you using a not so dense or fluffy soft brush and hence does not pick up enough colour? I use the Sephora flat blush brush which picks up quite a fair amount of powder. Just a suggestion to try that.

  16. liloo says:

    haha, laughed so hard when reading about the disappearing shadow, it sounded like magic or voodoo or something.
    i love this post, this is like ‘kill a lemming’ post but better.
    and omg, I was so happy to read your tip with Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist. You know the same way you never use your beauty blender other than on travels, well I am the same with pigments to be honest. I always reach out for my pressed shadows. I own 2 blushes: 1 given to me by my friend, which I have just started using, and one that I bought (mineral thing), from a demonstration. It was so nice on me, I just had to buy it. I am super super new to the world of blush, but guess which one I have never used: yep, the mineral one. Why? cos like the pigments, it’s faffy, not straightforward, well it involves more work.
    why do we buy stuff we know we’re not going to get full use of them, i could kill myself.

    I really like the way you phrased your blog post. If it was me, and if i ‘had’ to sit down writing this post, it would have sounded super negative and invited hate and bitchism (pardon my neologism)
    Off the top of my head, my regretted purchases:
    – that mac concealer everyone loves.(i forgot the name, it’s in that tube). stupid woman from mac, saying ‘yeah yeah, superb for under eye circles). AS IF. thick like anything :/ I used it once and put it back in the drawer. For normal concealer, I use theatrical makeup stuff, i think it’s called plastic foundation from a pan.
    – bourjois 10 hour sleep effect foundation: how could this make you feel like you’re rested when the coverage is soooooooo light.
    – johnson’s holiday cream. Well done to them to have opened the way to gradual tanning products. This product is very much, though, the marmite of gradual tanning products: love it or hate it. It did not work at all for me. So strong (not gradual at all) and so streaky.
    how did i end up writng all this bumpf lol?
    i bet i am going to be blocked for spamming, now. great :S

  17. liloo says:

    p.s my alice palette has not arrived yet.

  18. Cat says:

    I have quite fair skin as well, but I really like Dandelion! It is a very faint color, though.

    I thought the Alice palettes were only available online now and it would be in stores Feb 28th, but I just went to Debenhams today and they had millions! (I bought one, of course.) Did I miss an update on the release?

  19. Lauren says:

    The palettes back on debenhams ladies 🙂

  20. Eyelining says:

    Got mine yesterday 🙂 It’s amazing! Hmm most of my makeup doh (nts) are foundations or powders that looked fine in the shop but turn me into scary orange lady in actual daylight…

  21. Becky says:

    Very nice post.

    My Alice palette arrived today!! It is gorgeous! I love it, I also got some free samples of perfume and a bareminerals foundation sample (it is very very cakey).

    Can’t wait to play around with the colours!

  22. Jane says:

    I actually like reading these:) do more!!

    and aww I thought the BB Metallic eyeshadows would have been good since they were so expensive! They do look gorgeous in the pot to be fair!

  23. Thanks Amanda, I’ll give it a go – although I’m not sure I wanna look pinker!

  24. Redtiger21 – OMG, Just aswell I don’t lve nearby… I’d be scrabbling in your dustbins.

  25. Hi Shay, I’ve used a flat top buffer and a normal blusher brush. I dunno what it is but it just doesn’t show 🙁 Thanks for the suggestions though x

  26. @Liloo – I love your bumpf x

  27. @Cat – Debenhams seem to be a law unto their own regarding releasing stock in stores *rolls eyes*

  28. KT says:

    I’m surprised the Bobbi Brown cream liners made the list. I generall hear good things about them (not thhat I’ce evertried them personally.)

  29. Sophie says:

    i loved this, i never see enough reviews on whats not very good 🙂 im a sucker for fancey packaging and pink so i think id of fallen into the trap of buying the YSL lippy too also for the facet that i love YSL. many a time i have purchased things because i love the colour even if it doesnt suit me, i need to put my foot down more! 🙂 x

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