NARS Purple Rain NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 12 - 2010

If you like your purples, get ready to put a padlock on your purse.

NARS Purple Rain is such a beautiful, beautiful colour.  A warm-toned purple that has that ethereal ‘lit from within’ quality with it’s blackened edges and glowing centres.  Packed full of grown up shimmer (I can see red and blue in there).  2 coats for full opacity with no formula issues at all.  I’m deducting one point for the handle.  I had to do some major q-tip clean up because I found that huge chunky square handle a nightmare to wield with any accuracy.

Longevity is great so far… 3 days with barely any tip wear and not a chip in sight.  I guess I should be going for some lighter more spring-like shades now…. too bad I still have loads of dark polishes I haven’t played with yet!

26 Responses to “NARS Purple Rain NOTD”

  1. Mrs B says:

    Wow!! I’m not normally a nailpolish girl but that is stunning 🙂 *covets*

  2. Rae says:

    *is jealous of your gorgeous model hands* Purple Rain is SO pretty… argh, I could kill my no-buy!

    Wait, I take that back. I *could* kill my no buy…. =D

  3. Sirvinya says:

    Did you take that photo in the sunlight? Where the hell did you find sunlight? Can I have some?

    Gorgeous purple, I do love me some purple and can only be thankful my nearest Nars is….oh Nottingham. Shit.

  4. Dv says:


    Yes, I’m incredibly sorry for the caps.. there’s me *trying* to express some good ol’ lurrrvvve! 😛

    Sadly, I can’t afford NARS. Dayum you make everything sound like “I WANT THAT NOW” (that’s what goes on in my head everytime I see an NOTD).

    Oh looky looky someone’s nails are back! Do yours grow fast or am I just that slow? 😛

  5. I’ve been lusting after this since I first saw it, but I am trying so hard not to buy it, it’s more than I want to spend on a nail polish, and I already just spent too much on the MAC Spring Colour Forecast collection! 🙂

  6. I have to agree 100%…GORGEOUS!

  7. @Mrs. B – it’s so pretty, grown up sparkly! x

    @Rae – Even more tempting… add the word “accidentally” and we’ll all believe you and sympathise 😀 x

    @Sirvinya – Mwuahahah no. It’s all mine. Get your own sunlight. If it makes you feel any better, it was fleeting. The tease x

    @DV – I do (thankfully) have fast growers! I’ve trimmed them twice too!

    @SoVeryFabulous – It takes a very special polish for me to lay down this kind of money… I’ve only ever done it for one and that was Dior’s Silver Purple one from Christmas. Aren’t you good!

    @Laura – It’s a purty one!

  8. tali says:

    Oh wow it does look amazing. I may add this to my wish list!!

  9. Xuan-An says:

    Ohmygod!! That is GORGEOUSSS!! and it looks amazing on you!

  10. Lillian says:

    It’s such a gorgeous colour! So beautiful. But… no chance i can afford that ever.

  11. liloo says:

    jesus, this is so pretty!

  12. *drools* SO FREAKIN PRETTY O_O

    I didn’t even think about the handle, it does look like it’d be sort of clunky and hard to work with.

  13. oooooooooohhh drools………………

  14. VexintheCity says:

    You know I spilt half my bottle all over my carpet?!!!!! I need to buy a back up now!

    Been wearing mine since Monday and not a chip in sight and it’s now Saturday!!

  15. Maggie says:

    I need that nail polish… like… now. Hah!

  16. Louise says:

    that is a gorgeous colour xxx

  17. Sheenie says:

    *squeals so high marine life can hear* I’m making a bee line straight for NARS next weekend. No wait, they now have a counter at my nearest John Lewis in Brent Cross and I’m due to pop to BC for a bikini wax on Wednesday. I will definitely treat myself to this after the pain.

  18. Redtiger21 says:

    That is so beautiful! But how much is it? (i’m preparing to wince!)

  19. @Tali – Add it! Add it!

    @Xuan-An – Thank you, I’ve just been looking at some of your posts and you now have me lemming Color Club Electronica!

    @Lillian – It is expensive, it’s more than I want to pay for a polish for sure. Although I think it’s less than my single Dior polish I own… I am a sucker for a pretty colour.

    @Liloo – Isn’t it?

    @SilhouetteScreams – It is a pain in the bum. They need to do what Butter LONDON does with theirs… chunky handle for show that you pull off to find a littler, neater one underneath.

    @SparklzandShine – *hands u a tissue* 🙂

    @VexintheCity – No you didn’t! You dope! *sobs for your purple rain*

    @Maggie – Hope I’m not enabling too badly 😀

    @Louise – Super pretty purple!

    @Sheenie – LOLLLL! It’s so purty and definitely impulse pain-relieving treat type polish. That made no sense, but I know what I mean.

    @Redtiger21 – £13 *muttered very quickly*

  20. […] be lemmings-a-plenty when Lipglossiping shows off NARS Purple Rain this […]

  21. […] be lemmings-a-plenty when Lipglossiping shows off NARS Purple Rain this […]

  22. […] be lemmings-a-plenty when Lipglossiping shows off NARS Purple Rain this […]

  23. […] she discovered this oh so glamorous lippie! There be lemmings-a-plenty when Lipglossiping shows off NARS Purple Rain this […]

  24. […] be lemmings-a-plenty when Lipglossiping shows off NARS Purple Rain this […]

  25. […] discovered this oh so glamorous lippie! There be lemmings-a-plenty when Lipglossiping shows off NARS Purple Rain this week! Tarte ReCreate Anti-Aging Foundation just so happens to be the answer to Prime […]

  26. […] she discovered this oh so glamorous lippie! There be lemmings-a-plenty when Lipglossiping shows off NARS Purple Rain this […]

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