Waitrose Essentials Range – Cleansing Wipes

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2010

Do you have any SUPER budget items that you enjoy using?

Waitrose sent me a few items from their newly extended “Essentials” range and I’ve been enjoying using their goodies.  One of my favs are the new 3in1 facial cleansing wipes.  They’re soft, nicely fragranced and do a good job at removing makeup in a rush.

Unlike other wipes I’ve tried, these also feel quite moisturising on my skin without leaving that tacky, sticky feeling behind – and all this for £1.45!

The “Essentials” range also includes hand wash, bath foam. bath crème, shower gel, soap bars, shampoo and conditioner.  Most products are priced at 99p.

My inner bargainista has been satisfied with this find!

You can pick these up in your local Waitrose or online.

20 Responses to “Waitrose Essentials Range – Cleansing Wipes”

  1. Rhamnousia says:

    Tesco’s Vitamin E Wipes are the best I’ve ever found and they only cost 27p. Once you try ’em you will never turn back.

    • @Rhamnousia – STOP making me want things! I have a basketfull of loved and left wipes… I need a purge. Although 27p isn’t exactly pushing the boat out right? Try these ones too Chica if you’ve got a Waitrose near you…. alternatively, I’ll tell you if they’re better than the Tesco ones once I get my grubby little mitts on some!

  2. ooo i love the tescos wipes!

  3. Redtiger21 says:

    I’m a sucker for cheap wipes- i’m a lazy git when i’m tired so they’re an absoloute essential for me, and i totally resent paying good money for what is essentially a baby’s bum wipe!!

  4. Sounds like a barg!!! I’m another one for the Tesco face wipes (“sensitive” ones, or the Skin Wisdom ones for dry skin). The ingredients are similar to the Boots No.7 4in1 wipes, so they whip make-up off and leave the skin feeling really clean (no residue or greasiness). But they’re not *quite* as wet as Boots No.7 wipes…

    • @Beauty Scribbler – It is! Fabbo! I haven’t tried the Tesco ones, but you can bet I’m on it now! I’ve heard fab things about those Boots No7. There’s a £5 off voucher out at the moment too, I wonder if it would work with the wipes… will have to try it out!

  5. Lena says:

    Ohhh jealous! I’m in the States and I have yet to find a bargain-priced wipe that doesn’t irritate my skin. Every one I’ve tried has been too thin, too scratchy, and left me miserable. The Olay Daily Facials no-rinse wipes have worked best, but they’re more expensive than I want to spend. Sigh, the search goes on…

  6. Marie says:

    I pay about 98p for Tesco baby wipes and use them to take off stubbourn eye make up if I feel lazy – and I use them for just about everything else you can think of. Dusting, wiping my laptop screen, stuff like that. Amazing.

    • @Marie – I’ve been known to reach for Leila’s Huggies Pure… but I find baby wipes so drying on my skin, no matter how ‘gentle’ they market themselves to be. I really think I need the added moisturisers in the more expensive varieties. LOL at the multi-uses though, baby wipes are marvellous things!

  7. Rebecca says:

    The Eyeko creams are a great bargain moisturiser for only a fiver each! Also been loving the Waitrose wipes. I keep them at my boyf’s place as I just can’t have my usual routine when I’m there. x

    • @Rebecca – Is that the highlighting one? I have one but haven’t given it much love for aaaaages. I’m gonna dig it out again when I get home, thanks for the reminder… I used to love mixing it with my foundation, hope mine hasn’t gone off! xx

  8. Ondine says:

    I try to use Liz Earle’s cleanse and polish every night, but honestly – some evenings I just can’t be bothered and reach for a wipe instead.I shall be buying these to have on hand!

  9. desiiGirl87 says:

    my fave wipes are from bodycare, 3 for a pound.you get different citrus flavoured ones..

  10. liloo says:

    how beautiful is this picture again…
    your blog posts are a pleasure to consume x

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