Pet Peeve #1453 – Light Up Cosmetics

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 27 - 2010

Why?!  Just why?

Some of us may look like we apply our makeup in the dark, we don’t.  It’s just a polite expression…

If someone, gently ribbing me happens to say: “Bless, you look like you’ve applied your makeup in the dark!”  They’re not telling me to go and purchase a light up mascara wand or lip gloss.  They’re telling me to either a). Go get some makeup lessons or b). Put the blue eyeshadow down.

I don’t want LEDs on my cosmetics and I certainly don’t want to pay more for the privilege.

I-Gloss from New <ID Cosmetics…

Lashlight from Too Faced… <tongue in cheek>The mascara that blinds you with light whilst you’re holding a pointy stick 4mm from your eyeball</tongue in cheek>

Nothing says… “Are you 4 or 24?” better than a disco in your lip gloss.

16 Responses to “Pet Peeve #1453 – Light Up Cosmetics”

  1. :)) I don’t have anything like this I don’t think that I will be getting it. Just don’t see the point! I really don’t use makeup in the dark 🙂

  2. Maybe it’s for those of us that like to go clubbing? ie. Not me. =p

  3. tali says:

    I do find them useless BUT the gosh lipgloss that lights up is expetional!

  4. Connie says:

    I’m so with you. Not impressed at all with this idea :-/

  5. Redtiger21 says:

    Yeah, it’s very gimmicky isn’t it? A light-up massy just sounds plain dangerous! If it was actually dark, then surely it’s too dark for anyone to see whether you’re wearing mascara anyway?!?!

  6. Kim says:

    I agree with tali – the GOSH Light’N Shine Lipglaze is amazing 😀 However I totally do not see the point of a light up mascara. I mean why? Unless I suppose you have a power cut…

  7. witoxicity says:

    Hahahahaha!! Cute post! I think it was invented for clubbing ladies and no one else. I once featured the GOSH Lipglaze on my blog. The lipglaze itself is great. The lights, I thought, were just for the fun factor. 😀

  8. liloo says:

    @jewel: good point but i never re apply mascara when i am going out. I would agree, do not see the point in LED stuff other than on led pair of tweezers, to see your eyebrow hair ever better.

  9. kyanvi says:

    I wont pay extra for this LED light lipgloss/ mascara, but if it’s the same price, why not? just a bit of fun~

  10. caz says:

    Lippy with a light AND a wee little mirror I understand, beats having to go to a dingy club toilet just to touch up your lip gloss….
    mascara with a light is just odd though

  11. I totally agree, it’s stupid! Wouldn’t it just blind you? ♥
    P.s. I have a contest on my blog for urban decay makeup 🙂

  12. It would be better if they lit up so you could find them in your bag…

  13. Katie D says:

    The mascara is odd/dangerous/not for me. But with others I like the lighted lipgloss. I have a drugstore brand (can’t remember which, maybe Revlon?) that has a little light and a tiny mirror on the side and I find it perfect for evening outs where I’m going to be in a darkish area and don’t want to run to bathroom every 10 minutes to check my lipgloss. Like other have said, it’s really great for the club/bar scene where the bars are dark and dirty anyways. Additional bonus, in a real pinch you can use it as a tiny flashlight when scrounging in your purse for keys if your cellphone is already dead.

  14. Rebecca says:

    Light up mascara is a bit pointless. Light up lipgloss is good if there’s also a mirror with it, ideal for in clubs and dingy toilets, not that I frequent dingy toilets often…

    It is a bit gimmicky though really 🙂

  15. I didn’t even contemplate clubbing…

    …’cos well, I don’t. anymore.



  16. Christina says:

    I actually tried the Too Faced Lash Light Mascara and I did not notice any “light reflecting particles” or anything like that. It went on like any other mascara. Black. Disco balls did not reflect off my eyes.

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