Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 8 - 2010

I’m in the GRIM! (north, that is).  Apologies to all Northerners, I love you all, but seriously… your weather sucks.

Here’s what I had to drive through to get here… that was fun.

It may look like nothing thanks to Mr. L’s rubbish iPhone picture-taking abilities, but bear in mind… this is the M1, the major artery connecting North to South and I spent the majority of the time on it clenching my bum cheeks.  That’s one semi-clear lane people, of a 3 lane motorway… and this photo was taken while it was still good… I ended up following the tracks of a HGV that was up ahead.  Anyway, my bum cheeks… they’re still recovering as I type.

I understand that this white stuff has headed down South to my turf now too!  It’s also having the unfortunate effect of playing havoc with my mother-in-law’s TalkTalk internet connection which at best, is um intermittent.

I have posts scheduled, but I’m unable to approve comments as often as I’d like, let alone reply to them!  If you’ve been kind enough to comment, please don’t think I’m being rude not replying.

Are you sick of the white stuff too?  I wanna go shopping!


  1. Rhamnousia says:

    It’s horrible in London too, the roads are fine but the pavements are bloody stupid! I wanted to go to Primark but have been housebound since Weds which is great. Plus, my new glasses are ready and I can’t go get them because the Tesco’s where they are has a carpark covered sheets of ice and I don’t fancy breaking my legs.

    • @Rhamnousia – Can’t get to Primark? Are you sure that’s not a blessing in disguise?! The ice is the worst isn’t it? When the snow freezes over and then you get more snow on top and that freezes too… so dangerous. Keep safe xx

  2. Lucy says:

    I’m right on the south coast, down near Chichester and Brighton. Snowed in! The snow has well and truly hit the beautiful south and I bloody hate it. I want to go sales shopping without the risk of breaking my pelvis.

    • @Lucy – Hey, you’re on my turf! (nearly) – I’m just south of Winchester, so not too far! I heard that a bit further East from mine had got it really bad – so that would cover your area. Hope it gets better soon and you can do some damage (not to yourself) in the sales!

  3. Sarah x says:

    Ugh stupid council haven’t gritted the route to the gym where the road has no pavement and is lined by trees, so basically not a route you should drive your brand new mini in the ice unless you want to get up close with a tree in the bonnet, so I haven’t been able to go to the gym since Monday so no idea how the sodding snow expects me to lose my turkey weight? grrrrrrrrrr makes me so angry!

    • @Sarah – Nothing’s gritted up here… needed to push the car to get it back on the drive this morning. No-one is used to it are they, it’s such an alien thing to us all! I wonder how long it’ll last? Lol@turkey weight… you mean, we’re supposed to lose it? *gulp*

  4. Louise says:

    I am about 20 miles north of Newton Aycliffe and OMG it is horrific isn’t it – it isn’t always like this promise x stay cozy xx

    • @Louise – yeah yeah, it’s a conspiracy to keep me here I reckon. I do love looking at it but I haven’t even brought up a pair of boots. I can’t step out the door without getting soaking wet. xx

  5. VexInTheCity says:

    Glad you got back in one piece! More snow is coming tomorrow *dead* I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Laura says:

    That looks so scary!! Apparently we’re getting more snow up north on Sunday, oh joy!


  7. Deborah says:

    dude that white stuff is worse down your end of the woods.Up here we’ve had it easy! at least some things are open. I am still waiting to be snowed in….NOT HAPPENING! PAH!

    • @Deborah – Don’t say that! There’s about 13″ of the stuff in the in-law’s garden, had to push the car onto the drive this morning as the wheels wouldn’t stop spinning. I’ve made it into town once, slid all the way there and all the way back!

  8. Redtiger21 says:

    Yep i’m sick of the snow too, we had to drive through it to get into the city yesterday, it was awful, i was so scared i was nearly crying!!

  9. Jennifer says:


    I did warn you 😉


  10. Selina says:

    This is the first year my English boyfriend hasn’t complained about having a hot humid New Zealand Christmas Day – I think he’s decided he can do without winter Christmases!

    Also, lol at your bum cheeks! Probably good pelvic floor exercise: and clench, and unclench, and clench, and unclench … you’re not unclenching!

    • @Selina – But Christmas round that side of the world is rubbish! It doesn’t feel right!! *moan bitch moan bitch* – After spending 2 Christmases in Australia, I can sympathise though!

      Ohhh man, pelvic floor exercises… never was there a more boring exercise invented. I remember my midwife stressing the importance, I keep losing count when doing them – I’m not sure I ever get past 10 before wanting to go and eat something. *unclenches*

  11. […] if there’s snow like last time (admittedly, unlikely in July) I’m refusing to go further north than Watford.  What can  I […]

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