Big EGO Hair Straighteners Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2010

EGO Professional are a haircare company that manufacturer a number of styling tools including: 2 types of straighteners, curling tongs and a hairdryer.  I had the opportunity to try a set of their hair straighteners for potential review, and I have been putting them to the test throughout December.

Back in November, I tried the Cloud 9 straighteners, and whilst I was very pleased with their performance at lower temperatures… I was concerned that they tugged a little more than I had expected.

I was curious to see how these EGO Professional Hair Straighteners compared as they are both marketed as salon quality irons, both with a RRP of over £100.

The packaging is simple, a blackened red box housed in a plain white cardboard sleeve, it simply doesn’t have the ‘kerb’ appeal that the Cloud 9’s had with all that sleek black and turquoise.

A few things about these irons from the “blurb”:

Take statement styling to a whole new level with Ego 1″ irons. Featuring fully adjustable heat settings, a polished exterior and ribbed outer body, these fabulous irons utilise heat boost technology to deliver a consistent, optimum temperature in seconds. Whether you want to simply straighten or create amazing waves and curls, all the inspiration you need is now in your hands.

Let’s take a closer look at the irons…

I was a little confused by all that ribbing.  I’m used to sleek smooth barrels for optimum curling, and I even commented to their PR that I didn’t understand how the ribbing could help create curls at all.  Reflecting on my comment… I think that I was hoping that it might lay a foundation and soften the negative review I was sure would transpire after attempting curling.

As you can see, the ribbing covers the whole of the barrel from the tip to the base of the ceramic plates.

The controls are very simple, comprising of two features.  An on/off switch and a dial which controls the temperature of the irons.  Disappointingly simple really when compared to the Cloud 9’s flash LED enhanced interface.  It took a little more “peering” to ensure that I had selected my desired temperature setting.  Not generally a problem, but in the dark winter I did have to angle the straighteners towards the window to get the light to fall on them so I could tell how hot I’d set them.  I’m being finickity, but it made me appreciate that sleek interface of those Cloud 9s. 1-0 to the Cloud 9s.

Back to the design of the Big Ego Hair Straighteners, I captured some close ups of various aspects of the tools…

The barrel is a matte red, unisex in appearance and not smooth or at all ‘silky’ to the touch.

The Big EGO Hair Straighteners boast ceramic 1″ plates, overall build quality is very solid and not at all flimsy to the touch.  They heat up in a matter of seconds, easily as fast as the Cloud 9’s leaving me barely enough time to spritz my hair with my chosen heat defence spray!

The power cord (at 10ft) is more than long enough to allow for a great reach and the swivel connector ensures that you can use them without having to contort your arms into weird and wonderful positions.

Slightly more important than the swivel connector though, is the glide.  Oh god, do they glide? Swish! Straight down the hair shaft without a single pull or tug… Ah-mazing.  I’ve tried with dry hair and damp hair and I simply cannot make these babies give my hair a yank.  Smooth as silk.  1-1, that’s a tie folks!

But how does they perform?

Here’s the obligatory ‘before’…

Same as my C9 trial, I went to bed with wet hair… woke up like an explosion in a mattress factory.

And after…

Hello sleek bob!!  (please ignore the weirdness that is the layers my hairdresser has cut into the back of my head – yet another reason to ditch her).

This is at 150 degrees (or as close as I could tell on the dial).  I wanted to use the same temperature for comparison purposes.  I was able to achieve this finish in around 13 minutes, which is longer than the Cloud 9s but to be honest, I *think* the time difference was at least partly down to me being more cack-handed on the test than the fault of the straighteners.  Out of fairness though, I’m gonna have to give the Cloud 9’s a point for speed.  2-1 to the Clouds.

The final thing I wanted to try was curling, I actually curled one side with my Cloud 9s and the other with the Big EGO hair straighteners, and instantly… I preferred the C9s.  I found the Big EGOs awkward to use with the ridges on the barrel.  I actually gave up halfway through after getting annoyed with them.

And then I tried a couple of weeks later…

Oh my word.  I don’t know what ‘clicked’… but my hair seemed to find a natural path through the channels in the ribbing, the strands wound round the barrel with ease and I was left with defined but smooth waves, kinda like my before picture but tamed.  Whilst the C9s curl admirably, these seemed to leave my waves with greater definition.  And I’m (rightly or wrongly) putting that down to those funny grooves.

2-2 – feel the tension!

Both straighteners leave my hair feeling soft, shiny and smooth.  My hair hair feels almost ‘conditioned’ once straightened and I’ve not noticed any damaging effects from regular use (although I always ensure I use heat defence spray, and mostly use the irons at 200 degrees or below).

One last thing…


The Cloud 9’s retail for around £129, the Big EGO’s around £109.

3-2 to the Big EGOs.

Two very good pro styling tools, both with great capabilities… but that glide… those waves…

The Big EGO Hair Straighteners are where I’d put my money.

You can purchase the Big EGO Hair Straighteners online and Feel Unique are currently offering them for £99.99 delivered – bargain!

31 Responses to “Big EGO Hair Straighteners Review”

  1. Redtiger21 says:

    Great review!!! I really like the look and sund of the big egos- and i love the packaging!!!

  2. Redtiger21 says:

    Great review- very thorough! I think they look lovely, I use crappy Remington ones which tug my hair so much it makes my eyes water, but i’m just still too “not into” hair stuff to fork out for some nice ones (i know, i’m ashamed)!

  3. Victoria says:

    OK this is a great review! So informative and fair. I’d love to give them a try especially to try out doing curls. My current GHDs just aren’t cutting it for me anymore!


  4. Jo says:

    Fantastic honest fair review hunny. Im on the look out at the moment for a new pair of straightners, my hair is so long though and really fine and whispy, so I need a really decent pair.


  5. Lillian says:

    Great review. I only have a pair of very old Nicky Clarke straighteners that pull my hair. It would be great to have a really good expensive pair (i’ve had my eye on the cloud 9s for a while) but because i often let my hair dry naturally curly i just can justify the price.

  6. Ceona says:

    How do you curl with straighteners? I have tried and tried and I just don’t get it!

  7. desiiGirl87 says:

    great review!
    very very informative!
    have you tried the t3?
    it’s also a salon branded straightner (if tht makes sense)

  8. Redtiger21 says:

    Lol i commented twice- i didn’t think the first comment worked cos my computer froze!! Oh well now i’ve commented 3 times!! Might do a few more… :-p

  9. Julia says:

    The EGO Straightener is the same T3 Straightener and it is made in the same factory in South Korea .

    Look at a Big EGO and T3 Bespoke Straightener it is the same straightener just different colour. EGO £109 v T3 Bespoke £85

    Big EGO Heat boost technology is the new name but same as T3 Smart Pipes technology.

    Big EGO takes 25 Seconds to heat upto max Nine takes 10 second to reach max.

    And if you do want HWANGTO the secret HW2 technology in the EGO range goto this site better value straighteners with this technology and come from same factory @

    Save your money girls buy GHD or Cloud Nine as we want the best for our hair not just some old product rebranded with a new colour. How stupid do they think we are

  10. Tina says:

    Now we looked @ Big EGO for our salons but a few things made us run for the hills
    1) We did not like T3 and this is just a rebadge T3
    2) All other straighteners even cheap ones have a Hibernation mode so as not to burn the house down or salon. Cloud Nine and GHD and others are all proud to boast they have this. As how many times girls have you got to work and thought “ahhhhh left my straighteners on”. So why do EGO think we dont need this?
    3) All good straighteners plates touch each other so why do EGO think having only the fron of the plate touch is a good thing?
    4) 2010 is all about not frying the hair Cloud Nine max 200 but great at lower temps GHD now only go upto 205 but for some reason EGO think 232 is a good temp to fry hair.
    5) GHD and Cloud Nine are light and look great EGO is a heavy and old school feel.
    6) If GHD or Cloud Nine are a BMW 3 Convertible then the Big EGO Professional feels like an East German Trabant (Communist products feel chunky) and that is what our stylists said in the salons
    6)GHD and Cloud Nine universal voltage adaptor for all around the world but EGO dont even think about it (well they sort of think about it with dual voltage for parts of Europe) but you would have to buy an adaptor even for this. Wont work outside Europe even with an adaptor.
    7) Cloud Nine and GHD have great web sites and loads of salons stock them. EGO the site has only had a holding page for last 3 months and not many salons stock them. Why could this be.
    8) Once again as it is such a huge basic produt feature why do all EGO straighteners have NO Hibernation mode THIS IS A MUST HAVE ON A STRAIGHTENER

  11. Trudie says:

    I got a pair of Big EGO straighteners for Christmas but took them back to the salon and did a swap for a pair of Cloud Nines (that I love). Because of the fact EGO straighteners have NO Hibernation mode. This is just a mad idea for a pair of straighteners in today’s world.
    The temperature setting dial felt like it might come off in my hand.
    Plus the Cloud Nines plates spakle in a way that makes you feel like your hairs in for a treat.
    But with no Hibernation mode what were EGO thinking.
    It should be law that straighteners have a Hibernation mode and one day lets hope it is.
    I agree with Tina and Julia EGO is a no go

  12. Ok… I wasn’t going to say anything… free speech is cool and all that…


    The last 3 comments (Trudie, Tina & Julia) are coming from the same IP… You are making valid points, but I’d really appreciate if you stop spamming my blog pretending to be different individuals.

    Anymore comments from you will now be marked as spam. It’s a shame you couldn’t have just stopped at the one valid post.

  13. Kala says:

    First off, great review! SDL Hair is the manufacturer of the EGO Professional tools. We are fantastically proud of the product and have had really good reviews and feedback from some of the top stylists in the country who love the way EGO performs on hair, so we are very confident about the range, but of course, all feedback from genuine respondents is extremely helpful, so thank you!

  14. d pelton says:

    The benefits of Cloud Nines are the heat protection sheaf and adjustable temperature control the videos below demonstrate the features prior to a purchase a

  15. Helen says:

    Anyone interested in curling and creating styles with hair irons may like this page if you bookmark it and share Thanks

  16. Great products, i purchased my Ego straighteners from and have never looked back. Before you buy ghd or similar have a look at Ego.

  17. beth says:

    hello i might buy apair but are they anygood ??

  18. beth says:

    is there a reason why i shouldnt buy them or are they good ??

  19. catherine says:

    i am disappointed with the big ego my fourth replacement pair in a year has now broken same thing keeps happening with all of them they will not heat up when turned on

  20. Laura says:

    Catherine, me too! I’m onto my third pair in just over a year. They turn on but don’t heat up, both pairs have broken in the same way. Really disappointing for a product thats meant to be slaon-quality 🙁

  21. Caroline says:

    I am on my 4th pair in 10 months and they have just broken again this morning. Having the same problem as described in the above 2 posts. This is really frustrating and I am really disappointed in them as a professional product!

  22. BamBam says:

    I was REALLY in love with my Big Ego’s and it was this very review that made me purchse them about 9 months ago. Sadly one plate has decided it has had enough and stopped heating. Even more sadly so I didn’t register my pair for warranty and I am not able to send them back to SDL hair for replacement and as the brand is virtually unheard of I am finding it impossible to have them fixed. After reading the last few posts before mine it seems my heating up problem is not uncommon and I think I will go back to good old GHD’S that have always lasted me approx 2 years and there’s always someone around the corner who can fix them should I again forget to register the warranty.

    • MsG says:

      As with the last three posts, I’ve just had the EXACT same problem with my Ego Straighteners. My boyfriend ordered me them from a salon for xmas 2009 but they were out of stock so I never actually got them til well into 2010. No one at the salon had mentioned (nor does it state on the warranty card itself) about the fact YOU HAVE TO fill out the warranty card, otherwise even although you have your POP then they will not be covered under warranty!! I have contacted SDL today who more or less said tuff but they MAY (but I doubt it) be able to offer me a discount on another pair. To think that I initially wanted to get GHDs as my friends have had their for years and they’re still going strong, but I was convinced from the salon that these are sooooooo fantastic. I am needless to say very disappointed/angry that this company feels ok about such poor product quality (when there obviously seems to be a known issue) and poor customer service. I have got the MD’s address, so off now to voice my experience with him. I don’t think it’ll get me anywhere but might just make me feel a little bit better. Anyway, sorry for the long post but just wanted to let everyone know so they can make up their own minds about the Ego brand.

  23. GAC says:

    I have just returned my third pair of Ego Straighteners in 14 months to SDL Hair Ltd. They have only lasted at the most 2 to 4 months and each time I have returned them it has taken 3 to 4 months for them to replace them. The first time I sent them back which was in April 2010 (after recieving them as a gift in the March) SDL had none in the country because of the volcanic ash cloud so I didn’t get a replacement till end of July they then lasted till November and I returned them again. SDL then admitted there was a fault with them and they were waiting for a new batch to come in to the country that had corrected the fault. I recevied the replacement pair in March 2011 and yesterday they broke again. Just after 2 months. So the fault has still not been fixed. I agree poor customer service from this company too.

  24. Debbie Robertson says:

    Very good for 6 weeks now they won’t heat up.

  25. Sam Waddington says:

    Another one who has had problems – bought them from Hair Heaven ( end of May this year. I got them as I have had T3’s int he past which lasted 6mths but were replaced with the next incarnation ‘Bespoke Labs’ which have lasted 4 yrs but are looking tatty and I figured were at the end of their life and likely to pack up eventually. So the EGO straighteners arrived and seem fine but this week, just 3 months after purchase, I was using them and there was an odd smell then they stuck to my hair! They had overheated and have ruined my hair. I now have a strip of fried frizzy hair. Hair Heaven told me to basically ‘jog on’ as its a warranty issue and to contact the manufacturer. SDLsaid to send them back (at my cost)and they will look at them to see if there is a problem, I have to send them pictures of my damaged hair which now with out shed loads of silicone serum looks like cotton wool and feels like steel wool!
    Do NOT buy these.
    Gutted – bad enough they packed up but my hair is ruined too. I suppose I ought to be grateful is was my hair that got burnt and not another part of me.

    • Sam Waddington says:

      Meant to say – now they won’t heat up ….not that they are going anywhere near my hair again!!

      Now looking at Sedu or Cloud Nine…. and hoping I get a refund from EGO.

  26. Brenda says:

    I prefer Karmin!

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    You are incredible! Thanks!

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