Advent Giveaway – Day 6

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 6 - 2009


Barry M Dazzle Dust in Bronze

The Body Shop Warm Amber Bath Oil

Can you tell I’m not over Autumn yet?  Sheesh, I’m barely over the summer… slow down there Winter!

Leave a comment to enter.

Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 6th December.  Comments made after this time will not be entered.

Winners will be announced once Advent is over. (i.e. after Christmas)

“Rules” can be found here.

54 Responses to “Advent Giveaway – Day 6”

  1. Maggie says:

    Enter me! I have never been able to try Barry M products since I live in the states, which makes me kind of sad! Maybe this is my chance? 🙂

  2. Leanne says:

    Enter me please lovely 🙂

  3. cheryl says:

    enter me please

  4. Sinead says:

    Enter me please hun 🙂

    I am determined to enter everyday! 🙂


  5. katy says:

    enter me please 🙂

  6. Tanya says:

    Enter me please 🙂

    doing well so far, I have entered all of them 🙂


  7. Justine says:

    I forcibly had to get over winter as we got like 30 cm of snow yesterday and I am nearly snowed in!! Thank goodness for 4-wheel-drive SUVs, otherwise I never would have made it out of my cul-de-sac. So enter me, please! I miss the warmer weather already XD;

  8. Naghmeh says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  9. Jennifer H says:

    btw, I noticed on your wishlist you have Benefit She-Laq and skinn jeans cream shadows listed, stores them and has amazing discounts during now to christmas, (plus free shipping of course), you might wanna check it out! 🙂

  10. Jennifer H says:

    oh and please also enter me too <3 (before i typed the wishlist comment, for some reason my previous comment to 'enter me' has disappeared O.O)

  11. Pfefi says:

    enter me please. n_n

  12. Sophie says:

    Nice! Enter me! again! 🙂

  13. Paula says:

    Enter me

  14. Lizzard says:

    Barry M ohhh those aren’t available in USA so it’d be awesome to win. enter me pleeease!

  15. Nina says:

    I want those goodies! That bath oil looks divine!

  16. kelly says:



  17. Glamorouxx says:

    Very lovely products and totally great for Xmas. Enter me!

  18. Gina says:

    Please enter me!

  19. Caz says:

    Enter Me Please!

  20. kelliegonzo says:

    i would love to be entered <3

  21. Hana says:

    Oooh, nice prizes! I’m glad I got over my flu in time to enter some of the Advent contests! Thanks!

  22. Emily says:

    The oil sounds lovely 🙂 Count me in please, thanks!

  23. Shifa says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  24. Sinead says:

    Enter me please! <3

  25. Helen says:

    count me in too please… who doesn’t need to dazzle…lol

  26. Emma says:

    Enter my name please- love Barry M! 🙂

  27. myrissa says:

    enter me pls! id love to try barryM 🙂

  28. Dv says:

    Wow, you seriously are really generous! Thanks so much! Enter me, please 🙂

  29. PCMP_Forever says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  30. Barbara says:

    I`ve a friend that would use the Dazzle Dust, but the bath oil is all mine! lol

  31. saeeda tana says:

    :)Count me IN chick.


  32. Jo says:

    Enter me!!!!!


  33. Lucy B says:

    Enter me please, thanks 🙂 x

  34. Sugar says:

    enter me pleaaase 🙂

  35. selecu says:

    mmmm, i love anything amber and i’m dying to try some barry m! enter me please!

  36. lashaddict says:

    enter me please xx

  37. Mimi says:

    I wanna enter^^

  38. sara says:

    enter me please 🙂
    the bath oil looks like it’d be lovely for winter!

  39. EmilyPaige says:

    enter me please! 🙂

  40. Wendy says:

    Enter me 🙂 I would love to win this stuff… such a pretty color and I love the way that the Body Shop stuff smells.

  41. Lucy says:

    Enter me please!! xxxx

  42. Shela says:

    I hope this is still open! :O

  43. Faye says:

    Can i be entered please, thank you! x

  44. natalya says:

    Yummy 🙂 enter me please love xxx

  45. Sandie Mills says:

    enter me please, that warm amber just smells of Christmas 🙂

  46. Meimi says:

    Please Please enter me!!!

  47. Sian says:

    Enter me please toots

  48. Avril says:

    Please enter me x

  49. Fee says:

    Enter me please! 😀

  50. kaneta says:

    enter me please

  51. Applesaucery says:

    I’d love to enter, please! : )

  52. styleezta says:

    enter me 🙂 thanks for the great giveaway


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