Surya Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 16 - 2009

I’m my own worst enemy.. I suffer from dry skin, particularly in the winter and one of the worst places for this are my hands.

Despite this, I hate hand creams.  I avoid them like the plague.  I am yet to find one that doesn’t leave a greasy, sticky or at best slightly clammy feeling (and I’ve tried a lot!).

The only thing for it, is to minimise anything that dries my hands out.  This was never a problem for me before I had Leila, but now she’s 6 months old and I’m dreading this winter.  My hands are constantly in contact with baby wipes, which seem to suck all moisture from them (yet they’re fine for her bottom – go figure?).

I was offered a Surya Hand Sanitizer to trial and I was pleased to do so as it’s a product I use often when out and about with the babs in tow.


The Surya Hand Sanitizer carries a little tagline which I didn’t notice in the press release and only discovered after a couple of days use: Moisturizing (yes, spelt the American way).

Surely that’s an oxymoron?  Since when are hand sanitizers (mostly composed of alcohol) anything other than incredibly unmoisturising?

Well… I actually do find this to be pretty good compared to my usual brand of sanitizer (Carex if you’re interested).

I wouldn’t go so far as to call it moisturising, but my hands don’t seem to dry out so much after use and I don’t get a tingling sensation like I do with other brands.

The scent is a little overpowering – an odd combination of mint and lavender, both seem to vye for my attention in an altogether slightly too heady manner, but thankfully the scent it leaves on my hands is a lot more understated than on initial use.

Perhaps most importantly, it dries quickly without leaving any kind of residue.  If you’re in the kind of profession where you need to use these products often – I’d really recommend this as a gentler alternative to many other brands on the market.

Surya Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer is available in two sizes: a 60ml handbag size (£7.00) ideal for busy (who am I kidding?) Mums like me, and a 200ml (£10.00) “desktop” size.

Available to buy from Liberty and online from their website.

4 Responses to “Surya Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer Review”

  1. Lucy B says:

    I was also offered this to try too but only replied not long ago hehe. I already use hand sanitizer too so looking forward to comparing.

    I’m not a fan of mint though so hopefully I won’t smell that on my hands too much? x

  2. Heather says:

    I’ve always had issues with dry hands, especially after I wash them (I’m kind of a freak when it comes to keeping my hands clean–I like the feeling of clean hands :p). But I’ve found the only hand lotion that actually keeps them from feeling dry after washing them is Aveno lotion. It’s moisturizing enough but doesn’t leave a film on my hands. I hate over moisturizing my hands, too! Haha. Glad you found one that suits you! 🙂

  3. Rupa says:

    you should try soap and glory hand food, its the best hand cream i’ve tried, moisturising but not greasy!

  4. @LucyB – As you’re using it, the smell is quite strong.. but it’s not too bad after use.

    @Heather – Thanks for the recommendation, I shall look out for the Aveeno lotion!

    @Rupa – I’m a Soap and Glory fan so I’ll try that one too, thanks!

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