Lip Care SOS!

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 29 - 2009

I’m struggling! I need your help!

My lips are getting drier by the day and I’m at a loss as to how to restore them.

I’ve tried all the products you see in the picture below, I’ve applied religiously and thickly.  So thickly infact, I swear down I’ve put on 3lbs thanks to my newly formed lipbalm-licking habits.


So, aside from volumising my waist line… this little lot has done nothing to improve the state of my lips.

I’m thinking that maybe it’s more about the routine than the product?

Should I be exfoliating? Should I be wearing balms with lipstick ontop? Should I buy a scarf to wrap around my mouth if it’s windy? (Dont’ think I can’t hear you muttering Mr. L…) Perhaps I need to apply a winning combo before bed?

They’re not so bad that they’re flaky or even sore.. but my lipsticks are looking like shit on me because of it – and that ladies and errr ladies, just won’t do.

Tell me, what can I do?

23 Responses to “Lip Care SOS!”

  1. Shela says:

    I have that same problem too– my lips feel smooth but they can get flaky when the winds start coming in and then all my lippies are put aside 🙁

    But I did take some advice from a friend and I’m using a DIY scrub with cinnamon and vaseline and that seems to work well for flakiness.

    To fill in the lines on my lips, I use a lip plumper (or perhaps a lip primer?), otherwise I don’t have a clue. I suggest trying Benefit’s Lip Plump– it’s a miracle maker.


  2. Beautywoome says:

    I have the same problem…

    Here’s what works for me:

    1. I either exfoliate with a really fine-grain scrub (almost like an at-home micro-dermabrasion cream) OR I scrub them with my tooth brush. Then I rub vigorously with a towel to remove all the flaky bits that didn’t come off with the previous scrub. Alternatively, you can use a muslin cloth on them, if you use balms and muslins to clean your face.

    2. After that I actually apply triple antibiotic cream. It heals ALL wounds, including cracking lips, spots and raw cuticles. I put on a good layer (just so it’s visible) and rub it in a touch. It absorbs quickly.

    3. Then, I’ve found that these lip balms work the best (and I’ve tried so so many. Hundreds, at least): NUXE reve de miel or Burt’s Bees, but NUXE is probably my favourite. NUXE has actually healed my chapped, dry lips, which many lip balms end up just exacerbating. It’s very very good stuff.

    4. If it’s cold and dry enough that lip balms fail to do the job, I still do the triple antibiotic cream and will put a body balm or cleansing balm on the lips and leave it there throughout the evening (lately, I’ve been slathering Revolution Organics All-Over Balm on and around my mouth and leaving Emma Hardie’s Moringa Cleansing Balm on my lips while I cook at night).

    Seriously, though, your saviour might be the triple antibiotic cream (called Neosporin in America). Find some, put it on over night and your lips will (hopefully!) feel better in the morning. Unconventional, but it has served me well for years.

    Good luck and god speed! xx

  3. Yinnie says:

    I had the same problem a few months ago!
    but luckily one of the blogger girls i was doing a swap with sent over a EOS lipbalm [the egg shaped one] it worked miracles. =)

    but i dont know where to buy. =/ sorry, but its something to look into?

  4. Lucy B says:

    I think the Beauty Rehab Rose Salve balm works great! Maybe because it’s quite oily, it’s impossible for it to dry out your lips lol! It’s only £3 on the eyeko site with free delivery.

    I also think Lush lip balms work great as they contain a lot of nice oils too. Think the one called ‘Lip Service’ is their basic one to start with to sort out all lip probs.

    Good luck whatever you do, hope you can sort it! x

  5. VexInTheCity says:

    Vaseline does nada except sit on top of your lips, so ditch that. Carmex works for me as does Burt Bees chap stick.

    The EOS one is in Space NK and about £6 I think – I haven’t use dit but lots of girls love it.

    I’d exfoliate them with a drop of Vit E/olive/Coconut oil and an old toothbrush. Then try rubbing the Carmex on them again.

  6. Grace London says:

    I’m having pretty good luck with the Malin & Goetz lip stuff – it isn’t cheap at £10, but it’s not £30 like the Sisley that I’ve liked in the past. The M & G sinks into the lips and conditions them, whereas I find the Vaseline/Blistex ones just sits on the top, like Vex said.

  7. Lizzard says:

    ugh i get chapped lips this time of year too, it’s aweful and UGLY!

    i usually use my toothbrush, when i brush my teeth and rinse i run the brush over my pout, or a warm washcloth will do the same.

    then glob on some lip blam/ointment etc.

    do your makeup and dab it off on the back of your hand then apply your lippie. it works for me, i hope it works for you! good luck!

  8. Phoebe says:

    Try Neutrogena, Norwegian formula, 6hour protection.
    It’s in a little blue tube, it doesn’t feel like it’s doing anything and feels like it goes really fast – but it works miracles for me. Makes lips really smooth, and stops the soreness spreading.

    Also, I apply Blistex daily lip conditioner before bed – or the one in the metal tube (restore maybe?) if it’s really bad. Then scrub them with a dry flannel in the morning.

    Hope this helped! 🙂

  9. Jo says:

    Most of the lip stuff you have are petroleum based, which apparently just sits on top of your lips, and not actually moisturising them.

    Try finding lip balms which are made with moisturising ingredients such as shea butter and jojoba oils. I like the Korres Lip Butters, they give a good shine as well 🙂
    You can make a simple lip scrub out of sugar and a bit of olive oil, or buy them from places like BNeverTooBusyToBeBeautiful (Lush’s Cosmetic sister company), or online from Silk Naturals. I have the Silk Naturals lip scrub and it smells and tastes soooo good.

    Good luck, I’m a lip balm addict and have spent ages looking for the perfect lip balm!

  10. Daisy says:

    I swear by the Blistex Relief Cream- it is fantastic for helping your lips mend and has a nice tingly feeling when you apply it so it feels like it’s really working.

    I would use a toothbrush to exfoliate and then try the relief cream 🙂


  11. Kerri says:

    My routine consists of applying Blistex Intensive Moisutiser (which is prob the love of my life and you must try it:)) or Blistex Relief Cream religiously at night, not too much or I find it works counter-productively as it smears off. When I get up I put Carmex on (I like the one in the tube) and let it sink in for a good ten minutes…do my hair whilst I’m waiting. I then wash my face using a warm water (as hot as bearable) and give my lips a scrub with my flannel too, for me it gets the flakies and peeling skin off. And voila I’m left with smooth and hydrated lips. Then I apply my normal lip products. My advice is to use a lip balm underneath a particularly drying lippie. My HG for this is Nivea Repair and Protect…the consistency is more matte (but still amazingly moisturising) therefore the lipstick doesn’t just smear off like it does with more silky or shiny balms. Hope that kinda helped:)

  12. DINKY London says:

    I have exactly the same problem and have tried a huge range of products with varying price tags from cheap as chips to bust the budget. Let us fellow sufferers know how you get on!

  13. Rhamnousia says:

    Maybe you’re applying too much of it? I find that when I put on too much Vaseline, it does nothing.

    After my lip fiasco (thank you Primark!), I used Carmex in the squeezy tube to get my lips back to their usual self and I find that nothing has made them as soft as that did. The Carmex in the tube is almost liquidy compared to the harder one you get in the tub.

    I also find that putting some oil on a toothbrush and scrubbing your lips gently will help.

    Lastly, YSL do a lip balm/scrub which is EXCELLENT but it cost me £18 back in 2006 and I think by now it’s about £20. I wouldn’t recommend it if your lips are always dry though because it doesn’t last you very long


  14. oh wow!! So many awesome responses… thank you all so much lovely friends inside my computer.

    I will reply to your comments properly tomorrow, but didn’t wanna read them and run!

  15. beeks says:

    Ugggh, the plague of dry lips! I’m a reformed lip balm junkie myself. I used to get suckered in by all the cute packaging and delicious sounding flavours, but no more! I’ve learned that Lush lip balms are the only ones on the market that actually heal my dry lips, as opposed to just coating them and temporarily relieving the discomfort they cause. I swear by the original Lip Service, although it is a bit of a solid formula and needs warming up in order to be applied. “Lite,” “Honey Trap,” and “Lip Squeak” are all good as well. The only one I’ve tried that I absolutely do not recommend is the seasonal “Egg Snog,” which I’m not even sure they put on the market this year. Try exfoliating your lips with a warm, damp washcloth and then slather on a layer of whichever balm you choose. I find using a Lush balm as needed for two days heals my lips up completely. Try one out, maybe you’ll find the same! (p.s. I actually work for a competitor, so you know these balms have gotta be good, ha ha!)

  16. Wendy says:

    I found that one of the best balms I’ve ever used was from Natural Ice. I had never heard of the brand but a friend recommended it and I fell in love. I did have to order it online as it apparently is not sold in stores anymore, or it may be a foreign brand. It leaves a subtle cooling effect and did wonders on my peeling lips. I think it was maybe $2?
    I’m actually out of it and need to order more.

  17. nicole says:

    aquaphore, my boyfriend is on accutane right now and his skin is beyond dry, including his lips. he swears by it and carries it around with him EVERYWHERE!!!
    another option is either C.O. Bigelow’s rose salve sold and bath and body works, or Smiths rose salve sold at sephora

  18. When my lips are that dry the only thing that works for me is exfoliating.I mix sugar with a cleansing milk and use that to exfoliate before applying balm.

  19. Redtiger21 says:

    Oh dear, poor you. If it’s not exactly sore and just ruining the appearance I’d go for exfoliation- body shop do a lip scuff thingy, or loads of vaseline and a flannel seem to work for me! It’ll need to be done for a few days before it works though I’d say, and obviously keep applying the lip balm- I’d go for the most expensive I could afford! I have that problem with my hands in winter- they look like elephant hide, and I have to keep them covered with gloves in case I scare small children!!

    Good luck!

  20. Lora says:

    Hey, over the past year my lips had suddenly turned dry and cracked and I couldn’t wear lipstick at all without getting a cold sore within a matter of days. So I went to the doctor and she prescribed me Qilatum cream, it says it is actually for eczema and itchy irrtating dry skin conditions. But it works, I stopped getting cold sores and my lips are back to normal, I now only put this on every few days because he said that applying all these ‘cracked lip’ products every day can actually worsen the problem because your lips never regain their natural oils to protect themselves. I hope this helps, I’m not sure if you can buy this or if you will have to see your doctor for a similar cream or if any eczema cream will work. Either way I hope this helped!

  21. Golden Touch says:

    I know this sounds a bit srtange but when my lips are all scabby and minging I have about two days where I wear Soap and Glory Sexy Motherpucker all the time and I swear, it is the only thing that has ever made my lips smooth and sehxy! It’s great. xxxx

  22. Agnes says:

    I definitely recommend the Blistex Relief Cream. I slather it on at night and put a bit on before going out into the cold or wind. Works wonders, feels nourishing and doesn’t break the bank. Perfect beauty item.

  23. Macdougal says:

    Hi thanks for sharing this info…my wife is using lip balms made from Lanolin and she loves it…check it out — when I went to Broome last year, i had a dry and cracked lips but chapstiks saved me…i hope I dont sound too girly..hahahah

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