Batiste for Brunettes Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 16 - 2009

As a Batiste-lovin’ brunette, my one and only issue with the product was the insane amount of “distribution” I had to do everytime I used the dry shampoo.  It was a tiresome but critical step to ensure that I didn’t make myself look like this little Romeo…


Oh Mon Cheri! xx xx xx xx xx xx (sorry.. I’m having a Pepe Le Pew moment)

Anyway, I wrote about the new range of Batiste dry shampoos for dark hair a few weeks ago, and got the opportunity to see how I got on with the new product.  I’m glad I did, because could I find the coloured range in the Boots stores nearest to me?  Could I hell.  The shelves were bare!  I think that my experiences with hunting the stuff down are being echoed throughout the land.  Hopefully as it becomes a more established feature, stock numbers will increase.


Now, I don’t know how complicated this stuff is to produce, or what goes into it.  All I know is that it needs to perform one simple task.  I need it to dry up any oils that are weighing my hair down at the roots and making it look flat and dull, and in an ideal world, it’s gonna achieve that one thing without any additional side effects.


I swatched it for ya! Ha!

It’s most definitely brown!  The lighter patch in the middle is where I got a bit heavy handed and went back in for a 2nd spray.  As it dries, the colour deepens, so the paler spot didn’t take long to deepen to the same shade as the surrounding colour.

It works aswell as the original formulas, smells fine enough and does what it’s supposed to without making me look like Cruella de Vil.  It’s better than other generic dry shampoos and in my experience, works just aswell as the more expensive varieties.

This really is a staple for me, something that I purchase over and over.  Finally, I can be a little more sloppy with it when I’m in a rush.  Woo ha!


I go through this stuff pretty quickly and I noticed that it’s priced up at nearly £3 in my local store compared to the original (and other scented varieties) which are priced at just above the £2 mark.  So that’s a 1/3rd more expensive and I would love to find out why.

To be blunt, as much as I’m impressed with the product… and truly can’t fault the way it works.  I won’t purchase it now I’ve got the ‘novelty’ factor out of my system unless the price comes down in line with the rest of the brand.

Perhaps if a can of it lasted me longer than 5 minutes then I’d pay a bit more without noticing the hit to my purse.  But if I’m repurchasing this a couple of times a month, then I think I’d rather get a bit of arm ache and spend my £3 saved on a Eggnog Latte instead 😉

Have you tried it yet?  What are your thoughts on the pricing?

14 Responses to “Batiste for Brunettes Review”

  1. Sinead` says:

    Great review hun, Ive just orded this from ASOS as i couldnt find it in any shop at all and i had a free delivery code so i thought why not!

    I dont really mind the price been slightly more than the normal range as i would pay that little bit extra for a powder that isnt white!

    I just hope that each can lasts a while!

    <3 xoxo

  2. Michelle says:

    Can’t wait for this to get to Norway. The regular ones makes my hair look gray 😛

  3. sarah smith says:

    I totally agree, for the price it should come in a bigger can at least, I get through this so quick I wish it was in a massive Elnett stylee can x

  4. Rhamnousia says:

    I haven’t tried the eggnog latte, I saw the ad in a ‘Bucks window for the gingerbread stuff and when I went in the guy said their machine was on the blink (the place was empty, surprise surprise).

    Back to the product, like Sarah said, I wish Batiste came in a massive bottle, I know that Samy dry shampoo does that but I’ve never tried it and it’s a fiver (I’m tight, hehehe). I get my usual Batiste for £1.79 from Savers, I haven’t bought some for a while and they should have this one as they get all the rest but the original one doesn’t turn my hair white or anything..


  5. Lizzard says:

    I have not tried this, I don’t think it’s ofered in US…

    btw, I wanted to THANK YOU for your sleek offer, but I am currently mid-swap which has been put on hold for the holidays with Jo from UK (you might know her So Beautylicious previously known as All things beautiful…)

    If you’re ever in the mood for a US swap, deff let me know!

  6. @Sinead` – I don’t mind paying a bit more either… but not a 1/3rd! Hope you get on well with it!

  7. @Michelle – haha, never a good look is it?

  8. @sarah smith – Yes yes, we need jumbo cans!

  9. @Rhamnousia You *have* to try the eggnog. It’s kinda weird at first… I didn’t like it as it’s quite rich and a little sickly. But by the end of the mug I was looking for another.

    Yes, yes – Savers is great for Batiste (except for my local one which never has any – boo)

  10. @Lizzard – You’re very welcome!

  11. Janie says:

    I’m guessing it costs more because it does actually have colour in it?
    I have noticed that it does actually make my scalp brown as well.

    Whilst it is more expensive I am finding I am using less of it, as it seems to be doing a better job than the usual stuff. Either that or it’s because I can’t see how much I’mn applying!!

  12. Jade says:

    Sorry I know this is massively late but I got this at my local Tesco the other day where it was priced the same as the regular awesome smelling Batiste. Thank god for it, I’d hate to think what the hell my fringe would look like without it and now I can go as heavy handed as I like and not look like I’ve aged 60 years!

  13. Thanks for letting us know! I’ll definitely stock up if it’s the same price woohoo! x

  14. liloo says:

    the commenting machine is back 🙂 woop x
    i missed you so much.
    i’ve used this stuff three times now. It’s doing an amazing job at deoiling my roots but i feel like a dirty lazy stop out everytime i use this product. veerrrrrrrrry much an emergency really. i want to try the tres semmé one, love the packacing, it’s black with a fine yellow line on it, it reminds me of citrus fruit the packaging (i am a sucker for anything citrusy, orangey) and that thing alone is enough to make me buy it, like tomorrow. i shouldn’t really, cos i use the batiste so occasionally.. xx

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