Revlon Fantasy Lengths – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 31 - 2009

As a total false lash virgin, I was excited but cautious when approached to test out some lashes from the Revlon Fantasy Lengths range.  What’s in a name huh?  When the parcel arrived, husband thought I’d been making one of *those* orders… and was relieved to discover nothing but false lashes as far as the eye could see.

I considered turning down the offer, wondering if perhaps I wasn’t really false lash material… I mean, I could rock the ooh la la lashes whilst walking down to the post office but it’s not like I go anywhere that calls for such lash fluttery.

But then I realised, as a total novice… I was infact perfect to test out how these babies perform (and apply).


I got sent 2 types… the self-adhesive variety and scary glue-on ones.

Let me start with the scary glue ons… well, my first attempt was an unmitigated train wreck.  I may aswell have just saved myself half an hour of tedious positioning and glued one to my forehead and the other to my chin.  Shu model I ain’t.

I’d also managed to coat the lashes in so much of the glue that was included, my only option was to bin them.  Girls, don’t be all cavalier and think that you can apply the glue directly from the tube.  You can’t.  Get over it and find a q-tip to snap in half.

2nd attempt was a little better.. still wonky, but at least I didn’t glue my own lashes to my lid this time.

To be honest, I was pissed, grumpy and slightly fearful that 3rd time lucky would mean 3rd time glue your eyes shut… so I gave up with those ones.

The lashes themselves are lovely, I thankfully didn’t need to trim them and the thing I noticed most was just how lightweight they were.  I thought I’d really notice them on, but they felt like a natural extension to my own eyelashes.


See? *flutter flutter*

I moved on to the self-adhesives…


How can there be so much difference?  Was it practice?… or are self-adhesives that much kinder to adjusting little mistakes?  Either way, this application looked halfway decent and I even left the house in them.

I asked my husband if he liked my eyelashes.  He looked totally confused.

After a couple of misunderstandings later he elaborated on his puzzlement by saying that he didn’t realise I had falsies on.  Yes, ladies and gentl ladies… my natural eyelashes are that amazing.

Oh ok, ok, I’ll grudgingly admit that it might be because Revlon Fantasy Lengths are pretty darn natural looking…  or of course, it could be option 3… my husband is a bloke who just doesn’t notice anything.

Anyway you wanna see?

Please do bear in mind, that this is genuinely my third ever attempt at applying false eyelashes.  Regardless, just try to stifle your guffaws ’till you’ve moved on to someone else’s blog and I can’t hear you anymore.


Now, my left eye (your right) – I think I got pretty darn perfect?  Other one, not so much… I placed them a little too high.

The band was very easy to cover over with a slick of liquid liner and the lashes themselves stuck steadily for around 6 hours before I noticed a teeny amount of lift on an outer corner (but that could easily be my fault).

I would say that these self-adhesives are marketed more towards novices like me.  I’m not scared of them anymore and would deinitely purchase them for special occasions.

The glue-on ones?  Not unless I had someone else to apply them for me.  Or hands that don’t pretend to be bananas.

Do you wear false lashes?  Any application tips for me?

25 Responses to “Revlon Fantasy Lengths – Review”

  1. VexInTheCity says:

    Oh you were sent some too? I haven’t had a chance to look at mine properly yet but I’m gna TRY and apply them tonight.

  2. Jules says:

    Hehehehe. This post made me giggle! The falsey lashes look lovely.

  3. Those lashes look AMAZING on you!

  4. Sarah Smith says:

    They sent me some too hun but I apply them with Duo glue which I got from Mac, not sure where else they sell it, the revlon glue is a load of old pants! But with the duo glue I really like them, nobody thought they were false lashes, although I do use Lilash so perhaps they couldn’t tell because of that x

  5. kelliegonzo says:

    looks amazing on you! great job at application.

  6. Tali says:

    Suprisingly natural!!! I never got the hang of falsies.. but these ones are so natural looking you can go too wrong!

  7. GoldenTouch says:

    Love this look – they look fab!

  8. Becca says:

    I tried false lashes today for the first time as part of my Halloween costume. Mine were by Ardell and they were surprisingly easy to apply and comfortable to wear. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about peoples’ lashes falling off into their soup or whatever, so I was a bit paranoid I’d lose one (or both) part way through the day, but they definitely stayed stuck! I wish I could remember what kind of lash glue I used so I could rec it. In any event, what I did today was draw a line of the glue on the back of my hand, then pick up the lashes with tweezers and dip them ever so slightly into the line of glue… it got them well coated without saturating them. Might be a technique to consider if you ever decide to brave the glue ons again sometime in the future!

  9. Emma says:

    Wow, amazing, what camera do you use?

  10. Get Lippie says:

    I have about six different kinds of false lashes around the house, and I’m too scared to use the damn things!

  11. Kelly says:

    Wow, those look amazing!! I’m so glad I bought some of those yesterday 🙂

  12. Connie says:

    Those lashes look great on you! Revlon’s lashes are pretty good. Easy to apply and comfortable to wear 🙂

    great pics, btw!

  13. @Vexinthecity – How did you get on?

  14. @Jules – thank you my sweet x

  15. @Jamilla – Thank you! xx

  16. @Sarah Smith – I’ve heard good things about Duo glue, thanks for the tip x

  17. @KellieGonzo – Thanks xxx

  18. @Tali – They are pretty natural looking, they’re a hit with me for sure!

  19. @GoldenTouch – Thank yoU!

  20. @Becca – Yes, I’m definitely gonna try to be less heavy handed with the glue next time. I would just die if I spent the day walking around with a wonky eyelash… slowly sliding down my face. *shudder*

  21. @Emma – I use a Canon30D x

  22. @GetLippie – haha, try it… it might become a new obsession!

  23. @Kelly – Yay! let me know how you get on!

  24. @Connie – thank you, yes they seem to be a good choice!

  25. Jessica says:

    OMG your post had me laughing for a long time. Love your struggle with the glue on lashes, you described it in a very funny manner!

    Your forehead!! LOL hilarious line

    by the way, very pretty eyes.

    Thanks for sharing

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