Keeping House…

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 21 - 2009

Incidentally, I’m having a little clean up round here… dust was gathering in the corners and there was a big coffee ring on the table.


My blogroll is a little out of date so if you would like to exchange blogroll links (and you aren’t listed already) or if your link needs updating please leave a comment with a linky to your blog or send me a message.

I’ve been removing unused widgets, adding a new cool (or possibly rubbish) translator for my visitors reaching me from more exotic climes and generally tweaking things to make the site as speedy as possible.

I know there were a few issues a couple of weeks back with pages continually refreshing and comments not being allowed through… I trust that this is all resolved now, but I always appreciate any feedback noting technical problems you may be experiencing!  It gives me the opportunity to use the whip on Mr. Lipglossiping (no, not like that).

Whilst I’m asking… is there anything you’d like to see added?  I was contemplating an “upcoming posts” thingamabob in the sidebar for my own motivation as much as anything… is that useful?  Or do you prefer surprises?

12 Responses to “Keeping House…”

  1. VexInTheCity says:

    Upcoming posts is good. If there’s something I’m interested in, I kinda make a mental note that so and so’s gonna be writing about it soon so I check in on their blog if I miss it on my dashboard. I have a list on my blog but I don’t stick to the order I’ve typed it up in. Your choice though.

    Oh and don’t lie. I know you’ve got Mr L handcuffed as I type in preparation for his ‘whipping’ later 😉

  2. Jessica Teas says:

    Would love to have you link to Beauty Woo Me. The URL is:

    Thanks! xx JT

  3. I do like the element surprise but Yinka’s right… it’s easy to miss posts if you’ve been off blogger for a few days so maybe it’s worth it.

    I check in daily for my lipglossiping action though… and I’m sure most of your other readers do too 🙂

    I wouldn’t say no to a wee link… think yours is on mine already


  4. Leanne says:

    I agree with Yinka on the upcoming posts thang! I should probably do one of those too.. *sigh*

    I would like very much for you to link to Do Not Refreeze ^_^; I have you in my blogroll (it’s set to show the 10 most recently updated but I only have 30-odd blogs in there, and you update frequently so you’re almost always appearing on it anyway)!


  5. Eliza says:

    Up coming blogs would be cool.

    I would love to be on your Blogroll hun. I need to set one up myself. I’m still getting used to how things work.

    Hotlinking to other sites is causing me issues at the mo. Mr E isn’t to sure so need another excuse for the whip! Tee hee

    Any way

    Thanks you.

  6. Would love to see what you have planned for posts – though I look every day anyway 😉

    Thanks for the link of my site. I have been meaning to do a blog roll as well but still dealing with issues with Blogger! Blah. Haven’t made the switcharoo to WordPress yet.

  7. I’ve been in a tidying up mood too – must be the new moon! I used to be a beauty editor on a magazine, got made redundant and now getting to know the wonderful world of blogging, so am checking out all you experts on a regular basis! thanks! laura

  8. kelliegonzo says:

    you’ve been on my blog roll for a while 🙂 i enjoy your site and would love to be listed on here if you so choose!

  9. Rhamnousia says:

    I don’t really think you should change anything, I stalk your blog anyway so I always see something on here but it could be helpful for people who want to see a certain thing 🙂

    I’d rather like it if you added me to your blogroll, the website is… (as if you don’t have it etched on your heart already..):

  10. Grace London says:

    Hi – would love to be added to your blogroll; I just did some housekeeping myself and added you to mine.


  11. done, done, done, done, done, done.. all clean and tidy.

    Thanks for the comments re: the upcoming post thing.. I’ve added it and I quite like it… it’s making me more focused on what future posts I’ve been considering.

  12. Sophie says:

    I would like to exchange blogroll links, Pliss. You is on mine now 🙂 xx

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