eBay Gel Eye Liner Discovery (Part Deux)

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 21 - 2009

Apologies my lovelies, this post is about 2 weeks late.  I’ll explain why…

After exclaiming my new found love for these el-cheapo gel liners and promising a full review, I wore one of the colour ones and experienced a fair amount of transfer to my upper lid.  Enough to make me rethink whether I should be shouting about them from my virtual rooftop.

I umm’ed and ahh’ed about if for a few days, then promptly forgot they even existed until the weekend whilst playing with rearranging my stash.


I gave two of them another chance and they didn’t move an inch!  Now, the odd thing is this… I wasn’t wearing any primer at the weekend, but I was when they smudged to my upper lid.  However, it may be completely unrelated and I just had particularly oily lids that day or someting bizarro like that.

I’ve already talked about the black… let’s have a little look at the coloured ones I got…


L – R: Shimmer Sky Line, Shimmer Sexy Pink


L-R: Deep Purple, Indigo Blue

Stunning no?


I’ve included the black (from my initial order) in this swatch

Now, I don’t know why they transferred.  Once set on my skin I can run my finger over the top quite firmly and nothing smudges… not even a tiny bit.

Infact, when I tried to wipe them off with one of Leila’s wet wipes, they resisted quite heavily.

Look how hard I had to scrub to remove the pigmentation…


Yes, that is my skin gone all blotchy from the vigourous rubbing and no, they still hadn’t completely faded.  A little bit of makeup remover did the trick.  Infinity Liner indeed.


Swatched on the eye… Clockwise from top-left: Deep Purple, Shimmer Sky Line, Shimmer Sexy Pink, Indigo Blue.

These Infinity Liners are hugely pigmented, soft, creamy and easy to apply.  They take about 30 secs – 1 minute to set and once they do they’re not budging on me despite my best efforts to get them to transfer again.

Infact, as I write this… a thought has occured.  I wonder if *perhaps* there was a slight film of grease or something across the top layer and now that I’ve used them a couple of times and dispersed the grease they’re no longer transferring?  Pure speculation, but I can’t think of any other reasons.  Anddd that doesn’t explain the fact why the black one *does* transfer if I don’t powder it.

My favourite is the Shimmer Sky Line.  It’s positively electric.

Ok, enough of the review already… where did I get them from?

I purchased these from eBay seller CeliaMakeup currently priced at £4.00 each with free delivery.  Delivery is a *little* slow @ just over 2 weeks (my Deal Extreme parcels usually arrive in around 1 week) but they arrived really well-packaged which bodes well for my future orders of those 88 palettes 🙂

I’ve also experienced good customer service from them, I ordered a double-ended eyeliner brush at the same time as my initial order and one end was splayed… they were eager to replace it for me with no problems at all.

Will you be making a purchase?  If so, what colours do you have your eye on?

27 Responses to “eBay Gel Eye Liner Discovery (Part Deux)”

  1. The purple one looks AMAZING! i have to get some 🙂

  2. Kim says:

    Wow they look amazing! Loving the purple and the two blues! I might have to pop on over to eBay and get some 🙂 x

  3. rijaH says:

    Your pictures are so amazing everytime, you make it looks so nice.. i dont really wear it but i want to when i see such good pictures of it ;D

  4. AlicatAHL says:

    Oh dear, I have just clicked on the link to CeliaMakeup and may have bought the purple liner by accident! (wink, wink)! Oh well, these things happen, and it is only £4, so it’s hardly going to break the bank (if I tell myself this enough times, I’m sure I’ll believe it!!)

  5. All the liners are absolutely GORGEOUS on your eyes. Your photography is stunning!

  6. AlicatAHL says:

    I’ve just noticed that you have the same eye shape as me, along with the dreaded hood. I really have a hard time getting my eyeliner right (let alone straight and even), especially the little flick in the outer corner. I just can’t get it right. It’s so enfuriating! I guess practice makes perfect… not good when you’ve got 5 minutes to do your face in the morning.

  7. unetasse says:

    Deep Purple and Indigo Blue are gorgeous!

  8. Rhamnousia says:

    I was lusting after indigo and purple (despite having a purple smudgepot) but now I’m also lusting after the blue as I don’t have any gel liners in that colour.

    I think I will have to use my BB liners a bit more before buying these.

    Also, about the smudging, my gel liners don’t even think about budging when I don’t use a base, when I use a base, it’s smudge city.


  9. Kae says:

    Those look so nice on you, love the bright vibrant colors! You have gorgeous eyes 🙂

  10. Those colours look fab… might have a scout… liking the look of the purple one.x

  11. tackyblueeyeshadow says:

    Love the purple and the indigo blue! I’ll have to get a couple! 🙂 x

  12. Eliza says:

    These are amazing I want them all!



  13. selecu says:

    oh my gosh these look freaking FANTASTIC on you! you should be their eye model or something. haha

    when i gather up some funds, i’ll definitely be getting that indigo one.

  14. […] eBay Gel Eye Liner Discovery (Part Deux) | Lipglossiping […]

  15. @Superficialgirl – The purple is lovely, treat yourself!

  16. @Kim, they are fantastic value for money – I’m still trying to work out the best way to wear them though – I think I need to practise getting thinner lines!

  17. @rijaH – what a sweet thing to say, thank you xx

  18. @AlicatAHL – Hello lovely! Do let me know what you think of it when it arrives! I hope you like 🙂

    Re: Hooded eyes… definitely very tricky… I have one that is far more hooded than the other so I have to do different flick angles to get them to match up once the skin isn’t pulled taut. I’ve been practising forever and I still can’t get ’em. 🙁

  19. @Jamilla – that is too kind of you, thank you xx

  20. @UneTasse – Indigo blue is really unusual too… would look fab on hazelly brown eyes.

  21. @Rhamnousia – that’s really interesting about the base and smudging… time for an experiment I think!

    @Kae – what a lovely thing to say, thank you! xx

    @LionLovingTiger – everybody’s digging the purple. I’m still loving the blue more 😛

  22. @TackyBlueEyeshadow – Please let me know what you think!

    @Eliza – LOL!

    @Selecu – LOL! You should, the indigo is stunning!

  23. AlicatAHL says:

    Yay! My Deep Purple arrived this morning, and I love it! It did take ages to arrive as you warned, but it was well packaged and there was no damage at all.

    I love the texture, and the colour is gorgeous against my green eyes. It was very easy to apply using a NARS smudger brush. I wore the ELF Creme Shadow in Liquorice, with Mocha Swirl to blend, and used the Deep Purple to line the top and bottom lash line, and lashings of Calorie 2000. It looked gorgeous, and didn’t shift until this evening when I took my slap off. Now I wish I had bought the black, and to be honest, for 4 squids, I think I might just go ahead and order one anyway.

    I might not even bother replacing the Sleek Ink Pot gel eyeliner that I took back because it was rock hard and dry, and just wait the 3 weeks for a black one to take the slow boat from China…

  24. […] Generic eBay liner (see review) Used 2x – Not keen on the colour – […]

  25. Redtiger21 says:

    Oooh those colours are luuurrrvely!! Now, I’ve got to say, this is quite interesting BECAUSE: they’re really similar to the coastal scents gel liners aren’t they? They have the same names too, right? ANNNNDDD I have the CS gel liner in black, and I was like, ohhh my God it smudges so much! And then I saw a review on youtube of the CS gel liners, and the ones she was reviewing were all shimmery colurs, and she was showing how much they wouldn’t budge- SOOO i was thinking maybe it’s just the non-shimmer colours that are more slippery? But then having said that, after ignoring my black gel liner for ages, I gave it another go the other day, and it stayed pretty well! So maybe like you say, it’s when the initial top layer is gone then the product works properly? I dunno, I’m rambling, just thought it was interesting (well, it was to me, anyway!!!)


  26. […] eBay Generic Gel Eyeliner used as a cream shadow (Shimmer Skyline) – hard to blend but worth it. ~ Laura Geller […]

  27. Connie says:

    Can’t believe I didn’t see this post earlier! thanks so much for the review. the colors look amazing! I just ordered Deep Purple and Indigo blue (though that looks teal)

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