Misc. Ramblings…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 27 - 2009

Apologies for this post, it’s random, pic heavy and barely touches on makeup at all *shock horror*

I’m sharing this pseudo-post ‘cos I still can’t be arsed to formulate a proper review on ANYTHING.  My recent hauls are scattered around the house and I’m too lazy to get off my fat bum and round them up for a group photo and I keep forgetting to write down what I used when I do a FOTD which makes it about as useful as a chocolate teapot to anyone but me.

Without further ado…

Look!  Gratuitous pics of my baby girl!



She’s 10 weeks old now and learnt how to grasp and hold onto things this weekend – Einstein I’m telling ya.  Still not giggling though.  I suspect she thinks her parents aren’t very funny, well not ha-ha funny anyway…

Ooh, I’ve also turned into Fanny Cradock and can’t stop baking – maybe it’s a long repressed maternal thing.   Here’s my latest success:


Apple and Cinnamon Cake (with a little bit of ginger thrown in aswell!) – I’m planning on doing a Banana and Baileys one tomorrow (a chopped up Mars bar might fall in to the mixture too!).

What else have I been up to?  A random makeup tidbit, I wore a red lipstick today for the first time ever, well… not the first time ever, but the first time I’ve ever worn it outside the house.


Revlon’s new Colorstay liquid last forever thingamibob in Top Tomato (incase you’re interested) which may be a bit warm for my skintone.

That’s all folks, hope you’re still awake and indeed haven’t died of boredom after reading the post of random capriciousness*

‘Till next time xxxx

*attn. grammar police – Do those two words make sense together? I just wanted an excuse to say ‘capricious’ really…

17 Responses to “Misc. Ramblings…”

  1. SukaAndSpice says:

    sometimes these are the best kinds of posts…she’s adorable, and your photography is great!

  2. Camilla says:

    your daughter is absolutely adorable! I love the pics you got. it’s hard to get some good shot when they’re that age. And that lippie is amazing on you!

  3. tali says:

    LOOOve this random post (found the link on twittertwatter)
    Your baby is beyond gorgeous!! Very cute little thing.. she looks so happy! And the cinnamon apple cake looks yummy!

  4. mizzworthy says:

    Your baby girl is just adorable – as said above she looks like the happiest little thing! xxx

  5. mizzworthy says:

    Oh – you rock the red lip look too!

  6. Deborah says:

    Your daughter is beautiful!!!! and I love the red lip on you. Understated glamour!

  7. @SukaAndSpice Thank you very much!!

  8. @Camilla, thanks for stopping by, you’re telling me it’s hard – she’s a little spitfire who never keeps still! Thanks for your kind comment 🙂

  9. Hi Tali, the cake was fab and pretty healthy too… well, it would have been if I hadn’t had 7 slices…

  10. Hi Jenn, aww thank you very much chick!

  11. Hey Deborah, ooh understated glamour, how flippin’ lovely are you?! xxxx

  12. VexInTheCity says:

    Awww bless her – look at those lovely eyes. Oh I’m broody enough as it is without needing any more encouragement!!!! You have the friggin best camera in the blogging world – I want that cake now!!!

  13. Hi Yinka, ya wanna keep that broodiness in check, I felt like that about 12 months ago and now look what happened!! hehe…

    and oi, oi, it ain’t the camera – it’s the photographer… you wouldn’t go up to Jamie Oliver and compliment him on his freakin’ awesome frying pans!! LOL

  14. Your baby is ADORABLE!! Love that red on you!

  15. aww thank you Michelle! 🙂

  16. That cake looks yummy! I love baking and have just bought some new cake books but im dieting atm so am resisting trying out the recipes 🙁 Your daughter is gorgeous! xx

  17. @Lipsandlashes – thank you so much! The cake was lovely, I’ve made some more since, but haven’t bettered that one. Boo hiss on the diet, but I so need to join you! If you find any particularly fab cake recipes in your new book, please do share them with me!

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