Pondering Eyeko’s Tinted Cream

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 31 - 2009

Any kind of bronzer scares me, the thought of it leaves me feeling a little shakey, damp palmed and out of my depth.

I’m pretty pale.  Not in a beautiful Anne Hathaway delicate porcelain doll way unfortunately.  I’m her ruddier, blotchier capillaried sister.

Either way, I have never learnt how to DO bronzer successfully.  I know how it’s supposed to work and be applied.  In theory it’s easy.  I am just so far from achieving that gently sunkissed, delicately contoured natural look that it’s untrue.

Although thankfully, not as far as him:


So, when I saw the Eyeko tinted cream, I was both interested and horrified in equal measure…


Is it just me or does that look very, very brown…

I love the original Eyeko cream and add a small amount to my foundation every morning.  As long as I’m light handed, it leaves an incredibly beautiful slightly soft focus brightening glow to my complexion, without being shimmery or glittery.  As an aside, if I attempt to use the cream as a highlighter alone, it sinks into my pores rendering them insanely noticeable – weird.

The question is, would the tinted cream have the same lovely effect as the original cream if I mix a little with my moisturiser and apply sparingly to areas that I would ‘bronze’… or would I look like an Oompah Loompah with enlarged pores…

A quandry indeed.  If anyone fancies trying this out for themselves, it’s available from Eyeko for a meagre £5 with free shipping, and feel free to use my ambassador code (E3208) for a free gift.

Max Factor 2000 Calorie Dramatic Look Mascara – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 29 - 2009

So, I’ve been wearing Max Factor’s old volumising favourite 2000 Calorie mascara for a few days now, and I’m really rather impressed.

Firstly, I hate, HATE the smell of the stuff.  It’s quite pungent and chemically, a horrible whiff as the wand passes my nose on it’s way to my lashes.  It also sports a chunky brush not unlike Benefit’s Bad Gal.

Not sure if it’s just mine but the formula is quite dry aswell which I’m actually really liking.   My initial reaction was irritation that I had picked up one that was drying out… but it really doesn’t seem to be – it just seems to collect the perfect amount on the wand every dip without any big splodges (gotta love my technical expressions)…

Anyway, here’s a before/after:


My left lashes (right on the image) always clump a little more than the right.  It’s a bit tricky to get to the very outer lashes with this chunky wand, but not impossible.  Can’t see too much lengthening or extra curl going on here, but there’s definitely some decent volumising and the pigmentation is a really nice solid black.

For the price, I am really impressed.  It’s very forgiving to apply – often if I go in for more than one coat, my lashes start to clump whilst I simultaneously begin to curse.  I didn’t have a problem at all with this mascara doing that.

Overall… I will absolutely buy this again especially when you can often pick this up for less than a fiver from the online discount cosmetic websites (although not before I’ve tried the new 2000 calorie extreme lash plumper with the apparent MEGA wand!)

As a direct comparison to Benefit’s Bad Gal (click link for my review), I really can’t say that Bad Gal is worth spending the extra money on.  Bad Gal is slightly blacker, thinner in consistency and feels a little more conditioning to your lashes – but I’m not sure those 3 differences justify spending double the amount of money over this drugstore cheapy.  It’s a tough one.

[starreview tpl=14]

NOTD – OPI – I’m Not Really A Waitress

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 27 - 2009

The perfect wine red for cool toned gals like me.  I always forget just how much I love this shade until I rediscover it in my little box of polishes.


A solid 2 coater, hardwearing and glossy with a lovely shimmer.


I have a slight problem with nail tip wear with this polish though, you might be able to make out on the tips of my ring and little finger in the above photo which was taken the morning after application.  I’m guilty of not wrapping my polish over the tips of my nails though, it always feels like such a sloppy thing to do.  Does it really aid longevity on the tips?

Anyone care to share their ‘classic’ faves?

FOTD – Face of the Day – Purple

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 25 - 2009


So I’m getting a little braver – go me!  Still nowhere near as accomplished or imaginative as some of you lovely ladies, but – baby steps!


As you can see, with this FOTD – the focus is on the eyes.  There’s a slick of sheer lipgloss there but it’s barely pigmented and again, I’m crap at making my blushes show up.  I either go too subtle or all out Bozo the clown stylee – grrr, it’s something I really need to get the hang of!


I can’t bring myself to apply above the crease either… I always end up attacking it with a q-tip.  It just doesn’t suit me – I look in the mirror and shout “Eurgh, garish – gerrit off!” – and yet it looks so lovely on other ladies.  Maybe my eyes are too deep set to carry it off?  Maybe I’m just a big pussy who doesn’t deserve to own any makeup if she can’t wear it proudly and unashamedly – I’m on the fence with that judgement.

Products used (Eyes):

Sleek – I-Divine Palette (Original) – Colours used shown below:

Sleek Ink Pot Gel Liner – Purple Rain
Barry M Glitter Dust – Black Purple (outer V and under eye)
Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara – I love it!


Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 24 - 2009

My beautiful little girl Leila.  I’m in love!


She arrived on Saturday 16th May at 6.22am weighing a lovely 7lb 6oz.  She entered the world through the sunroof thanks to an emergency c-section after the induction went a bit wrong.  As you can see it appears that I have given birth to a little redhead, I didn’t see that one coming – hope it doesn’t change though… I adore it!   Her Daddy and I are massively in love with her and think we might just keep her.

As for me, my stitches itch and pull but I’m one for looking on the bright side – so at least my foof is intact!  I’ve only got about a weeks worth of posts lined up, so I need to get back into the swing of things!  I’ve got loads of lovely goodies to review and play with, I would do a FOTD except I’ve broken out in lovely hormonal spots – so, not a chance!

Forgive me if it goes a bit quiet round here at the end of the week.  You’ll probably find me crazy eyed, covered in a mix of vomit and shit, gently rocking myself in the dark corner over there K?


NYX Hauling to the UK courtesy of MsCuppyCakes

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 22 - 2009

I put in an order for some goodies from across the pond.  I’ve been wanting to try NYX Cosmetics for ages, but just haven’t gotten round to it until recently.


I scoured the net to find the best sites to order from (without the extortionate international postage charges) and it was a toss up between MsCuppyCakes & NonPareilBoutique.

After adding the products I wanted to both baskets, MsCuppyCakes had the edge on overall cost thanks to the fantastic shipping charges and current unbeatable offers on the Loose Pearl Eyeshadows.  I also found the website easier to navigate.  To be fair, NonPareilBoutique slightly had the edge on range of products that were instock so I may end up back there to pick up a couple of bits if MsCuppyCakes don’t stock them.

I really, really want to try Milani’s Mineral Blush in Luminous which NonPareilBoutique had listed on the site, but for some reason it wouldn’t let me add it to my basket – gutted about that.


Anyway, I ordered:

5 NYX Round Lipsticks which I’ve heard great things about.  I only own 5 lipsticks, so it’s a great way to try out some new shades.  As you know, I’m fairly neutral inclined – so apart from one, most of these colours are taupey/neutral pinks and nudes.  I got: Chaos, Darling, Ceto, Saturn, Rea

7 Loose Pearl Eyeshadows in shades: Pearl, Sky Pink, Nude, Charcoal, Baby Blue, Ocean Blue & Lime (eek!)

2 Nail Polishes in Jungle (a gorgeous teal/green) & Red Pearl

1 Slim Lip Pencil in shade Plush Red (to go with my Chaos lipstick if the shades match up well enough).

Total inc. shipping came to: $26.15 (how bargainous is that!) which should just about keep me under the Import VAT threshold as long as it doesn’t get overinsured by the seller (one of my pet peeves!).

I’ll be back to let you know how MsCuppyCakes performs as an international distributor for NYX cosmetics!

UPDATE: Read my experience with MsCuppyCakes here

Looking forward to receiving my goodies, I shall do swatches and reviews when the parcel lands on my doormat. ‘Cited!

P.S. – If you have any recs for US online cosmetic boutiques with reasonable international shipping – please let me know about them, I’m always on the hunt!

Fudge Head Polish – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 20 - 2009


I have had the same hairstyle for the last 10 years – well, not really a hairstyle, it’s just down to the middle of my back, no fringe with an off centre parting.  I couldn’t get my hair styled shorter than my shoulders because I’d miss the flexibility of being able to wear it up and pull it away from my face.  I also can’t be arsed with hair straighteners to be honest.  I have a slight wave to my straight hair which has never bothered me and I really am not high maintenance enough to get into the whole poker straight thing so I’m limited really with styling products I can play with.

However, the one thing I’d love that my hair lacks is more shine.

Enter Fudge Head Polish.  This is marketed as a ‘hair shiner’.  I’ve previously tried Tresemme Salon Silk which does add a bit of gloss to my hair but does absolutely nothing to control flyaways and if anything seems to make them worse especially if I wash my hair and apply it before bed.  I also haven’t worked out how to successfully apply it to dry hair without making myself look like chip pan head.

Fudge Head Polish is less ‘sticky’ than the Tresemme – it’s thicker and gloopier, but doesn’t leave a residue on your hands.  I can detect a strong scent which I’ve spent all day sticking under my husband’s nostrils to see if he can help me identify it.  So far, we’re thinking aniseed… but we’re not 100% confident on that – either way, it’s really rather nice if a little pungent!


I’ve used this on both wet and dry hair and achieved the same results of instant super shine – again, it’s not massively taming the flyaways (works better on dry hair) but it does a better job than Tresemme.  It also really seems to smooth the hair shaft near the ends and make them feel less ‘prickly’ for want of a better expression.  I purchased this from Tops-Hair-Salon on eBay who are great for Fudge products and delivered super quickly.

I would definitely repurchase this, although I think Fudge have discontinued it (typical) – so if you want to try it out, head to eBay and grab a bargain while they’re still available!  I paid just under £2 inc. postage.

[starreview tpl=14]

Cory Cosmetics Mini Sample Haul

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 19 - 2009

I’ve read that Cory Cosmetics offer some of the highest coverage for mineral foundations and despite the mixed reviews on MUA, I’ve plumped for a selection of foundation and blusher samples for those days when we need that bit of extra confidence in our foundation.

Cory Cosmetics is also purported to be one of the ‘purest’ mineral makeup lines – even doing mica free versions of their products.  Not hugely relevant to me, as I don’t seem to have too much in the way of sensitivity problems towards mineral makeup.

Samples are $.45 each – I’ve ordered 13 samples which combined with shipping came to a total of $10.80.

I’m really looking forward to comparing them to my Elemental Beauty foundation (review) which I am still totally in love with.  Infact, the only reason I’m cheating on it is because I want to try some mineral blushes and can try so many more different shades for the same price from Cory Cosmetics than I could from Elemental Beauty.

Will be back to let you know how they fare!

Smashbox Cleansing Oil – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 18 - 2009

I was on the lookout for a replacement for my beloved DHC Deep Cleansing Oil (which at £16 a bottle is a touch rich for my blood whilst currently hemorrhaging money in preperation for my new arrival)… when I came across Smashbox Cleansing Oil on eBay for £5 a bottle.


I’ve been trying it for 3 weeks now and thought I’d give my verdict on how it compares to DHC.

It’s a huge bottle in comparison to most branded Cleansing Oils weighing in at 345ml and is definitely thinner and lighter so a little really goes a long way!  It doesn’t cause me any sensitivity – even practically rubbing it into my eyes (and I often react to the mildest of products).  It removes all that DHC does and removes everything perfectly – so far top marks…

I’m not a huge fan of the smell, it’s slight cucumber-ey in a cheap rather than refreshing way, but it’s not terribly noticeable.  The real problem though…

…It just doesn’t emulsify well at all (which DHC does brilliantly), this stuff sticks to my face-cloth and skin like tar no matter how many times I rinse in hot water.  Which means that even after the next step of washing my face with my favourite cleanser/mild soap I can still feel the oil on my skin thanks to it transferring back from my face-cloth. 

I also have to scrub the sink everytime I wash my face as it leaves a ring of make up on the sink – not really a problem (infact it’s quite satisfying looking at all that makeup grime in a gruesome sunburn-peeling kinda way) but worth mentioning.

This ‘problem’ as I see it might not bother you if you’re used to traditional OCM, but if you’re prone to breakouts – you need to be extra vigilant to ensure your skin is free from the product after cleansing.

I bought my Smashbox Cleansing Oil from this seller, it’s available from other sellers and also some of the discount cosmetic websites have it in stock at a good price as it’s now a discontinued Smashbox skincare item.

However, I won’t be buying it again – I just don’t have the patience last thing at night to meticulously go over my skin a 100x to ensure all the oil is removed.  Such a shame, ‘cos everything else about it is truly spot-on.

I can’t bring myself to bin it either seeing as it does work so well in all other aspects.  I shall have to invest in some more face cloths and ensure I only use one for the oil and refill the sink a couple of times inbetween cleansing… makes it all a bit high maintenance though!

Oh, I hate to give it such a low score – but that singular problem is a BIG deal for me.

[starreview tpl=14]

Lisa Stickley Terence Makeup Bag

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 17 - 2009


How cute?

£18.00 and available from Lisa Stickley

Love it!

FOTD – Face of the Day – Neutral

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 16 - 2009

Welcome to my world of boring but wearable neutrals.  I love colour, but I’m not sure it loves me – I’m still experimenting though so hopefully my FOTDs will get a little more adventurous over time!


Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer
Grimas Concealer – Shade G0
Bourjois Lilas D’or Blush – (I was a bit too light handed)
Lavshuca Blush/Highlighter Duo – PK1
SK-II Airbrush Foundation Shade OP1 – (my first test with it! ‘citing!)


Revlon Brow Fill in Powder
Urban Decay Primer Potion
Sleek i-Divine Eyeshadow Palette – Storm
Stargazer Cake Eyeliner – Brown (Upper) – still loving it!
Some random Boots No7 Brown Kohl (Lower)
Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara


Art Deco Waterproof Lip Liner #17 – used as base and liner
Elizabeth Arden High Shine Lip Gloss – #10 Pink Champagne

Talking about pedestal products the other day…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 15 - 2009

…look what I’ve got in my grubby little hands!


Hello lover, please don’t disappoint me.  Anyone got one of these little beauties, any tips?


Sugarpill Cosmetics Starling Swatch & Review

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Tune into QVC this Sunday for the first Elemis TSV of 2014!

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Accessorize Illusion Aztec Nail Polish NOTD

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Red Lip Series: Burberry Lip Velvet in #310 Military Red

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…look what I’ve got in my grubby little hands! Hello lover, please don’t disappoint me.  Anyone got one of these little beauties, any tips?

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

…look what I’ve got in my grubby little hands! Hello lover, please don’t disappoint me.  Anyone got one of these little beauties, any tips?

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

…look what I’ve got in my grubby little hands! Hello lover, please don’t disappoint me.  Anyone got one of these little beauties, any tips?

Dear Obesity...

…look what I’ve got in my grubby little hands! Hello lover, please don’t disappoint me.  Anyone got one of these little beauties, any tips?

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

…look what I’ve got in my grubby little hands! Hello lover, please don’t disappoint me.  Anyone got one of these little beauties, any tips?


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